Xinqi Bao's Git

fix numlock (thanks mikhail)
[dwm.git] /
2010-08-24 [email protected]added TODO and bumped version to 5.9
2010-05-30 Anselm R Garbeincreased version
2010-05-29 Anselm R Garberemoving Sylvain's patch because it breaks more than...
2010-03-31 Anselm R Garbeit's debug season for upcoming dwm 5.8, so only use...
2009-11-24 Anselm R Garberemoved misleading comment, thanks Romain Bertrand
2009-10-31 Anselm R Garbeadded BUGS, next version is 5.8
2009-09-27 Anselm R Garbeapplied Ryan Zheng's patch and re-releasing 5.7.2
2009-09-27 Anselm R Garbefixed the layout symbol bug reported by Nibble (but...
2009-09-22 Anselm R Garbeswitching to release flags
2009-09-21 Anselm R Garbeimplemented different version of updategeom
2009-07-27 Anselm R Garbefixed nn declaration
2009-07-21 Anselm R Garbeupdategeom fix for same geom screens
2009-07-18 Anselm R Garbemerge
2009-07-17 Anselm R Garbemerge
2009-07-17 Anselm R Garbeit's all nsz's hard investigation effort, hail nsz! ;)
2009-07-09 Anselm R Garbereverting to optimised compiler options, current state...
2009-07-01 Anselm R Garbeseveral bugfixes
2009-07-01 Anselm R Garbesome minor fix if xinerama is disabled, still some...
2009-06-23 Anselm R Garbefixed tagmon, re-using detach/detachstack and attach...
2009-06-23 Anselm R Garbedeclare buf only if XINERAMA support is used
2009-06-20 Anselm R Garbeexperimental xinerama support, two new actions, Mod1...
2009-06-19 Anselm R Garbeintroduction of Monitor for better Xinerama support...
2009-04-20 Anselm R Garbenext version will be 5.6, shortened some very long...
2009-03-19 Anselm R Garbeapplied Marc Andre Tanners showhide patch, the removal...
2009-02-21 Anselm R Garbeapplied Gottox' adjustborder removal patch (thanks!)
2009-02-08 a@nullfixed an issue reported by Nibble, also fixed s/2008...
2008-12-12 a@nullre-applied Neale's spawn patch, credited Neale in LICENSE
2008-12-06 Anselm R Garbefix
2008-10-19 Anselm R Garbeseveral changes towards 5.3, XINERAMA is disabled by...
2008-08-02 Anselm R Garbemade readin a config.h variable
2008-06-19 Anselm R Garbeuntested monocle
2008-06-19 Anselm R Garbenon-zero
2008-06-13 Anselm R Garbeminor fix
2008-06-11 Anselm R Garbeapplied anydot's patchset.diff
2008-05-22 Anselm R Garbeapplied Gottox bitmask + void *arg patch
2008-05-19 Anselm R Garbefixed comment
2008-05-19 Anselm R Garbemake it easier for the user, if Xinerama support is...
2008-05-17 Anselm R Garbenew stuff
2008-05-11 Anselm R Garbeimplemented exact focus next, if arg != NULL to focus...
2008-04-04 Anselm R Garbenext version is 5.0
2008-03-31 Anselm R Garberemoved uneccessary line
2008-03-15 Anselm R Garbemade the string-based setgeom working
2008-03-14 Anselm R Garbesome changes towards 4.9
2008-03-05 Anselm R Garberemoved some more useless clunk
2008-03-05 Anselm R Garbeimplemented the stuff as I discussed on dwm@
2008-02-28 anselm@anselm1well, AIM_XINERAMA should not be enabled
2008-02-28 anselm@anselm1made the basics of the tagging concept working -- if...
2008-02-26 anselm@anselm1disabled AIM_XINERAMA
2008-02-26 anselm@anselm1simplified dwm
2008-02-11 anselm@aabgot initial Xinerama support working, though there...
2007-12-21 anselm@anselm1merged Christof Musik's Xinerama support patches, thoug...
