+- cpu usage (in percent)
+- custom shell commands
+- date and time
+- disk numbers (free storage, percentage, total storage and used storage)
+- available entropy
+- hostname
+- ip addresses
+- ram numbers (free ram, percentage, total ram and used ram)
+- temperature
+- volume percentage (alsa)
+- wifi percentage and essid
+Multiple entries per function are supported and everything can be reordered and customized via the C header file config.h (similar to DWM).
+## Usage
+### Installation
+Before you continue, please be sure that a C compiler, GNU make and `alsa-lib` (for volume percentage) are installed. Then copy config.def.h to config.h and edit it to your needs. Recompile and install it after every change via `sudo make install`!
+### Starting
+Put the following code in your ~/.xinitrc (or similar):
+while true; do
+ slstatus
+done &
+The loop is needed that the program runs after suspend to ram.