X-Git-Url: https://git.xinqibao.xyz/dwm.git/blobdiff_plain/010fd21b2037923e9ba1f0d67a67bbf8d8da2c89..fc109ea8f72e662ed58ef45329b6ca9e91d61d3b:/dwm.h

diff --git a/dwm.h b/dwm.h
index b33d073..0d55143 100644
--- a/dwm.h
+++ b/dwm.h
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
- * (C)opyright MMVI Anselm R. Garbe <garbeam at gmail dot com>
- * See LICENSE file for license details.
+/* See LICENSE file for copyright and license details.
  * dynamic window manager is designed like any other X client as well. It is
  * driven through handling X events. In contrast to other X clients, a window
@@ -25,9 +23,8 @@
  * Keys and tagging rules are organized as arrays and defined in the config.h
  * file. These arrays are kept static in event.o and tag.o respectively,
- * because no other part of dwm needs access to them.  The current mode is
- * represented by the arrange() function pointer, which wether points to
- * dofloat() or dotile(). 
+ * because no other part of dwm needs access to them.  The current layout is
+ * represented by the lt pointer.
  * To understand everything else, start reading main.c:main().
@@ -37,143 +34,117 @@
 /* mask shorthands, used in event.c and client.c */
 #define BUTTONMASK		(ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask)
-#define MOUSEMASK		(BUTTONMASK | PointerMotionMask)
-/* other stuff used in different places */
-#define BORDERPX		1
-#define MINW			100
-#define PROTODELWIN		1
-enum { NetSupported, NetWMName, NetLast };		/* EWMH atoms */
-enum { WMProtocols, WMDelete, WMLast };			/* default atoms */
+enum { BarTop, BarBot, BarOff };			/* bar position */
 enum { CurNormal, CurResize, CurMove, CurLast };	/* cursor */
-enum { ColFG, ColBG, ColLast };				/* color */
-typedef enum {
-	StackLeft, StackBottom, StackRight
-} StackPos; /* stack position*/
-typedef enum {
-	TopLeft, TopRight, BotLeft, BotRight
-} Corner; /* window corners */
-typedef union {
-	const char *cmd;
-	int i;
-} Arg; /* argument type */
-typedef struct {
-	int ascent;
-	int descent;
-	int height;
-	XFontSet set;
-	XFontStruct *xfont;
-} Fnt;
-typedef struct {
-	int x, y, w, h;
-	unsigned long norm[ColLast];
-	unsigned long sel[ColLast];
-	unsigned long status[ColLast];
-	Drawable drawable;
-	Fnt font;
-	GC gc;
-} DC; /* draw context */
+enum { ColBorder, ColFG, ColBG, ColLast };		/* color */
+enum { NetSupported, NetWMName, NetLast };		/* EWMH atoms */
+enum { WMProtocols, WMDelete, WMName, WMState, WMLast };/* default atoms */
 typedef struct Client Client;
 struct Client {
 	char name[256];
-	int proto;
 	int x, y, w, h;
 	int rx, ry, rw, rh; /* revert geometry */
-	int tx, ty, tw, th; /* title window geometry */
 	int basew, baseh, incw, inch, maxw, maxh, minw, minh;
-	int grav;
+	int minax, maxax, minay, maxay;
+	int unmapped;
 	long flags; 
-	unsigned int border, weight;
-	Bool isfloat, ismax;
+	unsigned int border, oldborder;
+	Bool isbanned, isfixed, ismax, isfloating;
 	Bool *tags;
 	Client *next;
 	Client *prev;
 	Client *snext;
 	Window win;
-	Window twin;
+typedef struct {
+	int x, y, w, h;
+	unsigned long norm[ColLast];
+	unsigned long sel[ColLast];
+	Drawable drawable;
+	GC gc;
+	struct {
+		int ascent;
+		int descent;
+		int height;
+		XFontSet set;
+		XFontStruct *xfont;
+	} font;
+} DC; /* draw context */
 extern const char *tags[];			/* all tags */
-extern char stext[1024];			/* status text */
-extern int bx, by, bw, bh, bmw;			/* bar geometry, bar mode label width */
-extern int master, screen, sx, sy, sw, sh;	/* screen geometry, master dimension*/
-extern unsigned int ntags, numlockmask;		/* number of tags, dynamic lock mask */
+extern char stext[256];				/* status text */
+extern int screen, sx, sy, sw, sh;		/* screen geometry */
+extern int wax, way, wah, waw;			/* windowarea geometry */
+extern unsigned int bh, blw, bpos;		/* bar height, bar layout label width, bar position */
