Xinqi Bao's Git

Adding the removal of the timeouts to the TODO.
[st.git] / st.c
2012-09-05 Christoph LohmannRemoving masks for unhandled enter and leaving events.
2012-09-05 Christoph LohmannIf the selection is cleared, draw() and do it on button...
2012-09-05 Roberto E. Vargas... Unhighlight selection when selection is owner by other...
2012-09-05 Christoph LohmannForcing the parameter limit to xcopy() and selpaste...
2012-09-05 Christoph LohmannRemoving unneeded arguments to copy(). Thanks to Andrew...
2012-09-05 Christoph LohmannImplement italic font support.
2012-09-04 Christoph LohmannFixing the resizing behaviour.
2012-09-04 Christoph LohmannForgot one line. It's late.
2012-09-04 Christoph LohmannCleaning up the fixed window size and the resizing...
2012-09-04 Christoph LohmannCUP == HVP; CHA == HPA;
2012-09-04 Christoph LohmannUnifying the old style.
2012-09-04 Roberto E. Vargas... Check alternative screen before drawing box selection
2012-09-04 Roberto E. Vargas... Add newline to stderr message
2012-09-03 Christoph LohmannFixing the border pixel when there is a negative position.
2012-09-03 Christoph LohmannAdd -g geometry to st and the manpage.
2012-09-03 Roberto E. Vargas... Force redisplay of all lines in DECSCNM
2012-09-03 Roberto E. Vargas... Add write I/O to file
2012-09-02 Christoph LohmannAdd standout mode.
2012-09-02 Christoph LohmannCleaning up lonely tabs.
2012-09-02 Christoph LohmannMake it more obvious where the wrong attribute is used.
2012-09-02 Roberto E. Vargas... Enable multiple arguments in SM and RM
2012-08-30 Christoph LohmannSilencing the compiler but keeping strparse.
2012-08-30 Christoph LohmannApplying the CBT patch of Roberto Vargas. Thanks.
2012-08-30 Christoph LohmannNever trust terminfo fata morganas. And adding other...
2012-08-29 Christoph LohmannAdd OSC, DSC, PM, APC and settitle.
2012-08-29 Roberto E. Vargas... Add CHT sequence
2012-08-29 Roberto E. Vargas... Add TBC sequence
2012-08-29 Roberto E. Vargas... Add HTS sequence
2012-08-29 Roberto E. Vargas... Add tabs field into Term struct
2012-08-03 Brandon Invergoapply post-XDBE patch BORDER fix
2012-07-28 Brandon InvergoImplement Xdbe-based double-buffering
2012-02-27 Aurélien Aptelcleanup. refactored dirt-related function.
2012-02-16 Aurélien Apteluse SHELL as default shell.
2012-02-15 Aurélien Aptelreplace fwrite by printf.
2012-02-15 Aurélien Aptelrewrite csidump().
2012-02-15 Aurélien Aptelclean and name enum definitions.
2012-02-15 Aurélien Aptelfix default color overwriten bug.
2012-02-15 Aurélien Aptelshow dark cursor when unfocused.
2012-02-15 Aurélien Aptelhandle dim/bright colors.
2012-02-13 Aurélien Aptelmerge
2012-02-11 anselm@garbe.ussome minor fixes
2012-02-08 Aurélien Aptelreduce size of each glyph for faster copy.
2012-01-21 Aurélien Aptelcosmetic, whitespace, etc.
2012-01-21 Aurélien Aptelfix PRINT/DRAW _TIMEOUT and fix redrawing bug.
2012-01-21 Aurélien Aptelcopy dirty lines to screen, add select() timeout &...
2012-01-10 Aurélien Aptelfix segfault in selection. (thx Martti Kühne)
2011-11-01 Aurélien Aptelmerge.
2011-11-01 Aurélien Aptelfix selection. (thx Tarmo Heiskanen)
2011-10-20 Aurélien Apteldrawregion() only copies region on screen.
