Xinqi Bao's Git

fixed a comment
[dwm.git] / layout.c
2007-08-11 Anselm R. Garbeseparated layout-specific stuff into separate .h and...
2007-08-10 Anselm R. Garbelet not overlap the borders
2007-08-10 Anselm R. Garberemoved VRATIO, NMASTER, inc*(), renamed HRATIO into...
2007-08-05 Anselm R. Garberemoved spow(x, 0); calls, I did them for consistency...
2007-08-05 Anselm R. Garbechanged shortcuts as described on the mailinglist,...
2007-08-04 Anselm R. Garbesmall fix of static function order
2007-08-04 Anselm R. GarbeI introduced {H,V}RATIO and inc{h,v,}ratio() functions...
2007-08-03 Anselm R. Garberemoved a C++ style comment
2007-08-03 Anselm R. Garbeimplemented ratio tile as described on the mailinglist
2007-06-06 Anselm R. Garbeapplied restack patch of anydot, with slight changes
2007-06-04 Anselm R. Garbeadded an creatnotify event handler
2007-06-04 Anselm R. Garbeapplied anudots [un]ban repair patch
2007-05-30 Anselm R. Garbereplaced BORDERPX with sel->border in togglemax(),...
2007-05-30 Anselm R. Garbereferred to LICENSE file
2007-05-30 Anselm R. GarbeJukka also belongs to Copyright holders after all he...
2007-05-29 Anselm R. Garbeadded nsz to copyright holders as well, because he...
2007-05-29 Anselm R. Garbeadded anydot to Copyright holders, because he contribut...
2007-05-29 Anselm R. Garbeapplied anydot's 3 minor patches, thank you anydot
2007-05-24 Anselm R. Garbefix if n < nmaster of remainer calculation for master...
2007-05-24 Anselm R. Garbecalculating the remainder for master and stack area...
2007-05-22 Anselm R. Garbeapplied Szabolcs proposal for zoom() as well
2007-05-22 Anselm R. Garbeapplied Szabolcs proposal to simplify setlayout()
2007-05-16 Anselm R. Garbeno that change breaks fullscreen apps
2007-05-16 Anselm R. Garberaise barwin in restack, that's the most elegant soluti...
2007-05-15 Anselm R. Garbesimplification
2007-05-15 Anselm R. Garbeusing BarTop as fallback if BARPOS is set to BarOff...
2007-05-15 Anselm R. Garbeanother fix, call lt->arrange() in togglebar only
2007-05-15 Anselm R. Garbemade bar togglalble
2007-05-14 Anselm R. Garbeapplied dfenze cleanups, fixed some comments in dwm.h
2007-05-09 Anselm R. Garbes/remain/remainder/
2007-05-09 Anselm R. Garbefixing remaining space calculation
2007-05-07 Anselm R. Garbeapplied patch of Paul Liu to allow onthefly resizing...
2007-04-17 Anselm R. Garbechanged border handling
2007-04-13 Anselm R. Garbeyet another fix of copyright compactisition
2007-04-13 Anselm R. Garbemaking Copyright notices more compact
2007-02-22 Anselm R. Garberenamed untiled into floating, keeping tiled instead...
2007-02-22 Anselm R. Garbesimplified focusclient()
2007-02-22 Anselm R. Garberenamed versatile into untiled
2007-02-22 Anselm R. Garbemerged focus{} into focusclient(1/-1)
2007-02-22 Anselm R. Garbesmall bugfix
2007-02-22 Anselm R. Garbefixed some issues due to the Arg->const char * transition
2007-02-22 Anselm R. Garbereplaced Arg union with const char *arg, seems cleaner...
2007-02-22 Anselm R. Garbestatus needs update even in togglemax() - since we...
2007-02-22 Anselm R. Garbefixed exit condition in togglemax()
2007-02-22 Anselm R. Garbeseveral changes, made togglemax extern and separated...
2007-02-21 Anselm R. Garbemoved focus{next,prev} and nexttiled from client.c...
2007-02-20 Anselm R. Garbesplit screen.c into layout.c and tag.c (because the...