.RB [ \-v ]
.B dwm
-is a dynamic window manager for X11. It manages windows in tiling and floating
+is a dynamic window manager for X. It manages windows in tiling and floating
modes. Either mode can be applied dynamically, optimizing the environment for
the application in use and the task performed.
.B dwm
-has a small status bar which displays the text read from standard
-input, if written. Besides that, it displays all available tags, and the title
-of the focused window. It draws a 1-pixel border around windows to
-indicate the focus state. Unfocused windows contain a small bar in front of
-them displaying their tags and title.
+contains a small status bar which displays all available tags, the mode, the
+title of the focused window, and the text read from standard input. The tags of
+the focused window are highlighted with a small point.
+.B dwm
+draws a 1-pixel border around windows to indicate the focus state.
+Unfocused windows contain a small bar in front of them displaying their title.
.B \-v
.B Standard input
is read and displayed in the status text area.
-.B Button[1,3]
-click on a tag label focuses that
-.B tag.
+.B Button1
+click on a tag label views all windows with that
+.BR tag ,
+click on the mode label toggles between
+.B tiled
+.B floating
.B Button2
-click on a tag label toggles that
-.B tag.
+click on a tag label adds/removes that
+.B tag
+to/from the focused
+.B window.
+.B Button3
+click on a tag label adds/removes all windows with that
+.B tag
+to/from the view.
.SS Keyboard commands
+.B Mod1-Shift-Return
+.BR xterm (1).
+.B Mod1-Tab
+Focus next
+.BR window .
+.B Mod1-Shift-Tab
+Focus previous
+.BR window .
.B Mod1-Return
Zoom current
.B window
to the
.B master
-.B Mod1-j
-Focus next
-.B window.
-.B Mod1-k
-Focus previous
-.B window.
+.RB ( tiling
+mode only).
.B Mod1-m
Maximize current
-.B window.
+.BR window .
-.B Mod1-[0..n]
-.B nth tag.
+.B Mod1-Shift-[0..n]
+.B nth tag
+to current
+.BR window .
+.B Mod1-Control-Shift-[0..n]
+.B nth tag
+to/from current
+.BR window .
+.B Mod1-Shift-c
+Close focused
+.B window.
.B Mod1-space
Toggle between
mode (affects
.BR "all windows" ).
-.B Mod1-Shift-[0..n]
-.B nth tag
-to current
-.B window.
+.B Mod1-[0..n]
+View all windows with
+.BR "tag n" .
-.B Mod1-Shift-c
-Close focused
-.B window.
+.B Mod1-a
+View all windows with any
+.BR "tag" .
+.B Mod1-Control-[0..n]
+Add/remove all windows with
+.B tag n
+to/from the view.
.B Mod1-Shift-q
.B dwm.
-.B Mod1-Shift-Return
-.B terminal.
-.B Mod1-Control-[0..n]
-.B nth tag.
-.B Mod1-Control-Shift-[0..n]
-.B nth tag
-to current
-.B window.
.SS Mouse commands
.B Mod1-Button1
Move current
.B window
-while dragging.
+while dragging
+.RB ( floating
+mode only).
.B Mod1-Button2
Zoom current
.B window
to the
.B master
+.RB ( tiling
+mode only).
.B Mod1-Button3
Resize current
.B window
-while dragging.
+while dragging
+.RB ( floating
+mode only).
.B dwm
is customized by creating a custom config.h and (re)compiling the source
code. This keeps it fast, secure and simple.
-The status bar displays
-.BR "broken pipe"
+The status bar may display
+.B broken pipe
.B dwm
has been started by
.BR xdm (1),
because it closes standard output before executing
-.B dwm.
+.BR dwm .
.BR dmenu (1)