X-Git-Url: https://git.xinqibao.xyz/dwm.git/blobdiff_plain/b16d8282be7dd23de868c998c0a0c2bbec3feece..1ddfc571ae90b842446b0524f2a38c74868bb326:/dwm.c

diff --git a/dwm.c b/dwm.c
index f610e33..229062d 100644
--- a/dwm.c
+++ b/dwm.c
@@ -38,23 +38,21 @@
 #include <X11/Xutil.h>
 #ifdef XINERAMA
 #include <X11/extensions/Xinerama.h>
+#endif /* XINERAMA */
 /* macros */
-#define ADJUSTBORDER(C, BW)     if((C)->bw != (BW)) XSetWindowBorder(dpy, (C)->win, (BW));
 #define BUTTONMASK              (ButtonPressMask|ButtonReleaseMask)
 #define CLEANMASK(mask)         (mask & ~(numlockmask|LockMask))
 #define INRECT(X,Y,RX,RY,RW,RH) ((X) >= (RX) && (X) < (RX) + (RW) && (Y) >= (RY) && (Y) < (RY) + (RH))
-#define ISVISIBLE(x)            (x->tags & tagset[seltags])
-#define LENGTH(x)               (sizeof x / sizeof x[0])
-#define MAX(a, b)               ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
-#define MIN(a, b)               ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
-#define MAXTAGLEN               16
+#define ISVISIBLE(C)            ((C->tags & C->mon->tagset[C->mon->seltags]))
+#define LENGTH(X)               (sizeof X / sizeof X[0])
+#define MAX(A, B)               ((A) > (B) ? (A) : (B))
+#define MIN(A, B)               ((A) < (B) ? (A) : (B))
 #define MOUSEMASK               (BUTTONMASK|PointerMotionMask)
-#define WIDTH(x)                ((x)->w + 2 * (x)->bw)
-#define HEIGHT(x)               ((x)->h + 2 * (x)->bw)
+#define WIDTH(X)                ((X)->w + 2 * (X)->bw)
+#define HEIGHT(X)               ((X)->h + 2 * (X)->bw)
 #define TAGMASK                 ((int)((1LL << LENGTH(tags)) - 1))
-#define TEXTW(x)                (textnw(x, strlen(x)) + dc.font.height)
+#define TEXTW(X)                (textnw(X, strlen(X)) + dc.font.height)
 /* enums */
 enum { CurNormal, CurResize, CurMove, CurLast };        /* cursor */
@@ -79,6 +77,7 @@ typedef struct {
 	const Arg arg;
 } Button;
+typedef struct Monitor Monitor;
 typedef struct Client Client;
 struct Client {
 	char name[256];
@@ -90,6 +89,7 @@ struct Client {
 	Bool isfixed, isfloating, isurgent;
 	Client *next;
 	Client *snext;
+	Monitor *mon;
 	Window win;
@@ -117,9 +117,27 @@ typedef struct {
 typedef struct {
 	const char *symbol;
-	void (*arrange)(void);
+	void (*arrange)(Monitor *);
 } Layout;
+struct Monitor {
+	int screen_number;
+	float mfact;
+	int by, btx;          /* bar geometry */
+	int mx, my, mw, mh;           /* screen size */
+	int wx, wy, ww, wh;   /* window area  */
+	unsigned int seltags;
+	unsigned int sellt;
+	unsigned int tagset[2];
+	Bool showbar;
+	Bool topbar;
+	Client *clients;
+	Client *sel;
+	Client *stack;
+	Monitor *next;
+	Window barwin;
 typedef struct {
 	const char *class;
 	const char *instance;
@@ -130,12 +148,14 @@ typedef struct {
 /* function declarations */
 static void applyrules(Client *c);
+static Bool applysizehints(Client *c, int *x, int *y, int *w, int *h);
 static void arrange(void);
 static void attach(Client *c);
 static void attachstack(Client *c);
 static void buttonpress(XEvent *e);
 static void checkotherwm(void);
 static void cleanup(void);
+static void cleanupmons(void);
 static void clearurgent(Client *c);
 static void configure(Client *c);
 static void configurenotify(XEvent *e);
@@ -144,7 +164,8 @@ static void destroynotify(XEvent *e);
 static void detach(Client *c);
 static void detachstack(Client *c);
 static void die(const char *errstr, ...);
-static void drawbar(void);
+static void drawbar(Monitor *m);
+static void drawbars(void);
 static void drawsquare(Bool filled, Bool empty, Bool invert, unsigned long col[ColLast]);
 static void drawtext(const char *text, unsigned long col[ColLast], Bool invert);
 static void enternotify(XEvent *e);
@@ -152,12 +173,13 @@ static void expose(XEvent *e);
 static void focus(Client *c);
 static void focusin(XEvent *e);
 static void focusstack(const Arg *arg);
-static Client *getclient(Window w);
 static unsigned long getcolor(const char *colstr);
+static Bool getrootpointer(int *x, int *y);
 static long getstate(Window w);
 static Bool gettextprop(Window w, Atom atom, char *text, unsigned int size);
 static void grabbuttons(Client *c, Bool focused);
 static void grabkeys(void);
+static Monitor *idxtomon(unsigned int n);
 static void initfont(const char *fontstr);
 static Bool isprotodel(Client *c);
 static void keypress(XEvent *e);
@@ -165,16 +187,18 @@ static void killclient(const Arg *arg);
 static void manage(Window w, XWindowAttributes *wa);
 static void mappingnotify(XEvent *e);
 static void maprequest(XEvent *e);
-static void monocle(void);
+static void monocle(Monitor *m);
 static void movemouse(const Arg *arg);
 static Client *nexttiled(Client *c);
+static Monitor *pointertomon(int x, int y);
 static void propertynotify(XEvent *e);
 static void quit(const Arg *arg);
-static void resize(Client *c, int x, int y, int w, int h, Bool sizehints);
+static void resize(Client *c, int x, int y, int w, int h);
 static void resizemouse(const Arg *arg);
-static void restack(void);
+static void restack(Monitor *m);
 static void run(void);
 static void scan(void);
+static void sendmon(Client *c, Monitor *m);
 static void setclientstate(Client *c, long state);
 static void setlayout(const Arg *arg);
 static void setmfact(const Arg *arg);
@@ -184,33 +208,39 @@ static void sigchld(int signal);
 static void spawn(const Arg *arg);
 static void tag(const Arg *arg);
 static int textnw(const char *text, unsigned int len);
-static void tile(void);
