/* See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. */
/* interval between updates (in ms) */
-static const int interval = 1000;
+static const unsigned int interval = 1000;
/* text to show if no value can be retrieved */
static const char unknown_str[] = "n/a";
* function description argument (example)
* battery_perc battery percentage battery name (BAT0)
+ * NULL on OpenBSD
* battery_state battery charging state battery name (BAT0)
+ * NULL on OpenBSD
+ * battery_remaining battery remaining HH:MM battery name (BAT0)
+ * NULL on OpenBSD
* cpu_perc cpu usage in percent NULL
* cpu_freq cpu frequency in MHz NULL
* datetime date and time format string (%F %T)
* swap_used used swap in GB NULL
* temp temperature in degree celsius sensor file
* (/sys/class/thermal/...)
+ * NULL on OpenBSD
* uid UID of current user NULL
* uptime system uptime NULL
* username username of current user NULL