Xinqi Bao's Git

2021-12-29 Xinqi Baominor update
2021-12-14 Xinqi Baoclang-format: update
2021-11-13 Xinqi Baovimrc: add plug Yggdroot/indentLine
2021-08-23 Xinqi Baovimrc: foldmethod=manual, add tab move
2021-08-08 Xinqi Baovimrc: foldmethod=syntax
2021-04-06 Xinqi Baovimrc/bashrc: add config for fzf
2021-01-08 Xinqi Baovimrc: fixed background color glitch, bashrc: alias ll
2020-10-09 Xinqi Baovimrc: set backspace=indent,eol,start
2020-07-26 Xinqi Baovimrc: vertical and horizontal resize window
2020-07-25 Xinqi Baovimrc: switch from powerline to airline, and add plugin...
2020-06-21 Xinqi Baotmux.conf: init path optimized for new pannel and window
2020-06-21 Xinqi Baovimrc & ycm.conf: add support for kernel library tracking
2020-05-24 xinqibaovimrc: add comment to install powerline-vim
2020-05-23 Xinqi Baovimrc: improve clipboard setting
2020-05-23 Xinqi Baovimrc: set using "+ register for all the yank and copy...
2020-05-22 Xinqi Baovimrc: using nerdtree instead of explore
2020-05-20 Xinqi Baocleaned up .vimrc
2020-05-20 XinqiBaoInitial commit