Xinqi Bao's Git

use a static buffer instead of dynamic memory
[slstatus.git] /
2017-01-16 Aaron MarcherAdded keyboard_indicators (Fixes #31)
2016-12-30 Aaron MarcherMerge pull request #34 from parazyd/master
2016-12-30 parazydMerge branch 'master' into master
2016-12-30 parazydadd vol_perc notes, add braces to singleline statements
2016-12-27 parazydrefactor vol_perc to not depend on alsa libraries
2016-11-16 Aaron MarcherMerge pull request #30 from TheMRod/master
2016-11-16 Mike CoddingtonAdd "uname -r" functionality
2016-10-28 Aaron MarcherMerge pull request #25 from jodizzle/dev/swap
2016-10-15 Jody LeonardUpdate
2016-09-18 Aaron reloaded
2016-09-14 Ali H. FardanMerge branch 'master' of
2016-09-13 Aaron Marcherbattery_state() function added
2016-09-13 Aaron Marcherloop's not needed anymore
2016-09-09 Aaron Marcheradded my fancy icon
2016-09-09 Aaron MarcherMerge branch 'R41z-master'
2016-08-28 Ali H. Fardangrammar correction
2016-08-23 Ali H. Fardantypofix && another update
2016-08-23 Ali H. Fardananother update to README
2016-08-23 Ali H. FardanREADME update
2016-08-18 Aaron Marcherremove screenshot
2016-08-18 Aaron Marcherupdate sloc count in readme
2016-08-18 Aaron Marcheradded all functions to readme
2016-08-18 Aaron Marcheradded uptime function
2016-08-18 Aaron Marcherload avg
2016-08-16 Aaron MarcherFormatting commit :(
2016-08-15 Aaron Marcheradded wifi essid
2016-08-15 Aaron MarcherAdded shell command function
2016-06-30 Aaron Marcherrevised readme
2016-06-30 Aaron Marcherrevised readme
2016-06-14 Aaron MarcherREADME update (included information)
2016-03-20 Aaron Marchertypo license != :P
2016-03-20 Aaron MarcherChanges to documentation and new screenshot.
2016-03-14 Aaron Marcherdisk usage in
2016-03-10 Aaron MarcherUpdate
2016-03-10 Aaron Marchercoding style notice in
2016-03-10 Aaron MarcherMerge pull request #5 from Vlaix/master
2016-03-10 Aaron Marcherstarting in
2016-03-09 Aaron Marchercontributors
2016-03-08 Aaron Marcherfixed typo in (jpg <-> png)
2016-03-08 Aaron Marcheradded screenshot
2016-03-04 Aaron Marcheradded config.def.h handling and fixed typo
2016-03-04 Aaron MarcherInitial commit