2011-10-20 Aurélien Apteladd dirty flag for lines
2011-10-06 Aurélien Aptelno palette limit (thx Nick)
2011-09-22 Aurélien Aptelsimplify version format.
2011-09-16 Aurélien Aptelselection is removed or scrolled properly. (thx Rafa...
2011-09-16 Aurélien Aptelworking on old repo, merging recent changesets.
2011-09-16 Aurélien Aptelmove xembedatom in XWindow struct, add link to xembed...
2011-09-16 Aurélien Apteltweak focus to support XEMBED client message and remove...
2011-09-16 Aurélien Aptelremove dup of default window size.
2011-08-14 Aurélien Aptelfix custom key handling.
2011-06-09 Aurélien Aptelfix focus state when embed in another window.
2011-06-09 Aurélien Aptelfix segfault with mouse selection. (thx anonymous)
2011-06-08 Aurélien Apteladd -w option to embed st. (thx nodus cursorius)
2011-06-08 Aurélien Aptelapplied parts of "anonymous" cleanup patch.
2011-06-08 Aurélien Apteladd altscreen escseq alias & caps to terminfo entry...
2011-06-08 Aurélien Apteldisable mouse highlight when mouse report enabled....
2011-06-08 Aurélien Aptelreverse video mode. (thx Bert Münnich)
2011-05-22 Aurélien Aptelset title before mapping window (thx Kamil Cholewiński).
2011-05-14 Aurélien Aptelapplied parts of Connor Lane Smith's cleanup patch.
2011-05-10 Aurélien Aptelmacro cleanup.
2011-05-10 Aurélien Aptelsupport for x11 xterm mouse reporting
2011-04-26 Aurélien Aptelwhitespace.
2011-04-26 Aurélien Aptelcleanup.
2011-04-21 Aurélien Aptelupdate TODO
2011-04-21 Aurélien Aptelselection clicks, shift+arrow keys, fast(er) redraw...
2011-04-03 Aurélien Apteltake BORDER into account for selection. (thx Petr Sabata)
2011-04-03 Aurélien Aptelfix utf8 clipboard. (thx Petr Sabata)
2011-04-02 Aurélien Apteladd support for utf8 clipboard. fix usage message.
2011-04-01 pancake@nopcode.orgdo not add newline to selection text if next line not...
2011-04-01 pancake@nopcode.orgremove debugging printf
2011-04-01 pancake@nopcode.orgapply Nick's patch to fix some error printf to use...
2010-12-12 Aurélien Aptelchange X cursor to "I".
2010-11-30 Aurélien Aptelchange -e behaviour and update man page.
2010-11-28 Aurélien Aptel-e flag handles arguments.
2010-11-28 Aurélien Apteluse memmove() instead of memcpy() in ttyread().
2010-11-27 Aurélien Aptelfix and clean ttyread(). buf wasn't static.
2010-11-26 Aurélien Aptelmerge.
2010-11-26 Aurélien Aptels/xw.dis/xw.dpy/
2010-11-24 pancake@nopcode.orgFix unused variable issue and OSX includes
2010-11-20 Aurélien Aptelcleanup & bugfix in xdraws().
2010-11-19 Aurélien Aptelclean comment regarding redrawing in bmotion().
2010-11-19 Gregor BestAdd -c option to override the default window class
2010-11-18 Aurélien Aptelsome code cleaning.
2010-11-18 Aurélien Aptelutf8 support! print text in delicious unicode greatness...
2010-11-08 Aurélien Aptelselection code cleanup.
2010-10-31 Aurélien Aptelfixed ED.
2010-10-25 Devin J. Pohlyredraw if we scroll on resize
2010-10-25 Devin J. Pohlyget rid of artifacts in border on resize down
2010-10-25 Devin J. Pohlycopy old pixmap to new on resize
2010-10-25 Devin J. Pohlymove code into new xresize func, add early exit to...
2010-10-16 Aurélien Aptel\v and \f are have the same behaviour of \n.
2010-10-16 Aurélien Apteladded LNM mode; re-organized kpress() to handle it.