+static void tile(Monitor *);
 static void togglebar(const Arg *arg);
 static void togglefloating(const Arg *arg);
 static void toggletag(const Arg *arg);
 static void toggleview(const Arg *arg);
+static void unfocus(Client *c);
 static void unmanage(Client *c);
 static void unmapnotify(XEvent *e);
-static void updatebar(void);
 static void updategeom(void);
+static void updatebarpos(Monitor *m);
+static void updatebars(void);
 static void updatenumlockmask(void);
 static void updatesizehints(Client *c);
 static void updatestatus(void);
 static void updatetitle(Client *c);
 static void updatewmhints(Client *c);
 static void view(const Arg *arg);
+static Client *wintoclient(Window w);
+static Monitor *wintomon(Window w);
 static int xerror(Display *dpy, XErrorEvent *ee);
 static int xerrordummy(Display *dpy, XErrorEvent *ee);
 static int xerrorstart(Display *dpy, XErrorEvent *ee);
 static void zoom(const Arg *arg);
+#ifdef XINERAMA
+static void focusmon(const Arg *arg);
+static void tagmon(const Arg *arg);
+#endif /* XINERAMA */
 /* variables */
 static char stext[256];
 static int screen;
-static int sx, sy, sw, sh; /* X display screen geometry x, y, width, height */ 
-static int by, bh, blw;    /* bar geometry y, height and layout symbol width */
-static int wx, wy, ww, wh; /* window area geometry x, y, width, height, bar excluded */
-static unsigned int seltags = 0, sellt = 0;
+static int sx, sy, sw, sh;   /* X display screen geometry x, y, width, height */
+static int bh, blw = 0;      /* bar geometry */
 static int (*xerrorxlib)(Display *, XErrorEvent *);
 static unsigned int numlockmask = 0;
 static void (*handler[LASTEvent]) (XEvent *) = {
@@ -230,14 +260,12 @@ static void (*handler[LASTEvent]) (XEvent *) = {
 static Atom wmatom[WMLast], netatom[NetLast];
 static Bool otherwm;
 static Bool running = True;
-static Client *clients = NULL;
-static Client *sel = NULL;
-static Client *stack = NULL;
 static Cursor cursor[CurLast];
 static Display *dpy;
 static DC dc;
 static Layout *lt[] = { NULL, NULL };
-static Window root, barwin;
+static Monitor *mons = NULL, *selmon = NULL;
+static Window root;
 /* configuration, allows nested code to access above variables */
 #include "config.h"
@@ -252,6 +280,7 @@ applyrules(Client *c) {
 	XClassHint ch = { 0 };
 	/* rule matching */
+	c->isfloating = c->tags = 0;
 	if(XGetClassHint(dpy, c->win, &ch)) {
 		for(i = 0; i < LENGTH(rules); i++) {
 			r = &rules[i];
@@ -259,7 +288,7 @@ applyrules(Client *c) {
 			&& (!r->class || (ch.res_class && strstr(ch.res_class, r->class)))
 			&& (!r->instance || (ch.res_name && strstr(ch.res_name, r->instance)))) {
 				c->isfloating = r->isfloating;
-				c->tags |= r->tags & TAGMASK ? r->tags & TAGMASK : tagset[seltags]; 
+				c->tags |= r->tags;
@@ -267,29 +296,99 @@ applyrules(Client *c) {
-	if(!c->tags)
-		c->tags = tagset[seltags];
+	c->tags = c->tags & TAGMASK ? c->tags & TAGMASK : c->mon->tagset[c->mon->seltags];
+applysizehints(Client *c, int *x, int *y, int *w, int *h) {
+	Bool baseismin;
+	/* set minimum possible */
+	*w = MAX(1, *w);
+	*h = MAX(1, *h);
+	if(*x > sx + sw)
+		*x = sw - WIDTH(c);
+	if(*y > sy + sh)
+		*y = sh - HEIGHT(c);
+	if(*x + *w + 2 * c->bw < sx)
+		*x = sx;
+	if(*y + *h + 2 * c->bw < sy)
+		*y = sy;
+	if(*h < bh)
+		*h = bh;
+	if(*w < bh)
+		*w = bh;
+	if(resizehints || c->isfloating) {
+		/* see last two sentences in ICCCM */
+		baseismin = c->basew == c->minw && c->baseh == c->minh;
+		if(!baseismin) { /* temporarily remove base dimensions */
+			*w -= c->basew;
+			*h -= c->baseh;
+		}
+		/* adjust for aspect limits */
+		if(c->mina > 0 && c->maxa > 0) {
+			if(c->maxa < (float)*w / *h)
+				*w = *h * c->maxa;
+			else if(c->mina < (float)*h / *w)
+				*h = *w * c->mina;
+		}
+		if(baseismin) { /* increment calculation requires this */
+			*w -= c->basew;
+			*h -= c->baseh;
+		}
+		/* adjust for increment value */
+		if(c->incw)
+			*w -= *w % c->incw;
+		if(c->inch)
+			*h -= *h % c->inch;
+		/* restore base dimensions */
+		*w += c->basew;
+		*h += c->baseh;
+		*w = MAX(*w, c->minw);
+		*h = MAX(*h, c->minh);
+		if(c->maxw)
+			*w = MIN(*w, c->maxw);
+		if(c->maxh)
+			*h = MIN(*h, c->maxh);
+	}
+	return *x != c->x || *y != c->y || *w != c->w || *h != c->h;
 arrange(void) {
-	showhide(stack);
+	Monitor *m;
+	/* optimise two loops into one, check focus(NULL) */
+	for(m = mons; m; m = m->next)
+		showhide(m->stack);
-	if(lt[sellt]->arrange)
-		lt[sellt]->arrange();
-	restack();
+	for(m = mons; m; m = m->next) {
+		if(lt[m->sellt]->arrange)
+			lt[m->sellt]->arrange(m);
+		restack(m);
+	}
 attach(Client *c) {
-	c->next = clients;
-	clients = c;
+	c->next = c->mon->clients;
+	c->mon->clients = c;
 attachstack(Client *c) {
-	c->snext = stack;
-	stack = c;
+	c->snext = c->mon->stack;
+	c->mon->stack = c;
@@ -297,24 +396,34 @@ buttonpress(XEvent *e) {
 	unsigned int i, x, click;
 	Arg arg = {0};
 	Client *c;
+	Monitor *m;
 	XButtonPressedEvent *ev = &e->xbutton;
 	click = ClkRootWin;
-	if(ev->window == barwin) {
-		i = x = 0;
-		do x += TEXTW(tags[i]); while(ev->x >= x && ++i < LENGTH(tags));
+	/* focus monitor if necessary */
+	if((m = wintomon(ev->window)) && m != selmon) {
+		unfocus(selmon->sel);
+		selmon = m;
+		focus(NULL);
+	}
+	if(ev->window == selmon->barwin && ev->x >= selmon->btx) {
+		i = 0;
+		x = selmon->btx;
+		do
+			x += TEXTW(tags[i]);
+		while(ev->x >= x && ++i < LENGTH(tags));
 		if(i < LENGTH(tags)) {
 			click = ClkTagBar;
 			arg.ui = 1 << i;
 		else if(ev->x < x + blw)
