Xinqi Bao's Git

Consistent paramter naming for components
[slstatus.git] / components / ram.c
2018-05-24 Tobias Tschinkowitzram: fixed int overflow on pagetok macro
2018-05-21 Aaron MarcherMerge fmt_human_2 and fmt_human_10 to one function
2018-05-20 Aaron MarcherIncrease readability for load_uvmexp return
2018-05-20 Aaron MarcherRemove units from numbers
2018-05-19 Aaron MarcherRefactor ram.c
2018-05-19 Laslo HunholdImplement fmt_human_2() and fmt_human_10()
2018-05-19 Aaron MarcherAdd the percent sign to *_perc functions
2018-05-18 Aaron MarcherImplement fmt_scaled for ram_* functions
2018-05-18 Aaron MarcherFix ram_free for Linux
2018-05-16 Tobias Tschinkowitzconsistent calculation of ram_* on openbsd
2018-05-16 Tobias Tschinkowitzupdated ram_total and ram_free (obsd)
2018-05-07 Aaron MarcherUnify header includes
2018-05-01 Laslo HunholdUse indentation to increase readability
2018-05-01 Laslo HunholdRevert component-split
2018-04-30 Quentin Rameauram: OS split
2018-04-29 Aaron Marcherram: Move up includes
2018-04-14 Darron AndersonAdd OpenBSD RAM stats
2018-03-21 Aaron MarcherMore robust preprocessor switches
2018-03-18 Aaron MarcherBuild Linux-only functions only on Linux
2017-09-24 Laslo HunholdMove components into dedicated subdirectory