2007-12-08 Anselm R. Garbenext version will be 4.8
2007-10-27 Anselm R. Garbegoing toward 4.7
2007-10-17 [email protected]uncommented DEBUG CFLGAS/LDFLAGS
2007-10-17 [email protected]just making dwm.h saner
2007-10-10 Anselm R. Garbeadded antoszka's viewprev patch with some minor modific...
2007-09-23 Anselm R. Garbebtw 4.6 will be the next release
2007-09-15 Anselm R. Garbemicromizing dwm step 1
2007-09-09 Anselm R. Garbeintroduced new define RESIZEHINTS, which allows to...
2007-08-26 Anselm R. Garbeprepared 4.4.1 bugfix and minor feature enhancement...
2007-08-22 Anselm R. Garbereverted release CFLAGs
2007-08-22 Anselm R. Garberemoved the _DWM_PROPERTIES handling, reverted ban...
2007-08-19 Anselm R. Garbeadded screen.c, removed layout.c and tag.c
2007-08-18 Anselm R. Garbehmm I doubt the usefulness of storing this information...
2007-08-13 Anselm R. Garbemade Layout a static struct in layout.c, added some...
2007-08-12 Anselm R. Garbemoved floating to layout.c, kept tile.c outside
2007-08-12 Anselm R. Garberenamed MASTER into MWFACT, master into mwfact, and...
2007-08-11 Anselm R. Garbeseparated layout-specific stuff into separate .h and...
2007-07-28 Anselm R. Garbechanged ban/unban implementation to not move the window...
2007-05-30 Anselm R. Garbereplaced BORDERPX with sel->border in togglemax(),...
2007-05-22 Anselm R. Garbeapplied Szabolcs proposal to simplify setlayout()
2007-05-15 Anselm R. Garberemoved strip, added -s to LDFLAGS
2007-05-15 Anselm R. Garbeadded new Mod1-b functionality to dwm(1)
2007-05-15 Anselm R. Garbeanother fix, call lt->arrange() in togglebar only
2007-05-07 Anselm R. Garbenext version is 4.1
2007-04-11 Anselm R. Garbenext version will be 4.0, so don't expect it within...
2007-03-29 Anselm R. Garbenext version will be 3.9, but don't expect it this...
2007-02-26 Anselm R. GarbeEscape -s in dwm.1
2007-02-21 Anselm R. Garbereverting to bg 555
2007-02-21 Anselm R. Garbecreating 3.6.1
2007-02-21 Anselm R. Garbecleaned up and commented the config.*.h
2007-02-19 Anselm R. Garberemoved debug compile flags
2007-02-19 Anselm R. Garbeintroduced Layout struct
2007-02-14 Anselm R. Garbeadded ban() which takes care than a banned window is...
2007-02-08 Anselm R. Garbenext version is 3.5
2007-02-07 Anselm R. Garberemoved debug flags
2007-02-07 Anselm R. Garbereplaced getproto with a saner function, now old-school...
2007-02-05 Anselm R. Garbemade some changes more concistent
2007-02-05 Anselm R. Garbegot rid of LD (inspired by JGs patch to wmii)
2007-01-26 Anselm R. Garberenamed CAVEATS into BUGS
2007-01-25 Anselm R. Garbeprepared yet another hotfix release
2007-01-24 Anselm R. Garbehotfix release 3.2.1
2007-01-17 Anselm R. Garbemoved BORDERPX to config.*.h
2007-01-12 Anselm R. Garbechanged incnmaster shortcuts in config.arg.h
2007-01-08 Anselm R. Garbeimplemented nmaster appearance in mode label (using %u)
2007-01-05 Anselm R. Garbeprevent pop() if first sel == nexttiled(clients)
2007-01-05 Anselm R. Garbefixing some minor issues
2007-01-05 Anselm R. GarbeI prefer two master windows by default
2007-01-05 Anselm R. Garbeexperimental version which allows master clients being...
2007-01-02 arg@mig29next version will contain updated copyright notice