 			click = ClkLtSymbol;
-		else if(ev->x > wx + ww - TEXTW(stext))
+		else if(ev->x > selmon->wx + selmon->ww - TEXTW(stext))
 			click = ClkStatusText;
 			click = ClkWinTitle;
-	else if((c = getclient(ev->window))) {
+	else if((c = wintoclient(ev->window))) {
 		click = ClkClientWin;
@@ -343,11 +452,13 @@ void
 cleanup(void) {
 	Arg a = {.ui = ~0};
 	Layout foo = { "", NULL };
+	Monitor *m;
-	lt[sellt] = &foo;
-	while(stack)
-		unmanage(stack);
+	lt[selmon->sellt] = &foo;
+	for(m = mons; m; m = m->next)
+		while(m->stack)
+			unmanage(m->stack);
 		XFreeFontSet(dpy, dc.font.set);
@@ -358,11 +469,24 @@ cleanup(void) {
 	XFreeCursor(dpy, cursor[CurNormal]);
 	XFreeCursor(dpy, cursor[CurResize]);
 	XFreeCursor(dpy, cursor[CurMove]);
-	XDestroyWindow(dpy, barwin);
+	cleanupmons();
 	XSync(dpy, False);
 	XSetInputFocus(dpy, PointerRoot, RevertToPointerRoot, CurrentTime);
+cleanupmons(void) {
+	Monitor *m;
+	while(mons) {
+		m = mons->next;
+		XUnmapWindow(dpy, mons->barwin);
+		XDestroyWindow(dpy, mons->barwin);
+		free(mons);
+		mons = m;
+	}
 clearurgent(Client *c) {
 	XWMHints *wmh;
@@ -395,13 +519,19 @@ configure(Client *c) {
 configurenotify(XEvent *e) {
+	Monitor *m;
 	XConfigureEvent *ev = &e->xconfigure;
 	if(ev->window == root && (ev->width != sw || ev->height != sh)) {
 		sw = ev->width;
 		sh = ev->height;
-		updatebar();
+		if(dc.drawable != 0)
+			XFreePixmap(dpy, dc.drawable);
+		dc.drawable = XCreatePixmap(dpy, root, sw, bh, DefaultDepth(dpy, screen));
+		updatebars();
+		for(m = mons; m; m = m->next)
+			XMoveResizeWindow(dpy, m->barwin, m->wx, m->by, m->ww, bh);
@@ -409,25 +539,27 @@ configurenotify(XEvent *e) {
 configurerequest(XEvent *e) {
 	Client *c;
+	Monitor *m;
 	XConfigureRequestEvent *ev = &e->xconfigurerequest;
 	XWindowChanges wc;
-	if((c = getclient(ev->window))) {
+	if((c = wintoclient(ev->window))) {
 		if(ev->value_mask & CWBorderWidth)
 			c->bw = ev->border_width;
-		else if(c->isfloating || !lt[sellt]->arrange) {
+		else if(c->isfloating || !lt[selmon->sellt]->arrange) {
+			m = c->mon;
 			if(ev->value_mask & CWX)
-				c->x = sx + ev->x;
+				c->x = m->mx + ev->x;
 			if(ev->value_mask & CWY)
-				c->y = sy + ev->y;
+				c->y = m->my + ev->y;
 			if(ev->value_mask & CWWidth)
 				c->w = ev->width;
 			if(ev->value_mask & CWHeight)
 				c->h = ev->height;
-			if((c->x - sx + c->w) > sw && c->isfloating)
-				c->x = sx + (sw / 2 - c->w / 2); /* center in x direction */
-			if((c->y - sy + c->h) > sh && c->isfloating)
-				c->y = sy + (sh / 2 - c->h / 2); /* center in y direction */
+			if((c->x - m->mx + c->w) > m->mw && c->isfloating)
+				c->x = m->mx + (m->mw / 2 - c->w / 2); /* center in x direction */
+			if((c->y - m->my + c->h) > m->mh && c->isfloating)
+				c->y = m->my + (m->mh / 2 - c->h / 2); /* center in y direction */
 			if((ev->value_mask & (CWX|CWY)) && !(ev->value_mask & (CWWidth|CWHeight)))
@@ -454,7 +586,7 @@ destroynotify(XEvent *e) {
 	Client *c;
 	XDestroyWindowEvent *ev = &e->xdestroywindow;
-	if((c = getclient(ev->window)))
+	if((c = wintoclient(ev->window)))
@@ -462,7 +594,7 @@ void
 detach(Client *c) {
 	Client **tc;
-	for(tc = &clients; *tc && *tc != c; tc = &(*tc)->next);
+	for(tc = &c->mon->clients; *tc && *tc != c; tc = &(*tc)->next);
 	*tc = c->next;
@@ -470,8 +602,13 @@ void
 detachstack(Client *c) {
 	Client **tc;
-	for(tc = &stack; *tc && *tc != c; tc = &(*tc)->snext);
+	for(tc = &c->mon->stack; *tc && *tc != c; tc = &(*tc)->snext);
 	*tc = c->snext;
+	if(c == c->mon->sel) {
+		for(*tc = c->mon->stack; *tc && !ISVISIBLE((*tc)); *tc = (*tc)->snext);
+		c->mon->sel = *tc;
+	}
@@ -485,53 +622,79 @@ die(const char *errstr, ...) {
-drawbar(void) {
+drawbar(Monitor *m) {
 	int x;
 	unsigned int i, occ = 0, urg = 0;
 	unsigned long *col;
 	Client *c;
-	for(c = clients; c; c = c->next) {
+	for(c = m->clients; c; c = c->next) {
 		occ |= c->tags;
 			urg |= c->tags;
 	dc.x = 0;
+#ifdef XINERAMA
+	{
+		char buf[2];
+		buf[0] = m->screen_number + '0';
+		buf[1] = '\0';
+		dc.w = TEXTW(buf);
+		drawtext(buf, selmon == m ? dc.sel : dc.norm, True);
+		dc.x += dc.w;
+	}
+#endif /* XINERAMA */
+	m->btx = dc.x;
 	for(i = 0; i < LENGTH(tags); i++) {
 		dc.w = TEXTW(tags[i]);
-		col = tagset[seltags] & 1 << i ? dc.sel : dc.norm;
+		col = m->tagset[m->seltags] & 1 << i ? dc.sel : dc.norm;
 		drawtext(tags[i], col, urg & 1 << i);
-		drawsquare(sel && sel->tags & 1 << i, occ & 1 << i, urg & 1 << i, col);
+		drawsquare(m == selmon && selmon->sel && selmon->sel->tags & 1 << i,
+		           occ & 1 << i, urg & 1 << i, col);
 		dc.x += dc.w;
 	if(blw > 0) {
 		dc.w = blw;
-		drawtext(lt[sellt]->symbol, dc.norm, False);
+		drawtext(lt[m->sellt]->symbol, dc.norm, False);
 		x = dc.x + dc.w;
 		x = dc.x;
-	dc.w = TEXTW(stext);
-	dc.x = ww - dc.w;
-	if(dc.x < x) {
-		dc.x = x;
-		dc.w = ww - x;
+	if(m == selmon) { /* status is only drawn on selected monitor */
+		dc.w = TEXTW(stext);
+		dc.x = m->ww - dc.w;
+		if(dc.x < x) {
+			dc.x = x;
+			dc.w = m->ww - x;
+		}
+		drawtext(stext, dc.norm, False);
+	}
+	else {
+		dc.x = m->ww;
-	drawtext(stext, dc.norm, False);
 	if((dc.w = dc.x - x) > bh) {
 		dc.x = x;
-		if(sel) {
-			drawtext(sel->name, dc.sel, False);
-			drawsquare(sel->isfixed, sel->isfloating, False, dc.sel);
+		if(m->sel) {
+			col = m == selmon ? dc.sel : dc.norm;
+			drawtext(m->sel->name, col, False);
+			drawsquare(m->sel->isfixed, m->sel->isfloating, False, col);
 			drawtext(NULL, dc.norm, False);
