Xinqi Bao's Git

Implement scaling for cpu_freq
[slstatus.git] / components / battery.c
2018-05-19 Aaron MarcherAdd the percent sign to *_perc functions
2018-05-19 Laslo HunholdImplement esnprintf() and make formatted calls more...
2018-05-19 Aaron MarcherRevert aac29e2 as it is nonsense
2018-05-18 Aaron Marcherbattery: Move out struct as common code
2018-05-18 Aaron MarcherUse %d instead of accidentally %i
2018-05-18 Aaron MarcherPort battery_remaining to Linux
2018-05-18 Aaron MarcherFix memory leak
2018-05-18 Tobias Tschinkowitzbattery: fixed remaining time on connected AC
2018-05-18 Aaron MarcherFix indentation
2018-05-18 Tobias TschinkowitzAdd battery_remaining function on OpenBSD
2018-05-18 Laslo HunholdAdd warn() and die()
2018-05-17 Aaron MarcherRemove UNUSED macro
2018-05-17 Aaron MarcherMark unused parameters, fix compiler warnings
2018-05-17 Aaron MarcherUnify type of in for loops
2018-05-17 Aaron MarcherUnify type of `i` in for loops
2018-05-06 Aaron MarcherFix coding style
2018-05-04 Aaron Marcherbattery: Remove full indicator
2018-05-02 Aaron Marcherbattery_state: Unify unknown state with "?" symbol
2018-05-01 Aaron MarcherRemove battery_power for various reasons
2018-05-01 Aaron Marcherbattery_perc: Port to OpenBSD
2018-05-01 Laslo HunholdUse indentation to increase readability
2018-05-01 Laslo HunholdRevert component-split
2018-04-30 Quentin Rameaubattery: OS split
2018-04-29 Aaron Marcherbattery: Separate function for readbility
2018-03-28 Aaron MarcherFormat error messages properly
2018-03-28 Aaron MarcherGet rid of err.h as it is not portable
2018-03-21 Aaron MarcherMore robust preprocessor switches
2018-03-19 Aaron Marcherbattery_perc: Port to OpenBSD.
2018-03-18 Aaron MarcherBuild Linux-only functions only on Linux
2017-09-24 Laslo HunholdMove components into dedicated subdirectory