Xinqi Bao's Git

removed getnext/getprev, redundant
[dwm.git] / main.c
2007-02-14 Anselm R. Garbemade for/if/else constructs more consistent, some code...
2007-02-09 Anselm R. Garbepneubeck pointed out an obvious thing, that a second...
2007-02-08 Anselm R. Garbefixed order of Bool declarations
2007-02-08 Anselm R. Garbeadded TOPBAR option for making the bar appear what...
2007-02-08 Anselm R. Garbemaking the bar appear at bottom
2007-02-07 Anselm R. Garbereplaced getproto with a saner function, now old-school...
2007-01-28 Anselm R. Garbehandling WM_STATE seems to make DnD in gtk/qt apps...
2007-01-23 Anselm R. Garberenamed activescreen into selscreen
2007-01-23 Anselm R. Garbesmall changes
2007-01-22 Anselm R. Garbeapplied Sanders all5.patch (thanks for your weekend...
2007-01-16 Anselm R. Garberemoved unnecessary bx, by, bw variables
2007-01-14 Anselm R. Garbeimplemented new color scheme accordingly to Sanders...
2007-01-14 Anselm R. Garberemoved mode label stuff
2007-01-11 Anselm R. Garbesmall fix of initial numlockmask value
2007-01-08 Anselm R. Garbereorganized
2007-01-08 Anselm R. Garbeimplemented nmaster appearance in mode label (using %u)
2007-01-05 Anselm R. Garbeexperimental version which allows master clients being...
2007-01-02 arg@mig29changed arg's color scheme
2007-01-02 arg@mig29corrections
2007-01-02 arg@mig29next version will contain updated copyright notice
2007-01-02 arg@mig29fixed cleanup, using clients instead of sel
2006-12-07 arg@mig29with this patch everything works fine for me
2006-12-06 arg@mig29improved the memory leak prevention
2006-11-27 arg@mig29applied Jukka's patch preventing some cornercases and...
2006-11-26 arg@mig29applied yet another proposal of Manuel
2006-11-26 arg@mig29applied Jukka's sizeof K&R compliance patch, applied...
2006-11-26 arg@mig29applied Jukka's stdinread patch
2006-11-25 arg@mig29applied Manuels patch (thanks to Manuel!)
2006-11-21 arg@mig29applied Gottox patches
2006-11-16 arg@mig29applied Gottox' windowarea patch
2006-10-06 Anselm R. Garbecode polishing, removed unnecessary newlines
2006-10-05 Anselm R. Garberemoved the stack position stuff
2006-10-05 Anselm R. Garbekeep master ratio on resizecol -> arrange
2006-09-29 Anselm R. Garbeadded symbols for different modes
2006-09-29 Anselm R. Garberemoved useless updatemaster
2006-09-29 Anselm R. Garbeadded the new dotile as described on ml
2006-09-29 Anselm R. Garbefirst step to a more flexible dotile() algorithm
2006-09-25 arg@mmviapplied Jukkas patch
2006-09-22 arg@mmviimplemented the maximization as I described on the...
2006-09-12 Anselm R. Garberemoved a bunch of lines through making function signat...
2006-09-12 Anselm R. Garbeapplied Christof Musik's multihead patch for a patholog...
2006-09-11 Anselm R. Garbefixed some other comments, now also the code side seems...
2006-09-07 Anselm R. Garbeusing a global stack for focus recovery on arrange...
2006-09-06 Anselm R. Garbesmall fix
2006-09-04 Anselm R. Garbeapplied Sanders max_and_focus.patch
2006-08-25 Anselm R. Garbetrying a different configuration
2006-08-25 Anselm R. Garbefixed typo
2006-08-25 Anselm R. Garberemoved a bunch of lines, made mode symbols configurable
2006-08-25 Anselm R. Garbenew color stuff/new rendering stuff
2006-08-25 Anselm R. Garbeback to 3 colors
2006-08-24 Anselm R. Garbe3->4 colors
2006-08-24 Anselm R. Garbechanging tag indicator through underline
2006-08-23 Anselm R. Garberemoved a blank line
2006-08-23 Anselm R. Garbeseparated setup stuff into main.c:setup() - this makes...
2006-08-22 Anselm R. Garberearranged getproto
2006-08-22 Anselm R. Garberemoved winprop (merged into getproto)
2006-08-22 Anselm R. Garberemoved DEFTAG
2006-08-21 Anselm R.Garbesmall renamings of two static functions
2006-08-21 Anselm R.Garbesmall changes to dwm.1, rearranged order within main...
2006-08-16 Anselm R.Garbecorrected order of cleanup code
2006-08-16 Anselm R.Garbewe close stdin as well
2006-08-15 Anselm R.Garbeextended cleanup
2006-08-15 Anselm R.Garbeapplied jk_to_tab patch
2006-08-15 Anselm R.Garbechanged main event loop
2006-08-14 Anselm R.Garberemoved NUMLOCKMASK, added dynamically calculated numlo...
2006-08-14 Anselm R.Garbechanged order of selecting input at root window
2006-08-14 Anselm R.Garberemoved unneecessary crap
2006-08-14 Anselm R.Garbesome other small fixes
2006-08-14 Anselm R.Garberemoved ungrabkeys again (because of sander's mail)
2006-08-14 Anselm R.Garbeimplemented ungrabkeys() which is called in cleanup()
2006-08-14 Anselm R.Garbesupplying NULL args in select
2006-08-14 Anselm R.Garbereducing ConnectionNumber calls to a bare minimum
2006-08-11 Anselm R.Garbeimplemented viewextend and added M-S-C-n shortcuts...
2006-08-11 Anselm R.Garbeimplement multi-tag selection through button3 click...
2006-08-10 Anselm R.Garbeprepared 0.8
2006-08-10 Anselm R.Garbereadded border color, this sucks least
2006-08-10 Anselm R.Garberemoved unnecessary border color
2006-08-08 Anselm R.Garberemoved NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW handling
2006-08-08 Anselm R.Garbeimplemented NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW support
2006-08-08 Anselm R.Garbeapplied Sanders tiny patches
2006-08-07 [email protected]small fix of a comment
2006-08-07 [email protected]changed getproto, maybe that might fix the killclient...
2006-08-05 [email protected]slight fix
2006-08-04 [email protected]switched to regexp matching for Rules
2006-08-03 [email protected]removed TLast tag enum, now tags is simple defined...
2006-08-02 [email protected]made fullscreen apps working fine in floating mode...
2006-08-02 [email protected]dwm is now exit, if stdin is closed due broken pipe
2006-08-01 [email protected]renamed WM_PROTOCOL_DELWIN into PROTODELWIN
2006-08-01 [email protected]centralized/externalized configuration to config.h
2006-07-21 [email protected]some cleanups/fixes inspired by Jukka Salmi's feedback
2006-07-21 [email protected]simplified main.c, switching back to single urxvt usage
2006-07-20 [email protected]added yet another CUTOMIZE tag
2006-07-20 [email protected]cleaned up code
2006-07-19 [email protected]applied Sanders resize patch, fixed lower bug
2006-07-18 Anselm R. Garbeimplemened distinguishing float/managed geometries...
2006-07-18 Anselm R. Garbeusing EXIT_stuff in exit() now
2006-07-17 Anselm R. Garbeordered variables in structs and source files alphabeti...
2006-07-15 Anselm R. Garbefixed XSync handling and finished man page
2006-07-15 Anselm R. Garbechanging XFlush into XSync
2006-07-15 Anselm R. Garbesanitized other stuff