Xinqi Bao's Git

add vol_perc notes, add braces to singleline statements
[slstatus.git] /
2016-12-27 parazydrefactor vol_perc to not depend on alsa libraries
2016-09-19 Aaron Marcher3.0
2016-09-18 Aaron Marchershorter copyright notice and moved back VERSION and...
2016-09-18 Aaron MarcherMerge pull request #19 from R41z/master
2016-09-18 Ali H. Fardanseveral changes
2016-09-18 Aaron comment about -Wno-unused-functions
2016-09-18 Aaron Marcheroptimization
2016-09-17 Aaron Marcheradded man page
2016-09-17 Aaron Marcheradded optimization back (removed it for debugging some...
2016-09-09 Aaron MarcherMerge branch 'R41z-master'
2016-09-04 Ali H. Fardanbringed back the old
2016-09-04 Ali H. Fardanadded a tool for resetting the status bar && worked...
2016-09-04 Ali H. cleanup
2016-08-21 Ali H. Fardanfixed compiler warnings in a better way
2016-08-21 Ali H. Fardan-Wextra
2016-08-16 Aaron MarcherRemoved the debug gcc flags
2016-03-10 Aaron MarcherMerge pull request #6 from sahne/master
2016-03-10 Daniel Waltersimplify smprintf by using vasprintf
2016-03-04 Aaron Marcherinitial commit