dmenu \- dynamic menu
.B dmenu
-.RB [ \-b ]
.RB [ \-i ]
-.RB [ \-fn " <font>"]
-.RB [ \-nb " <color>"]
-.RB [ \-nf " <color>"]
-.RB [ \-p " <prompt>"]
-.RB [ \-sb " <color>"]
-.RB [ \-sf " <color>"]
+.RB [ \-b ]
+.RB [ \-e " <xid>]"
+.RB [ \-l " <lines>]"
+.RB [ \-fn " <font>]"
+.RB [ \-nb " <color>]"
+.RB [ \-nf " <color>]"
+.RB [ \-p " <prompt>]"
+.RB [ \-sb " <color>]"
+.RB [ \-sf " <color>]"
.RB [ \-v ]
.SS Overview
.SS Options
+.B \-i
+makes dmenu match menu entries case insensitively.
.B \-b
-makes dmenu appear at the screen bottom (by default it appears at the screen top).
+defines that dmenu appears at the bottom.
-.B \-i
-makes dmenu match menu entries with ignoring intermediate characters.
+.B \-e <xid>
+reparents dmenu to the window specified by xid.
+.B \-l <lines>
+activates vertical list mode.
+The given number of lines will be displayed. Window height will get adjusted.
.B \-fn <font>
defines the font.
Appends the character to the text in the input field. This works as a filter:
only items containing this text will be displayed.
-.B Left/Right (Mod1\-h/Mod1\-l)
+.B Left/Right (Up/Down) (Mod1\-h/Mod1\-l)
Select the previous/next item.
.B PageUp/PageDown (Mod1\-k/Mod1\-j)