-- battery percentage
-- cpu usage (in percent)
-- custom shell commands
-- date and time
-- disk numbers (free storage, percentage, total storage and used storage)
-- available entropy
-- hostname
-- ip addresses
-- ram numbers (free ram, percentage, total ram and used ram)
-- temperature
-- volume percentage (alsa)
-- wifi percentage and essid
-Multiple entries per function are supported and everything can be reordered and customized via the C header file config.h (similar to DWM).
+- Battery percentage/power/state
+- CPU usage (in percent)
+- CPU frequency (in MHz)
+- Custom shell commands
+- Date and time
+- Disk[s] status (free storage, percentage, total storage and used storage)
+- Available entropy
+- Username/GID/UID
+- Hostname
+- IP addresses
+- Kernel version
+- Keyboard indicators
+- Load averages
+- Number of files in a directory (hint: Maildir)
+- Memory status (free memory, percentage, total memory and used memory)
+- Swap status (free swap, percentage, total swap and used swap)
+- Temperature
+- Uptime
+- Volume percentage (OSS/ALSA)
+- WiFi signal percentage and ESSID
+Multiple entries per function (e.g. multiple batteries) are supported and everything can be reordered and customized via a C header file (similar to other suckless programs).