-	XCopyArea(dpy, dc.drawable, barwin, dc.gc, 0, 0, ww, bh, 0, 0);
+	XCopyArea(dpy, dc.drawable, m->barwin, dc.gc, 0, 0, m->ww, bh, 0, 0);
 	XSync(dpy, False);
+drawbars(void) {
+	Monitor *m;
+	for(m = mons; m; m = m->next)
+		drawbar(m);
 drawsquare(Bool filled, Bool empty, Bool invert, unsigned long col[ColLast]) {
 	int x;
@@ -584,11 +747,16 @@ drawtext(const char *text, unsigned long col[ColLast], Bool invert) {
 enternotify(XEvent *e) {
 	Client *c;
+	Monitor *m;
 	XCrossingEvent *ev = &e->xcrossing;
 	if((ev->mode != NotifyNormal || ev->detail == NotifyInferior) && ev->window != root)
-	if((c = getclient(ev->window)))
+	if((m = wintomon(ev->window)) && m != selmon) {
+		unfocus(selmon->sel);
+		selmon = m;
+	}
+	if((c = wintoclient(ev->window)))
@@ -596,21 +764,22 @@ enternotify(XEvent *e) {
 expose(XEvent *e) {
+	Monitor *m;
 	XExposeEvent *ev = &e->xexpose;
-	if(ev->count == 0 && (ev->window == barwin))
-		drawbar();
+	if(ev->count == 0 && (m = wintomon(ev->window)))
+		drawbar(m);
 focus(Client *c) {
 	if(!c || !ISVISIBLE(c))
-		for(c = stack; c && !ISVISIBLE(c); c = c->snext);
-	if(sel && sel != c) {
-		grabbuttons(sel, False);
-		XSetWindowBorder(dpy, sel->win, dc.norm[ColBorder]);
-	}
+		for(c = selmon->stack; c && !ISVISIBLE(c); c = c->snext);
+	if(selmon->sel)
+		unfocus(selmon->sel);
 	if(c) {
+		if(c->mon != selmon)
+			selmon = c->mon;
@@ -621,31 +790,44 @@ focus(Client *c) {
 		XSetInputFocus(dpy, root, RevertToPointerRoot, CurrentTime);
-	sel = c;
-	drawbar();
+	selmon->sel = c;
+	drawbars();
 focusin(XEvent *e) { /* there are some broken focus acquiring clients */
 	XFocusChangeEvent *ev = &e->xfocus;
-	if(sel && ev->window != sel->win)
-		XSetInputFocus(dpy, sel->win, RevertToPointerRoot, CurrentTime);
+	if(selmon->sel && ev->window != selmon->sel->win)
+		XSetInputFocus(dpy, selmon->sel->win, RevertToPointerRoot, CurrentTime);
+#ifdef XINERAMA
+focusmon(const Arg *arg) {
+	Monitor *m;
+	if(!(m = idxtomon(arg->ui)) || m == selmon)
+		return;
+	unfocus(selmon->sel);
+	selmon = m;
+	focus(NULL);
+#endif /* XINERAMA */
 focusstack(const Arg *arg) {
 	Client *c = NULL, *i;
-	if(!sel)
+	if(!selmon->sel)
-	if (arg->i > 0) {
-		for(c = sel->next; c && !ISVISIBLE(c); c = c->next);
+	if(arg->i > 0) {
+		for(c = selmon->sel->next; c && !ISVISIBLE(c); c = c->next);
-			for(c = clients; c && !ISVISIBLE(c); c = c->next);
+			for(c = selmon->clients; c && !ISVISIBLE(c); c = c->next);
 	else {
-		for(i = clients; i != sel; i = i->next)
+		for(i = selmon->clients; i != selmon->sel; i = i->next)
 				c = i;
@@ -655,18 +837,10 @@ focusstack(const Arg *arg) {
 	if(c) {
-		restack();
+		restack(selmon);
-Client *
-getclient(Window w) {
-	Client *c;
-	for(c = clients; c && c->win != w; c = c->next);
-	return c;
 unsigned long
 getcolor(const char *colstr) {
 	Colormap cmap = DefaultColormap(dpy, screen);
@@ -677,6 +851,14 @@ getcolor(const char *colstr) {
 	return color.pixel;
+getrootpointer(int *x, int *y) {
+	int di;
+	unsigned int dui;
+	Window dummy;
+	return XQueryPointer(dpy, root, &dummy, &dummy, x, y, &di, &di, &dui);
 getstate(Window w) {
 	int format, status;
@@ -732,7 +914,10 @@ grabbuttons(Client *c, Bool focused) {
 			for(i = 0; i < LENGTH(buttons); i++)
 				if(buttons[i].click == ClkClientWin)
 					for(j = 0; j < LENGTH(modifiers); j++)
-						XGrabButton(dpy, buttons[i].button, buttons[i].mask | modifiers[j], c->win, False, BUTTONMASK, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeSync, None, None);
+						XGrabButton(dpy, buttons[i].button,
+						            buttons[i].mask | modifiers[j],
+						            c->win, False, BUTTONMASK,
+						            GrabModeAsync, GrabModeSync, None, None);
 		} else
 			XGrabButton(dpy, AnyButton, AnyModifier, c->win, False,
 			            BUTTONMASK, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeSync, None, None);
@@ -757,6 +942,15 @@ grabkeys(void) {
+Monitor *
+idxtomon(unsigned int n) {
+	unsigned int i;
+	Monitor *m;
+	for(m = mons, i = 0; m && i != n; m = m->next, i++);
+	return m;
 initfont(const char *fontstr) {
 	char *def, **missing;
@@ -826,19 +1020,19 @@ void
 killclient(const Arg *arg) {
 	XEvent ev;
-	if(!sel)
+	if(!selmon->sel)
-	if(isprotodel(sel)) {
+	if(isprotodel(selmon->sel)) {
 		ev.type = ClientMessage;
-		ev.xclient.window = sel->win;
+		ev.xclient.window = selmon->sel->win;
 		ev.xclient.message_type = wmatom[WMProtocols];
 		ev.xclient.format = 32;
 		ev.xclient.data.l[0] = wmatom[WMDelete];
 		ev.xclient.data.l[1] = CurrentTime;
-		XSendEvent(dpy, sel->win, False, NoEventMask, &ev);
+		XSendEvent(dpy, selmon->sel->win, False, NoEventMask, &ev);
-		XKillClient(dpy, sel->win);
+		XKillClient(dpy, selmon->sel->win);
@@ -852,26 +1046,28 @@ manage(Window w, XWindowAttributes *wa) {
 		die("fatal: could not malloc() %u bytes\n", sizeof(Client));
 	*c = cz;
 	c->win = w;
+	c->mon = selmon;
 	/* geometry */
-	c->x = wa->x;
-	c->y = wa->y;
+	c->x = wa->x + selmon->wx;
+	c->y = wa->y + selmon->wy;
 	c->w = wa->width;
 	c->h = wa->height;
 	c->oldbw = wa->border_width;
-	if(c->w == sw && c->h == sh) {
-		c->x = sx;
-		c->y = sy;
+	if(c->w == selmon->mw && c->h == selmon->mh) {
+		c->x = selmon->mx;
+		c->y = selmon->my;
 		c->bw = 0;
 	else {
-		if(c->x + WIDTH(c) > sx + sw)
-			c->x = sx + sw - WIDTH(c);
-		if(c->y + HEIGHT(c) > sy + sh)
-			c->y = sy + sh - HEIGHT(c);
-		c->x = MAX(c->x, sx);
+		if(c->x + WIDTH(c) > selmon->mx + selmon->mw)
+			c->x = selmon->mx + selmon->mw - WIDTH(c);
+		if(c->y + HEIGHT(c) > selmon->my + selmon->mh)
