Xinqi Bao's Git

fixed fallback
[dmenu.git] / main.c
2007-09-15 Anselm R. Garbefixed fallback
2007-07-24 arg@f00b4rapplied ido-matching to dmenu
2007-05-30 Anselm R. Garbereferred to LICENSE file
2007-05-23 Kris MaglioneMerge.
2007-05-23 Anselm R. Garberemoved some superflous strncmp's
2007-05-02 Anselm R. Garbefixed a small bug in dmenu when an empty font is supplied
2007-04-13 Anselm R. Garbemaking copyright notice more compact
2007-03-27 Anselm R. Garbeallowing numpad keys as inpyt
2007-03-07 Anselm R. Garbeattempt to grab the keyboard only 1000 times, not forever.
2007-03-07 Anselm R. Garbereverting keyboard grab to root window - invoking sever...
2007-03-06 Kris MaglioneWait for an Expose and draw the menu immediately after...
2007-03-02 Anselm R. Garbekeyboard grab works on the dmenu window now (not on...
2007-03-02 Anselm R. Garbealso, don't set the font all the time
2007-02-27 Anselm R. Garbeuseless var declaration prev_nitem
2007-02-26 Anselm R. Garbechanged Backspace/C-w behavior (now it only removes...
2007-02-26 Anselm R. Garbeif isatty() first read from stdin and then grab the...
2007-02-23 Anselm R. Garbefixed a bug when dmenu is run with -v
2007-02-20 Anselm R. Garberenamed getcolor to initcolor
2007-02-20 Anselm R. Garbes/setfont/initfont/
2007-02-20 Anselm R. Garbereadded draw.c again (except getcolor and setfont)
2007-02-19 Anselm R. Garberemoved -t, now using isatty() instead of select()...
2007-02-19 Anselm R. Garberemoved draw.c, implemented C-w handling (backward...
2007-02-08 Anselm R. Garbenah nah nah, I can't get used to the bottom bar, pushi...
2007-02-08 Anselm R. Garbeletting dmenu appear at the bottom by default
2007-01-17 Anselm R. Garbehotfix changes
2007-01-16 Anselm R. Garbesmall fix
2007-01-16 Anselm R. Garberemoved useless mx, my
2007-01-11 Anselm R. Garbeadded evil key support to dmenu
2007-01-10 Anselm R. Garbeapplied Sanders dmenu_ctrlchars.patch (thanks!)
2007-01-10 Anselm R. Garbeapplied Alexis Hildebrandts patches
2007-01-02 arg@mig29corrections
2007-01-02 arg@mig29corrected
2007-01-02 arg@mig29next version will contain updated copyright notice
2006-12-19 arg@mig29prepared dmenu-1.8, shortened command line options...
2006-12-18 arg@mig29agreed with Sander
2006-12-18 arg@mig29applied Stefan Tibus' sun patch, added -bottom option...
2006-12-14 arg@mig29hotfix
2006-12-14 arg@mig29added vi-like key-bindings for keyboards without cursor...
2006-12-14 arg@mig29silent hotfix
2006-12-14 arg@mig29applied hotfix of sander
2006-12-13 arg@mig29added prompt option (-p 'prompt text'), documented...
2006-12-12 arg@mig29ordered switch branches in kpress alphabetically, appli...
2006-12-07 arg@mig29also fixing dmenu accordingly
2006-11-26 arg@mig29fixing sizeof stuff
2006-10-23 Anselm R. Garberemoved misleading input cursor
2006-10-23 Anselm R. Garbefixing arg handling in dmenu (thanks to Sander for...
2006-10-10 Anselm R. Garbesimplified main event loop
2006-10-06 Anselm R. Garbesmall change
2006-10-06 Anselm R. Garberemoved useless newlines
2006-09-26 arg@mmvireverting
2006-09-26 arg@mmviadded fallback to color initialization
2006-09-26 arg@mmviremoved config.h stuff, made dwm configurable due to...
2006-09-26 arg@mmviuriel didn't understood dmenu code, he broke nearly...
2006-09-26 arg@wmii.deapplied a change made by Uriel to dmenu (though I didn...
2006-09-25 arg@mmviapplied something similiar to Jukkas patch
2006-09-12 Anselm R. Garbemade function signatures more consistent to my coding...
2006-09-08 Anselm R. Garbeimplemented early keyboard grab for dmenu with a timeou...
2006-09-04 Anselm R. Garbesmall change of main event loop
2006-08-25 Anselm R. Garbeupdated dmenu to borderless drawing as well
2006-08-25 Anselm R. Garbeback to 3 colors
2006-08-24 Anselm R. Garbemigrated dmenu to use 4 instead of 3 colors
2006-08-24 Anselm R. Garberemoved unnecessary Xlib call
2006-08-16 Anselm R.Garbefixed a typo in, fixed cleanup code in dmenu...
2006-08-10 Anselm R.Garbereadded border colors, this sucks least
2006-08-10 Anselm R.Garberemoved unnecessary border color
2006-08-10 Anselm R.Garbeadded uppercase chars for C-u and C-h as well
2006-08-10 Anselm R.Garberemoved C-[ from source and man page
2006-08-07 arg@10ksloc.orgfixed a bad mistake setting the dmenu border to False;
2006-08-07 arg@10ksloc.orgrenamed some functions to make it more readable
2006-08-07 arg@10ksloc.orgremoved -t title crap from dmenu
2006-08-05 arg@10ksloc.orgsmall change
2006-08-04 arg@10ksloc.orgrearranged several stuff
2006-08-04 arg@10ksloc.orginitial import