+extern unsigned int ntags, numlockmask;		/* number of tags, numlock mask */
 extern void (*handler[LASTEvent])(XEvent *);	/* event handler */
-extern void (*arrange)(Arg *);			/* arrange function, indicates mode  */
-extern Atom wmatom[WMLast], netatom[NetLast];
-extern Bool running, issel, *seltag;		/* seltag is array of Bool */
+extern Atom dwmprops, wmatom[WMLast], netatom[NetLast];
+extern Bool selscreen, *seltags;		/* seltags is array of Bool */
 extern Client *clients, *sel, *stack;		/* global client list and stack */
 extern Cursor cursor[CurLast];
 extern DC dc;					/* global draw context */
 extern Display *dpy;
-extern StackPos stackpos;
 extern Window root, barwin;
 /* client.c */
-extern void ban(Client *c);			/* ban c from screen */
-extern void configure(Client *c);		/* send synthetic configure event */
-extern void focus(Client *c);			/* focus c, c may be NULL */
-extern Client *getclient(Window w);		/* return client of w */
-extern Client *getctitle(Window w);		/* return client of title window */
-extern void gravitate(Client *c, Bool invert);	/* gravitate c */
-extern void killclient(Arg *arg);		/* kill c nicely */
-extern void manage(Window w, XWindowAttributes *wa);	/* manage new client */
-extern void resize(Client *c, Bool sizehints, Corner sticky); /* resize c*/
-extern void resizetitle(Client *c);		/* resizes c->twin correctly */
-extern void updatesize(Client *c);			/* update the size structs of c */
-extern void updatetitle(Client *c);		/* update the name of c */
-extern void unmanage(Client *c);		/* destroy c */
+void attach(Client *c);			/* attaches c to global client list */
+void ban(Client *c);			/* bans c */
+void configure(Client *c);		/* send synthetic configure event */
+void detach(Client *c);			/* detaches c from global client list */
+void focus(Client *c);			/* focus c if visible && !NULL, or focus top visible */
+void killclient(const char *arg);	/* kill sel  nicely */
+Bool getprops(Client *c);		/* gets client properties */
+void manage(Window w, XWindowAttributes *wa);	/* manage new client */
+void resize(Client *c, int x, int y,
+		int w, int h, Bool sizehints);	/* resize with given coordinates c*/
+void setprops(Client *c);		/* sets client properties */
+void unban(Client *c);			/* unbans c */
+void unmanage(Client *c, long state);	/* unmanage c */
+void updatesizehints(Client *c);	/* update the size hint variables of c */
+void updatetitle(Client *c);		/* update the name of c */
 /* draw.c */
-extern void drawall(void);			/* draw all visible client titles and the bar */
-extern void drawstatus(void);			/* draw the bar */
-extern void drawtitle(Client *c);		/* draw title of c */
-extern unsigned long getcolor(const char *colstr);	/* return color of colstr */
-extern void setfont(const char *fontstr);	/* set the font for DC */
-extern unsigned int textw(const char *text);	/* return the width of text in px*/
+void drawstatus(void);			/* draw the bar */
+void drawtext(const char *text, unsigned long col[ColLast]);	/* draw text */
+unsigned int textw(const char *text);	/* return the width of text in px*/
 /* event.c */
-extern void grabkeys(void);			/* grab all keys defined in config.h */
-extern void procevent(void);			/* process pending X events */
+void grabkeys(void);			/* grab all keys defined in config.h */
 /* main.c */
-extern int getproto(Window w);			/* return protocol mask of WMProtocols property of w */
-extern void quit(Arg *arg);			/* quit dwm nicely */
-extern void sendevent(Window w, Atom a, long value);	/* send synthetic event to w */
-extern int xerror(Display *dsply, XErrorEvent *ee);	/* dwm's X error handler */
-/* tag.c */
-extern void initrregs(void);			/* initialize regexps of rules defined in config.h */
-extern Client *getnext(Client *c);		/* returns next visible client */