+			c->y = selmon->my + selmon->mh - HEIGHT(c);
+		c->x = MAX(c->x, selmon->mx);
 		/* only fix client y-offset, if the client center might cover the bar */
-		c->y = MAX(c->y, ((by == 0) && (c->x + (c->w / 2) >= wx) && (c->x + (c->w / 2) < wx + ww)) ? bh : sy);
+		c->y = MAX(c->y, ((c->mon->by == 0) && (c->x + (c->w / 2) >= c->mon->wx)
+		           && (c->x + (c->w / 2) < c->mon->wx + c->mon->ww)) ? bh : selmon->my);
 		c->bw = borderpx;
@@ -884,7 +1080,7 @@ manage(Window w, XWindowAttributes *wa) {
 	grabbuttons(c, False);
 	if(XGetTransientForHint(dpy, w, &trans))
-		t = getclient(trans);
+		t = wintoclient(trans);
 		c->tags = t->tags;
@@ -919,41 +1115,35 @@ maprequest(XEvent *e) {
-	if(!getclient(ev->window))
+	if(!wintoclient(ev->window))
 		manage(ev->window, &wa);
-monocle(void) {
-	unsigned int n;
+monocle(Monitor *m) {
 	Client *c;
-	for(n = 0, c = nexttiled(clients); c && n < 2; c = nexttiled(c->next), n++);
-	for(c = nexttiled(clients); c; c = nexttiled(c->next)) {
-		ADJUSTBORDER(c, (n == 1 ? 0 : borderpx))
-		resize(c, wx, wy, ww - 2 * c->bw, wh - 2 * c->bw, resizehints);
-	}
+	for(c = nexttiled(m->clients); c; c = nexttiled(c->next))
+		resize(c, m->wx, m->wy, m->ww - 2 * c->bw, m->wh - 2 * c->bw);
 movemouse(const Arg *arg) {
-	int x, y, ocx, ocy, di, nx, ny;
-	unsigned int dui;
+	int x, y, ocx, ocy, nx, ny;
 	Client *c;
-	Window dummy;
+	Monitor *m;
 	XEvent ev;
-	if(!(c = sel))
+	if(!(c = selmon->sel))
-	restack();
+	restack(selmon);
 	ocx = c->x;
 	ocy = c->y;
 	if(XGrabPointer(dpy, root, False, MOUSEMASK, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync,
 	None, cursor[CurMove], CurrentTime) != GrabSuccess)
-	XQueryPointer(dpy, root, &dummy, &dummy, &x, &y, &di, &di, &dui);
-	if(usegrab)
-		XGrabServer(dpy);
+	if(!getrootpointer(&x, &y))
+		return;
 	do {
 		XMaskEvent(dpy, MOUSEMASK|ExposureMask|SubstructureRedirectMask, &ev);
 		switch (ev.type) {
@@ -965,28 +1155,32 @@ movemouse(const Arg *arg) {
 		case MotionNotify:
 			nx = ocx + (ev.xmotion.x - x);
 			ny = ocy + (ev.xmotion.y - y);
-			if(snap && nx >= wx && nx <= wx + ww
-			        && ny >= wy && ny <= wy + wh) {
-				if(abs(wx - nx) < snap)
-					nx = wx;
-				else if(abs((wx + ww) - (nx + WIDTH(c))) < snap)
-					nx = wx + ww - WIDTH(c);
-				if(abs(wy - ny) < snap)
-					ny = wy;
-				else if(abs((wy + wh) - (ny + HEIGHT(c))) < snap)
-					ny = wy + wh - HEIGHT(c);
-				if(!c->isfloating && lt[sellt]->arrange && (abs(nx - c->x) > snap || abs(ny - c->y) > snap))
+			if(snap && nx >= selmon->wx && nx <= selmon->wx + selmon->ww
+			        && ny >= selmon->wy && ny <= selmon->wy + selmon->wh) {
+				if(abs(selmon->wx - nx) < snap)
+					nx = selmon->wx;
+				else if(abs((selmon->wx + selmon->ww) - (nx + WIDTH(c))) < snap)
+					nx = selmon->wx + selmon->ww - WIDTH(c);
+				if(abs(selmon->wy - ny) < snap)
+					ny = selmon->wy;
+				else if(abs((selmon->wy + selmon->wh) - (ny + HEIGHT(c))) < snap)
+					ny = selmon->wy + selmon->wh - HEIGHT(c);
+				if(!c->isfloating && lt[selmon->sellt]->arrange
+				                  && (abs(nx - c->x) > snap || abs(ny - c->y) > snap))
-			if(!lt[sellt]->arrange || c->isfloating)
-				resize(c, nx, ny, c->w, c->h, False);
+			if(!lt[selmon->sellt]->arrange || c->isfloating)
+				resize(c, nx, ny, c->w, c->h);
 	while(ev.type != ButtonRelease);
-	if(usegrab)
-		XUngrabServer(dpy);
 	XUngrabPointer(dpy, CurrentTime);
+	if((m = pointertomon(c->x + c->w / 2, c->y + c->h / 2)) != selmon) {
+		sendmon(c, m);
+		selmon = m;
+		focus(NULL);
+	}
 Client *
@@ -995,22 +1189,32 @@ nexttiled(Client *c) {
 	return c;
+Monitor *
+pointertomon(int x, int y) {
+	Monitor *m;
+	for(m = mons; m; m = m->next)
+		if(INRECT(x, y, m->wx, m->wy, m->ww, m->wh))
+			return m;
+	return mons;
 propertynotify(XEvent *e) {
 	Client *c;
 	Window trans;
 	XPropertyEvent *ev = &e->xproperty;
-	if((ev->window == root) && (ev->atom = XA_WM_NAME))
+	if((ev->window == root) && (ev->atom == XA_WM_NAME))
 	else if(ev->state == PropertyDelete)
 		return; /* ignore */
-	else if((c = getclient(ev->window))) {
+	else if((c = wintoclient(ev->window))) {
 		switch (ev->atom) {
 		default: break;
 			XGetTransientForHint(dpy, c->win, &trans);
-			if(!c->isfloating && (c->isfloating = (getclient(trans) != NULL)))
+			if(!c->isfloating && (c->isfloating = (wintoclient(trans) != NULL)))
@@ -1018,13 +1222,13 @@ propertynotify(XEvent *e) {
 		case XA_WM_HINTS:
-			drawbar();
+			drawbars();
 		if(ev->atom == XA_WM_NAME || ev->atom == netatom[NetWMName]) {
-			if(c == sel)
-				drawbar();
+			if(c == selmon->sel)
+				drawbars();
@@ -1035,76 +1239,16 @@ quit(const Arg *arg) {
-resize(Client *c, int x, int y, int w, int h, Bool sizehints) {
+resize(Client *c, int x, int y, int w, int h) {
 	XWindowChanges wc;
-	if(sizehints) {
-		/* see last two sentences in ICCCM */
-		Bool baseismin = c->basew == c->minw && c->baseh == c->minh;
-		/* set minimum possible */
-		w = MAX(1, w);
-		h = MAX(1, h);
-		if(!baseismin) { /* temporarily remove base dimensions */
-			w -= c->basew;
-			h -= c->baseh;
-		}
-		/* adjust for aspect limits */
-		if(c->mina > 0 && c->maxa > 0) {
-			if(c->maxa < (float)w / h)
-				w = h * c->maxa;
-			else if(c->mina < (float)h / w)
-				h = w * c->mina;
-		}
-		if(baseismin) { /* increment calculation requires this */
-			w -= c->basew;
-			h -= c->baseh;
-		}
-		/* adjust for increment value */
-		if(c->incw)
-			w -= w % c->incw;
-		if(c->inch)
-			h -= h % c->inch;
-		/* restore base dimensions */
