-.TP 2
-Left/Right (Control-p/Control-n)
-select the previous/next item.
-.TP 2
-Tab (Control-i)
-copy the selected item to the input field.
-.TP 2
-Enter (Control-j)
-confirm selection and quit (print the selected item to stdout).
-.TP 2
-Shift-Enter (Shift-Control-j)
-confirm selection and quit (print the text in the input field to stdout).
-.TP 2
-Escape (Control-[)
-quit without selecting an item.
-.TP 2
-Backspace (Control-h)
-remove enough characters from the input field to change its filtering effect.
-.TP 2
-remove all characters from the input field.
-.SS Exit codes
-.B dmenu
+.B Left/Right
+Select the previous/next item.
+.B Tab
+Copy the selected item to the input field.
+.B Return
+Confirm selection and quit (print the selected item to standard output). Returns
+.B 0
+on termination.
+.B Shift-Return
+Confirm selection and quit (print the text in the input field to standard output).