Xinqi Bao's Git

fixed vlist select
[dmenu.git] / dinput.c
2010-07-27 Connor Lane Smithupdated to libdraw tip
2010-07-02 Connor Lane Smithadded dmenu.h, common.c
2010-07-02 Connor Lane Smithupdated to new libdraw
2010-07-02 Connor Lane Smithatexit cleanup
2010-06-30 Connor Lane Smithremoved -e flag (too buggy), cleaned up
2010-06-30 Connor Lane Smithlibdraw now has own repo
2010-06-29 Connor Lane Smithdecosmetics
2010-06-29 Connor Lane Smithdinput with dmenu flags, fixed usage & -v, cosmetics
2010-06-28 Connor Lane Smithextended libdraw
2010-06-25 Connor Lane Smithcleaned up
2010-06-24 Connor Lane Smithmoved draw.c to libdraw.a
2010-06-24 Connor Lane Smithremoved colors from dc
2010-06-24 Connor Lane Smithdecoupled draw.c from dmenu & dinput
2010-06-24 Connor Lane Smithfixed offsets, updated eprint, cleaned up
2010-06-23 Connor Lane Smithcleaned up
2010-06-23 Connor Lane Smithadded draw.h
2010-06-23 Connor Lane Smithoverlapping code
2010-06-23 Connor Lane Smithinitial dmenu / dinput separation