-		w += c->basew;
-		h += c->baseh;
-		w = MAX(w, c->minw);
-		h = MAX(h, c->minh);
-		if(c->maxw)
-			w = MIN(w, c->maxw);
-		if(c->maxh)
-			h = MIN(h, c->maxh);
-	}
-	if(w <= 0 || h <= 0)
-		return;
-	if(x > sx + sw)
-		x = sw - WIDTH(c);
-	if(y > sy + sh)
-		y = sh - HEIGHT(c);
-	if(x + w + 2 * c->bw < sx)
-		x = sx;
-	if(y + h + 2 * c->bw < sy)
-		y = sy;
-	if(h < bh)
-		h = bh;
-	if(w < bh)
-		w = bh;
-	if(c->x != x || c->y != y || c->w != w || c->h != h) {
+	if(applysizehints(c, &x, &y, &w, &h)) {
 		c->x = wc.x = x;
 		c->y = wc.y = y;
 		c->w = wc.width = w;
 		c->h = wc.height = h;
 		wc.border_width = c->bw;
-		XConfigureWindow(dpy, c->win,
-				CWX|CWY|CWWidth|CWHeight|CWBorderWidth, &wc);
+		XConfigureWindow(dpy, c->win, CWX|CWY|CWWidth|CWHeight|CWBorderWidth, &wc);
 		XSync(dpy, False);
@@ -1115,19 +1259,18 @@ resizemouse(const Arg *arg) {
 	int ocx, ocy;
 	int nw, nh;
 	Client *c;
+	Monitor *m;
 	XEvent ev;
-	if(!(c = sel))
+	if(!(c = selmon->sel))
-	restack();
+	restack(selmon);
 	ocx = c->x;
 	ocy = c->y;
 	if(XGrabPointer(dpy, root, False, MOUSEMASK, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync,
 	None, cursor[CurResize], CurrentTime) != GrabSuccess)
 	XWarpPointer(dpy, None, c->win, 0, 0, 0, 0, c->w + c->bw - 1, c->h + c->bw - 1);
-	if(usegrab)
-		XGrabServer(dpy);
 	do {
 		XMaskEvent(dpy, MOUSEMASK|ExposureMask|SubstructureRedirectMask, &ev);
 		switch(ev.type) {
@@ -1139,40 +1282,44 @@ resizemouse(const Arg *arg) {
 		case MotionNotify:
 			nw = MAX(ev.xmotion.x - ocx - 2 * c->bw + 1, 1);
 			nh = MAX(ev.xmotion.y - ocy - 2 * c->bw + 1, 1);
-			if(snap && nw >= wx && nw <= wx + ww
-			        && nh >= wy && nh <= wy + wh) {
-				if(!c->isfloating && lt[sellt]->arrange
+			if(snap && nw >= selmon->wx && nw <= selmon->wx + selmon->ww
+			        && nh >= selmon->wy && nh <= selmon->wy + selmon->wh) {
+				if(!c->isfloating && lt[selmon->sellt]->arrange
 				   && (abs(nw - c->w) > snap || abs(nh - c->h) > snap))
-			if(!lt[sellt]->arrange || c->isfloating)
-				resize(c, c->x, c->y, nw, nh, True);
+			if(!lt[selmon->sellt]->arrange || c->isfloating)
+				resize(c, c->x, c->y, nw, nh);
 	while(ev.type != ButtonRelease);
-	if(usegrab)
-		XUngrabServer(dpy);
 	XWarpPointer(dpy, None, c->win, 0, 0, 0, 0, c->w + c->bw - 1, c->h + c->bw - 1);
 	XUngrabPointer(dpy, CurrentTime);
 	while(XCheckMaskEvent(dpy, EnterWindowMask, &ev));
+	if((m = pointertomon(c->x + c->w / 2, c->y + c->h / 2)) != selmon) {
+		sendmon(c, m);
+		selmon = m;
+		focus(NULL);
+	}
-restack(void) {
+restack(Monitor *m) {
 	Client *c;
 	XEvent ev;
 	XWindowChanges wc;
-	drawbar();
-	if(!sel)
+	drawbars();
+	if(!m->sel)
-	if(sel->isfloating || !lt[sellt]->arrange)
-		XRaiseWindow(dpy, sel->win);
-	if(lt[sellt]->arrange) {
+	if(m->sel->isfloating || !lt[m->sellt]->arrange)
+		XRaiseWindow(dpy, m->sel->win);
+	if(lt[m->sellt]->arrange) {
 		wc.stack_mode = Below;
-		wc.sibling = barwin;
-		for(c = stack; c; c = c->snext)
+		wc.sibling = m->barwin;
+		for(c = m->stack; c; c = c->snext)
 			if(!c->isfloating && ISVISIBLE(c)) {
 				XConfigureWindow(dpy, c->win, CWSibling|CWStackMode, &wc);
 				wc.sibling = c->win;
@@ -1220,6 +1367,20 @@ scan(void) {
+sendmon(Client *c, Monitor *m) {
+	if(c->mon == m)
+		return;
+	detach(c);
+	detachstack(c);
+	c->mon = m;
+	c->tags = m->tagset[m->seltags]; /* assign tags of target monitor */
+	attach(c);
+	attachstack(c);
+	focus(NULL);
+	arrange();
 setclientstate(Client *c, long state) {
 	long data[] = {state, None};
@@ -1230,14 +1391,14 @@ setclientstate(Client *c, long state) {
 setlayout(const Arg *arg) {
-	if(!arg || !arg->v || arg->v != lt[sellt])
-		sellt ^= 1;
+	if(!arg || !arg->v || arg->v != lt[selmon->sellt])
+		selmon->sellt ^= 1;
 	if(arg && arg->v)
-		lt[sellt] = (Layout *)arg->v;
-	if(sel)
+		lt[selmon->sellt] = (Layout *)arg->v;
+	if(selmon->sel)
-		drawbar();
+		drawbars();
 /* arg > 1.0 will set mfact absolutly */
@@ -1245,12 +1406,12 @@ void
 setmfact(const Arg *arg) {
 	float f;
-	if(!arg || !lt[sellt]->arrange)
+	if(!arg || !lt[selmon->sellt]->arrange)
-	f = arg->f < 1.0 ? arg->f + mfact : arg->f - 1.0;
+	f = arg->f < 1.0 ? arg->f + selmon->mfact : arg->f - 1.0;
 	if(f < 0.1 || f > 0.9)
-	mfact = f;
+	selmon->mfact = f;
@@ -1281,7 +1442,7 @@ setup(void) {
 	netatom[NetWMName] = XInternAtom(dpy, "_NET_WM_NAME", False);
 	/* init cursors */
-	wa.cursor = cursor[CurNormal] = XCreateFontCursor(dpy, XC_left_ptr);
+	cursor[CurNormal] = XCreateFontCursor(dpy, XC_left_ptr);
 	cursor[CurResize] = XCreateFontCursor(dpy, XC_sizing);
 	cursor[CurMove] = XCreateFontCursor(dpy, XC_fleur);
@@ -1293,26 +1454,17 @@ setup(void) {
 	dc.sel[ColBG] = getcolor(selbgcolor);
 	dc.sel[ColFG] = getcolor(selfgcolor);
 	dc.drawable = XCreatePixmap(dpy, root, DisplayWidth(dpy, screen), bh, DefaultDepth(dpy, screen));
-	dc.gc = XCreateGC(dpy, root, 0, 0);
+	dc.gc = XCreateGC(dpy, root, 0, NULL);
 	XSetLineAttributes(dpy, dc.gc, 1, LineSolid, CapButt, JoinMiter);
 		XSetFont(dpy, dc.gc, dc.font.xfont->fid);
-	/* init bar */
+	/* init bars */
 	for(blw = i = 0; LENGTH(layouts) > 1 && i < LENGTH(layouts); i++) {
 		w = TEXTW(layouts[i].symbol);
 		blw = MAX(blw, w);
-	wa.override_redirect = 1;
-	wa.background_pixmap = ParentRelative;
-	wa.event_mask = ButtonPressMask|ExposureMask;
-	barwin = XCreateWindow(dpy, root, wx, by, ww, bh, 0, DefaultDepth(dpy, screen),
-			CopyFromParent, DefaultVisual(dpy, screen),
-			CWOverrideRedirect|CWBackPixmap|CWEventMask, &wa);
