Xinqi Bao's Git

applied Jukka's stdinread patch
[dwm.git] / dwm.h
2006-07-14 Anselm R. Garbemade barclick to select the specific tag
2006-07-14 Anselm R. Garbeimplemented bar for dwm (I miss status text), I plan...
2006-07-13 Anselm R. Garbeadded mini stuff
2006-07-13 Anselm R. Garbefixed several things, nearly feature complete
2006-07-13 Anselm R. Garbenew stuff
2006-07-13 Anselm R. Garbeseveral other additions/fixes, dwm is quite usable...
2006-07-13 Anselm R. Garbeimplemented tagging a client
2006-07-13 Anselm R. Garbeadded xlock command (I need it regularly)
2006-07-13 Anselm R. Garbechanged default colors