Xinqi Bao's Git

removed config.arg.h, only 1 config.h necessary
[dwm.git] / screen.c
2007-08-26 Anselm R. Garbeprepared 4.4.1 bugfix and minor feature enhancement...
2007-08-22 Anselm R. Garbesetlayout should perform strcmp's if arg != NULL, becau...
2007-08-22 Anselm R. Garberemoved the _DWM_PROPERTIES handling, reverted ban...
2007-08-19 Anselm R. Garberenamed char prop[] into buf[]
2007-08-19 Anselm R. Garbefixed misappearance of iconified windows on SIGKILL
2007-08-19 Anselm R. Garbemoved updatebarpos to screen
2007-08-19 Anselm R. Garbeadded screen.c, removed layout.c and tag.c
2007-02-20 Anselm R. Garbesplit screen.c into layout.c and tag.c (because the...
2007-02-19 Anselm R. Garbereplaced togglelayout with setlayout
2007-02-19 Anselm R. Garberenamed Client->versatile and Rule->versatile into...
2007-02-19 Anselm R. Garberenames swim[ming] into versatile
2007-02-19 Anselm R. Garberenamed floating into swimming (this does not clash...
2007-02-19 Anselm R. Garbeintroduced Layout struct
2007-02-19 Anselm R. Garbeforgot an extern declaration
2007-02-19 Anselm R. Garberenamed view.c into screen.c
2006-07-15 Anselm R. Garberearranged several stuff
2006-07-14 Anselm R. Garbesanitized names
2006-07-14 Anselm R. Garberearranged