-	XDefineCursor(dpy, barwin, cursor[CurNormal]);
-	XMapRaised(dpy, barwin);
+	updatebars();
 	/* EWMH support per view */
@@ -1320,6 +1472,7 @@ setup(void) {
 			PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *) netatom, NetLast);
 	/* select for events */
+	wa.cursor = cursor[CurNormal];
 	wa.event_mask = SubstructureRedirectMask|SubstructureNotifyMask|ButtonPressMask
@@ -1334,10 +1487,9 @@ showhide(Client *c) {
 	if(ISVISIBLE(c)) { /* show clients top down */
-		ADJUSTBORDER(c, borderpx)
 		XMoveWindow(dpy, c->win, c->x, c->y);
-		if(!lt[sellt]->arrange || c->isfloating)
-			resize(c, c->x, c->y, c->w, c->h, True);
+		if(!lt[c->mon->sellt]->arrange || c->isfloating)
+			resize(c, c->x, c->y, c->w, c->h);
 	else { /* hide clients bottom up */
@@ -1368,12 +1520,23 @@ spawn(const Arg *arg) {
 tag(const Arg *arg) {
-	if(sel && arg->ui & TAGMASK) {
-		sel->tags = arg->ui & TAGMASK;
+	if(selmon->sel && arg->ui & TAGMASK) {
+		selmon->sel->tags = arg->ui & TAGMASK;
+#ifdef XINERAMA
+tagmon(const Arg *arg) {
+	Monitor *m;
+	if(!selmon->sel || !(m = idxtomon(arg->ui)))
+		return;
+	sendmon(selmon->sel, m);
+#endif /* XINERAMA */
 textnw(const char *text, unsigned int len) {
 	XRectangle r;
@@ -1386,56 +1549,54 @@ textnw(const char *text, unsigned int len) {
-tile(void) {
+tile(Monitor *m) {
 	int x, y, h, w, mw;
 	unsigned int i, n;
 	Client *c;
-	for(n = 0, c = nexttiled(clients); c; c = nexttiled(c->next), n++);
+	for(n = 0, c = nexttiled(m->clients); c; c = nexttiled(c->next), n++);
 	if(n == 0)
 	/* master */
-	c = nexttiled(clients);
-	mw = mfact * ww;
-	ADJUSTBORDER(c, (n == 1 ? 0 : borderpx))
-	resize(c, wx, wy, (n == 1 ? ww : mw) - 2 * c->bw, wh - 2 * c->bw, resizehints);
+	c = nexttiled(m->clients);
+	mw = m->mfact * m->ww;
+	resize(c, m->wx, m->wy, (n == 1 ? m->ww : mw) - 2 * c->bw, m->wh - 2 * c->bw);
 	if(--n == 0)
 	/* tile stack */
-	x = (wx + mw > c->x + c->w) ? c->x + c->w + 2 * c->bw : wx + mw;
-	y = wy;
-	w = (wx + mw > c->x + c->w) ? wx + ww - x : ww - mw;
-	h = wh / n;
+	x = (m->wx + mw > c->x + c->w) ? c->x + c->w + 2 * c->bw : m->wx + mw;
+	y = m->wy;
+	w = (m->wx + mw > c->x + c->w) ? m->wx + m->ww - x : m->ww - mw;
+	h = m->wh / n;
 	if(h < bh)
-		h = wh;
+		h = m->wh;
 	for(i = 0, c = nexttiled(c->next); c; c = nexttiled(c->next), i++) {
-		ADJUSTBORDER(c, borderpx)
 		resize(c, x, y, w - 2 * c->bw, /* remainder */ ((i + 1 == n)
-		       ? wy + wh - y - 2 * c->bw : h - 2 * c->bw), resizehints);
-		if(h != wh)
+		       ? m->wy + m->wh - y - 2 * c->bw : h - 2 * c->bw));
+		if(h != m->wh)
 			y = c->y + HEIGHT(c);
 togglebar(const Arg *arg) {
-	showbar = !showbar;
-	updategeom();
-	updatebar();
+	selmon->showbar = !selmon->showbar;
+	updatebarpos(selmon);
+	XMoveResizeWindow(dpy, selmon->barwin, selmon->wx, selmon->by, selmon->ww, bh);
 togglefloating(const Arg *arg) {
-	if(!sel)
+	if(!selmon->sel)
-	sel->isfloating = !sel->isfloating || sel->isfixed;
-	if(sel->isfloating)
-		resize(sel, sel->x, sel->y, sel->w, sel->h, True);
+	selmon->sel->isfloating = !selmon->sel->isfloating || selmon->sel->isfixed;
+	if(selmon->sel->isfloating)
+		resize(selmon->sel, selmon->sel->x, selmon->sel->y, selmon->sel->w, selmon->sel->h);
@@ -1443,26 +1604,35 @@ void
 toggletag(const Arg *arg) {
 	unsigned int mask;
-	if (!sel)
+	if(!selmon->sel)
-	mask = sel->tags ^ (arg->ui & TAGMASK);
-	if(sel && mask) {
-		sel->tags = mask;
+	mask = selmon->sel->tags ^ (arg->ui & TAGMASK);
+	if(mask) {
+		selmon->sel->tags = mask;
 toggleview(const Arg *arg) {
-	unsigned int mask = tagset[seltags] ^ (arg->ui & TAGMASK);
+	unsigned int mask = selmon->tagset[selmon->seltags] ^ (arg->ui & TAGMASK);
 	if(mask) {
-		tagset[seltags] = mask;
+		selmon->tagset[selmon->seltags] = mask;
+unfocus(Client *c) {
+	if(!c)
+		return;
+	grabbuttons(c, False);
+	XSetWindowBorder(dpy, c->win, dc.norm[ColBorder]);
+	XSetInputFocus(dpy, root, RevertToPointerRoot, CurrentTime);
 unmanage(Client *c) {
 	XWindowChanges wc;
@@ -1474,14 +1644,13 @@ unmanage(Client *c) {
 	XConfigureWindow(dpy, c->win, CWBorderWidth, &wc); /* restore border */
-	if(sel == c)
-		focus(NULL);
 	XUngrabButton(dpy, AnyButton, AnyModifier, c->win);
 	setclientstate(c, WithdrawnState);
 	XSync(dpy, False);
+	focus(NULL);
@@ -1490,52 +1659,111 @@ unmapnotify(XEvent *e) {
 	Client *c;
 	XUnmapEvent *ev = &e->xunmap;
-	if((c = getclient(ev->window)))
+	if((c = wintoclient(ev->window)))
-updatebar(void) {
-	if(dc.drawable != 0)
-		XFreePixmap(dpy, dc.drawable);
-	dc.drawable = XCreatePixmap(dpy, root, ww, bh, DefaultDepth(dpy, screen));
-	XMoveResizeWindow(dpy, barwin, wx, by, ww, bh);
+updatebars(void) {
+	Monitor *m;
+	XSetWindowAttributes wa;
+	wa.override_redirect = True;
+	wa.background_pixmap = ParentRelative;
+	wa.event_mask = ButtonPressMask|ExposureMask;
+	for(m = mons; m; m = m->next) {
+		m->barwin = XCreateWindow(dpy, root, m->wx, m->by, m->ww, bh, 0, DefaultDepth(dpy, screen),
+		                          CopyFromParent, DefaultVisual(dpy, screen),
+		                          CWOverrideRedirect|CWBackPixmap|CWEventMask, &wa);
+		XDefineCursor(dpy, m->barwin, cursor[CurNormal]);
+		XMapRaised(dpy, m->barwin);
+	}
+updatebarpos(Monitor *m) {
+	m->wy = m->my;
+	m->wh = m->mh;
+	if(m->showbar) {
+		m->wh -= bh;
+		m->by = m->topbar ? m->wy : m->wy + m->wh;
+		m->wy = m->topbar ? m->wy + bh : m->wy;
+	}
+	else
+		m->by = -bh;
 updategeom(void) {
+	int i, n = 1;
+	Client *c;
+	Monitor *newmons = NULL, *m, *tm;
 #ifdef XINERAMA
-	int n, i = 0;