-extern Client *getprev(Client *c);		/* returns previous visible client */
-extern void settags(Client *c, Client *trans);	/* sets tags of c */
-extern void tag(Arg *arg);			/* tags c with arg's index */
-extern void toggletag(Arg *arg);		/* toggles c tags with arg's index */
+Bool gettextprop(Window w, Atom atom,
+		char *text, unsigned int size); /* return text property, UTF-8 compliant */
+void quit(const char *arg);			/* quit dwm nicely */
+int xerror(Display *dsply, XErrorEvent *ee);	/* dwm's X error handler */
+/* screen.c */
+void applyrules(Client *c);		/* applies rules to c */
+void arrange(void);			/* arranges all windows depending on the layout in use */
+void compileregs(void);			/* initialize regexps of rules defined in config.h */
+void focusnext(const char *arg);	/* focuses next visible client */
+void focusprev(const char *arg);	/* focuses prev visible client */
+const char *getsymbol(void);		/* returns symbol of enabled layout */
+void initlayouts(void);			/* initialize layout array */
+Bool isarrange(void (*func)());		/* returns True if func is the layout function in use */
+Bool isfloating(void);			/* returns True if floating layout is enabled */
+Bool isvisible(Client *c);		/* returns True if client is visible */
+void getdwmprops(void);			/* gets dwm properties */
+Client *nexttiled(Client *c);		/* returns tiled successor of c */
+void restack(void);			/* restores z layers of all clients */
+void setlayout(const char *arg);	/* sets layout, NULL means next layout */
+void tag(const char *arg);		/* tags sel with arg's index */
+void togglebar(const char *arg);	/* shows/hides the bar */
+void togglefloating(const char *arg);	/* toggles sel between floating/tiled state */
+void togglemax(const char *arg);	/* toggles maximization of floating client */
+void toggletag(const char *arg);	/* toggles sel tags with arg's index */
+void toggleview(const char *arg);	/* toggles the tag with arg's index (in)visible */
+void updatebarpos(void);		/* updates the bar position */
+void view(const char *arg);		/* views the tag with arg's index */
 /* util.c */
-extern void *emallocz(unsigned int size);	/* allocates zero-initialized memory, exits on error */
-extern void eprint(const char *errstr, ...);	/* prints errstr and exits with 1 */
-extern void *erealloc(void *ptr, unsigned int size);	/* reallocates memory, exits on error */
-extern void spawn(Arg *arg);			/* forks a new subprocess with to arg's cmd */
-/* view.c */
-extern void detach(Client *c);			/* detaches c from global client list */
-extern void dofloat(Arg *arg);			/* arranges all windows floating, arg is ignored */
-extern void dotile(Arg *arg);			/* arranges all windows, arg is ignored */
-extern void focusnext(Arg *arg);		/* focuses next visible client, arg is ignored  */
-extern void focusprev(Arg *arg);		/* focuses previous visible client, arg is ignored */
-extern Bool isvisible(Client *c);		/* returns True if client is visible */
-extern void resizecol(Arg *arg);		/* resizes the master dimension with arg's index value */
-extern void restack(void);			/* restores z layers of all clients */
-extern void togglestackpos(Arg *arg);		/* toggles stack position */
-extern void togglemode(Arg *arg);		/* toggles global arrange function (dotile/dofloat) */
-extern void toggleview(Arg *arg);		/* toggles the tag with arg's index (in)visible */
-extern void view(Arg *arg);			/* views the tag with arg's index */
-extern void viewall(Arg *arg);			/* views all tags, arg is ignored */
-extern void zoom(Arg *arg);			/* zooms the focused client to master area, arg is ignored */
+void *emallocz(unsigned int size);	/* allocates zero-initialized memory, exits on error */
+void eprint(const char *errstr, ...);	/* prints errstr and exits with 1 */
+void spawn(const char *arg);		/* forks a new subprocess with arg's cmd */