Xinqi Bao's Git

Add separator module
[slstatus.git] / components / disk.c
2018-07-06 Aaron MarcherConsistent paramter naming for components
2018-05-30 Aaron MarcherClean up header includes
2018-05-21 Aaron MarcherMerge fmt_human_2 and fmt_human_10 to one function
2018-05-20 Aaron MarcherRemove units from numbers
2018-05-19 Laslo HunholdImplement fmt_human_2() and fmt_human_10()
2018-05-19 Aaron MarcherAdd the percent sign to *_perc functions
2018-05-18 Aaron MarcherImplement fmt_scaled for disk_* functions
2018-05-18 Laslo HunholdAdd warn() and die()
2018-05-17 Tobias Tschinkowitzcorrected calculations for disk space on openbsd
2018-05-07 Aaron MarcherFix indents (spaces for alignment)
2018-05-07 Aaron MarcherFix disk_perc by casting it to int
2018-05-07 Aaron Marcherdisk_perc: Simplify
2018-05-06 Aaron MarcherFix coding style
2018-03-28 Aaron MarcherFormat error messages properly
2018-03-28 Aaron MarcherGet rid of err.h as it is not portable
2017-09-24 Laslo HunholdMove components into dedicated subdirectory