 	XineramaScreenInfo *info = NULL;
-	/* window area geometry */
-	if(XineramaIsActive(dpy) && (info = XineramaQueryScreens(dpy, &n))) { 
-		if(n > 1) {
-			int di, x, y;
-			unsigned int dui;
-			Window dummy;
-			if(XQueryPointer(dpy, root, &dummy, &dummy, &x, &y, &di, &di, &dui))
-				for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
-					if(INRECT(x, y, info[i].x_org, info[i].y_org, info[i].width, info[i].height))
-						break;
+	if(XineramaIsActive(dpy))
+		info = XineramaQueryScreens(dpy, &n);
+#endif /* XINERAMA */
+	/* allocate monitor(s) for the new geometry setup */
+	for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+		m = (Monitor *)malloc(sizeof(Monitor));
+		m->next = newmons;
+		newmons = m;
+	}
+	/* initialise monitor(s) */
+#ifdef XINERAMA
+	if(XineramaIsActive(dpy)) {
+		for(i = 0, m = newmons; m; m = m->next, i++) {
+			m->screen_number = info[i].screen_number;
+			m->mx = m->wx = info[i].x_org;
+			m->my = m->wy = info[i].y_org;
+			m->mw = m->ww = info[i].width;
+			m->mh = m->wh = info[i].height;
-		wx = info[i].x_org;
-		wy = showbar && topbar ?  info[i].y_org + bh : info[i].y_org;
-		ww = info[i].width;
-		wh = showbar ? info[i].height - bh : info[i].height;
+#endif /* XINERAMA */
+	/* default monitor setup */
-		wx = sx;
-		wy = showbar && topbar ? sy + bh : sy;
-		ww = sw;
-		wh = showbar ? sh - bh : sh;
+		m->screen_number = 0;
+		m->wx = sx;
+		m->my = m->wy = sy;
+		m->ww = sw;
+		m->mh = m->wh = sh;
-	/* bar position */
-	by = showbar ? (topbar ? wy - bh : wy + wh) : -bh;
+	/* bar geometry setup */
+	for(m = newmons; m; m = m->next) {
+		m->sel = m->stack = m->clients = NULL;
+		m->seltags = 0;
+		m->sellt = 0;
+		m->tagset[0] = m->tagset[1] = 1;
+		m->mfact = mfact;
+		m->showbar = SHOWBAR;
+		m->topbar = TOPBAR;
+		updatebarpos(m);
+	}
+	/* reassign left over clients of disappeared monitors */
+	for(tm = mons; tm; tm = tm->next)
+		while(tm->clients) {
+			c = tm->clients;
+			tm->clients = c->next;
+			detachstack(c);
+			c->mon = newmons;
+			attach(c);
+			attachstack(c);
+		}
+	/* select focused monitor */
+	cleanupmons();
+	mons = newmons;
+	selmon = wintomon(root);
@@ -1547,7 +1775,8 @@ updatenumlockmask(void) {
 	modmap = XGetModifierMapping(dpy);
 	for(i = 0; i < 8; i++)
 		for(j = 0; j < modmap->max_keypermod; j++)
-			if(modmap->modifiermap[i * modmap->max_keypermod + j] == XKeysymToKeycode(dpy, XK_Num_Lock))
+			if(modmap->modifiermap[i * modmap->max_keypermod + j]
+			   == XKeysymToKeycode(dpy, XK_Num_Lock))
 				numlockmask = (1 << i);
@@ -1559,7 +1788,7 @@ updatesizehints(Client *c) {
 	if(!XGetWMNormalHints(dpy, c->win, &size, &msize))
 		/* size is uninitialized, ensure that size.flags aren't used */
-		size.flags = PSize; 
+		size.flags = PSize;
 	if(size.flags & PBaseSize) {
 		c->basew = size.base_width;
 		c->baseh = size.base_height;
@@ -1609,10 +1838,10 @@ updatetitle(Client *c) {
-updatestatus() {
+updatestatus(void) {
 	if(!gettextprop(root, XA_WM_NAME, stext, sizeof(stext)))
 		strcpy(stext, "dwm-"VERSION);
-	drawbar();
+	drawbar(selmon);
@@ -1620,7 +1849,7 @@ updatewmhints(Client *c) {
 	XWMHints *wmh;
 	if((wmh = XGetWMHints(dpy, c->win))) {
-		if(c == sel && wmh->flags & XUrgencyHint) {
+		if(c == selmon->sel && wmh->flags & XUrgencyHint) {
 			wmh->flags &= ~XUrgencyHint;
 			XSetWMHints(dpy, c->win, wmh);
@@ -1633,14 +1862,42 @@ updatewmhints(Client *c) {
 view(const Arg *arg) {
-	if((arg->ui & TAGMASK) == tagset[seltags])
+	if((arg->ui & TAGMASK) == selmon->tagset[selmon->seltags])
-	seltags ^= 1; /* toggle sel tagset */
+	selmon->seltags ^= 1; /* toggle sel tagset */
 	if(arg->ui & TAGMASK)
-		tagset[seltags] = arg->ui & TAGMASK;
+		selmon->tagset[selmon->seltags] = arg->ui & TAGMASK;
+Client *
+wintoclient(Window w) {
+	Client *c;
+	Monitor *m;
+	for(m = mons; m; m = m->next)
+		for(c = m->clients; c; c = c->next)
+			if(c->win == w)
+				return c;
+	return NULL;
+Monitor *
+wintomon(Window w) {
+	int x, y;
+	Client *c;
+	Monitor *m;
+	if(w == root && getrootpointer(&x, &y))
+		return pointertomon(x, y);
+	for(m = mons; m; m = m->next)
+		if(w == m->barwin)
+			return m;
+	if((c = wintoclient(w)))
+		return c->mon;
+	return mons;
 /* There's no way to check accesses to destroyed windows, thus those cases are
  * ignored (especially on UnmapNotify's).  Other types of errors call Xlibs
  * default error handler, which may call exit.  */
@@ -1676,11 +1933,11 @@ xerrorstart(Display *dpy, XErrorEvent *ee) {
 zoom(const Arg *arg) {
-	Client *c = sel;
+	Client *c = selmon->sel;
-	if(!lt[sellt]->arrange || lt[sellt]->arrange == monocle || (sel && sel->isfloating))
+	if(!lt[selmon->sellt]->arrange || lt[selmon->sellt]->arrange == monocle || (selmon->sel && selmon->sel->isfloating))
-	if(c == nexttiled(clients))
+	if(c == nexttiled(selmon->clients))
 		if(!c || !(c = nexttiled(c->next)))
@@ -1692,14 +1949,14 @@ zoom(const Arg *arg) {
 main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
 	if(argc == 2 && !strcmp("-v", argv[1]))
-		die("dwm-"VERSION", © 2006-2008 dwm engineers, see LICENSE for details\n");
+		die("dwm-"VERSION", © 2006-2009 dwm engineers, see LICENSE for details\n");
 	else if(argc != 1)
 		die("usage: dwm [-v]\n");
 	if(!setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "") || !XSupportsLocale())
-		fprintf(stderr, "warning: no locale support\n");
+		fputs("warning: no locale support\n", stderr);
-	if(!(dpy = XOpenDisplay(0)))
+	if(!(dpy = XOpenDisplay(NULL)))
 		die("dwm: cannot open display\n");