Xinqi Bao's Git

added daemonization, output possibility to console (for other programs) and moved...
[slstatus.git] /
2016-09-09 Aaron Marcherbrought back update interval
2016-09-09 Aaron Marcherremoved that status_reset (we will do that with signals...
2016-09-09 Aaron MarcherMerge branch 'R41z-master'
2016-09-04 Ali H. Fardanwhat kind of weed is that?
2016-08-18 Aaron Marcherremove todo item
2016-03-20 Aaron MarcherAdded icon to
2016-03-20 Aaron MarcherChanges to documentation and new screenshot.
2016-03-15 Aaron Marcherremoved from todo
2016-03-15 Aaron Marcheradded some todos
2016-03-11 Aaron Marcherremoved todo
2016-03-10 Aaron MarcherCreate