* ram_total total memory size in GB NULL
* ram_used used memory in GB NULL
* run_command custom shell command command (echo foo)
+ * separator string to echo NULL
* swap_free free swap in GB NULL
* swap_perc swap usage in percent NULL
* swap_total total swap size in GB NULL
* uptime system uptime NULL
* username username of current user NULL
* vol_perc OSS/ALSA volume in percent mixer file (/dev/mixer)
+ * NULL on OpenBSD
* wifi_perc WiFi signal in percent interface name (wlan0)
* wifi_essid WiFi ESSID interface name (wlan0)
static const struct arg args[] = {
- /* function format argument */
- { datetime, "%s", "%F %T" },
+ /* function format argument */
+ { separator, " ", NULL },
+ { netspeed_tx, " %s", "wlp1s0" },
+ { netspeed_rx, " %s", "wlp1s0" },
+ { separator, " | ", NULL },
+ { ram_used, " %s", NULL },
+ { ram_total, "/%s", NULL },
+ { separator, " | ", NULL },
+ { cpu_perc, " %s%% ", NULL },
+ { run_command, " %s", "sensors | grep -oP 'Package.*?\\+\\K[0-9.]+°C'" },
+ { separator, " | ", NULL },
+ { battery_perc, " %s%%", "BAT0" },
+ { battery_state, "%s", "BAT0" },
+ { battery_remaining, "[%s]", "BAT0" },
+ { separator, " | ", NULL },
+ { run_command, " %s ", "amixer get Master | tail -n1 | awk -F\"[][]\" '{print $2}'" },
+ { run_command, "盛 %s%%", "xbacklight -get | awk -F. '{print $1}'" },
+ { separator, " | ", NULL },
+ { datetime, "%s", "%m-%d %H:%M" },
+ { separator, " ", NULL },