/* See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. */
-/* how often to update the statusbar (min value == 1) */
+/* interval between updates (in ms) */
+static const int interval = 1000;
/* text to show if no value can be retrieved */
-#define UNKNOWN_STR "n/a"
+static const char unknown_str[] = "n/a";
+/* maximum output string length */
+#define MAXLEN 2048
/* statusbar
- battery_perc (battery percentage) [argument: battery name]
- kernel_release (uname -r) [argument: NULL]
- keyboard_indicators (caps/num lock indicators) [agrument: NULL]
- load_avg (load average) [argument: NULL]
+- num_files (number of files in a directory - hint: maildir) [argument: path]
- ram_free (free ram in GB) [argument: NULL]
- ram_perc (ram usage in percent) [argument: NULL]
- ram_total (total ram in GB) [argument: NULL]