Xinqi Bao's Git

[dwm.git] / main.c
1 /*
2 * (C)opyright MMVI Anselm R. Garbe <garbeam at gmail dot com>
3 * See LICENSE file for license details.
4 */
6 #include "dwm.h"
7 #include <errno.h>
8 #include <stdio.h>
9 #include <stdlib.h>
10 #include <string.h>
11 #include <unistd.h>
12 #include <sys/select.h>
13 #include <X11/cursorfont.h>
14 #include <X11/keysym.h>
15 #include <X11/Xatom.h>
16 #include <X11/Xproto.h>
18 /* static */
20 static int (*xerrorxlib)(Display *, XErrorEvent *);
21 static Bool otherwm, readin;
23 static void
24 cleanup()
25 {
26 close(STDIN_FILENO);
27 while(sel) {
28 resize(sel, True, TopLeft);
29 unmanage(sel);
30 }
31 if(dc.font.set)
32 XFreeFontSet(dpy, dc.font.set);
33 else
34 XFreeFont(dpy, dc.font.xfont);
35 XUngrabKey(dpy, AnyKey, AnyModifier, root);
36 XDestroyWindow(dpy, barwin);
37 XFreePixmap(dpy, dc.drawable);
38 XFreeGC(dpy, dc.gc);
39 XSetInputFocus(dpy, PointerRoot, RevertToPointerRoot, CurrentTime);
40 XSync(dpy, False);
41 }
43 static void
44 scan()
45 {
46 unsigned int i, num;
47 Window *wins, d1, d2;
48 XWindowAttributes wa;
50 wins = NULL;
51 if(XQueryTree(dpy, root, &d1, &d2, &wins, &num)) {
52 for(i = 0; i < num; i++) {
53 if(!XGetWindowAttributes(dpy, wins[i], &wa))
54 continue;
55 if(wa.override_redirect || XGetTransientForHint(dpy, wins[i], &d1))
56 continue;
57 if(wa.map_state == IsViewable)
58 manage(wins[i], &wa);
59 }
60 }
61 if(wins)
62 XFree(wins);
63 }
65 static int
66 win_property(Window w, Atom a, Atom t, long l, unsigned char **prop)
67 {
68 int status, format;
69 unsigned long res, extra;
70 Atom real;
72 status = XGetWindowProperty(dpy, w, a, 0L, l, False, t, &real, &format,
73 &res, &extra, prop);
75 if(status != Success || *prop == 0) {
76 return 0;
77 }
78 if(res == 0) {
79 free((void *) *prop);
80 }
81 return res;
82 }
84 /*
85 * Startup Error handler to check if another window manager
86 * is already running.
87 */
88 static int
89 xerrorstart(Display *dsply, XErrorEvent *ee)
90 {
91 otherwm = True;
92 return -1;
93 }
95 /* extern */
97 char stext[1024];
98 Bool *seltag;
99 int screen, sx, sy, sw, sh, bx, by, bw, bh, mw;
100 unsigned int ntags, numlockmask;
101 Atom wmatom[WMLast], netatom[NetLast];
102 Bool running = True;
103 Bool issel = True;
104 Client *clients = NULL;
105 Client *sel = NULL;
106 Cursor cursor[CurLast];
107 Display *dpy;
108 DC dc = {0};
109 Window root, barwin;
111 int
112 getproto(Window w)
113 {
114 int protos = 0;
115 int i;
116 long res;
117 Atom *protocols;
119 res = win_property(w, wmatom[WMProtocols], XA_ATOM, 20L,
120 ((unsigned char **)&protocols));
121 if(res <= 0) {
122 return protos;
123 }
124 for(i = 0; i < res; i++) {
125 if(protocols[i] == wmatom[WMDelete])
126 protos |= PROTODELWIN;
127 }
128 free((char *) protocols);
129 return protos;
130 }
132 void
133 sendevent(Window w, Atom a, long value)
134 {
135 XEvent e;
137 e.type = ClientMessage;
138 e.xclient.window = w;
139 e.xclient.message_type = a;
140 e.xclient.format = 32;
141[0] = value;
142[1] = CurrentTime;
143 XSendEvent(dpy, w, False, NoEventMask, &e);
144 XSync(dpy, False);
145 }
147 void
148 quit(Arg *arg)
149 {
150 readin = running = False;
151 }
153 /*
154 * There's no way to check accesses to destroyed windows, thus those cases are
155 * ignored (especially on UnmapNotify's). Other types of errors call Xlibs
156 * default error handler, which calls exit().
157 */
158 int
159 xerror(Display *dpy, XErrorEvent *ee)
160 {
161 if(ee->error_code == BadWindow
162 || (ee->request_code == X_SetInputFocus && ee->error_code == BadMatch)
163 || (ee->request_code == X_PolyText8 && ee->error_code == BadDrawable)
164 || (ee->request_code == X_PolyFillRectangle && ee->error_code == BadDrawable)
165 || (ee->request_code == X_PolySegment && ee->error_code == BadDrawable)
166 || (ee->request_code == X_ConfigureWindow && ee->error_code == BadMatch)
167 || (ee->request_code == X_GrabKey && ee->error_code == BadAccess))
168 return 0;
169 fprintf(stderr, "dwm: fatal error: request code=%d, error code=%d\n",
170 ee->request_code, ee->error_code);
171 return xerrorxlib(dpy, ee); /* may call exit() */
172 }
174 int
175 main(int argc, char *argv[])
176 {
177 int i, j, xfd;
178 unsigned int mask;
179 fd_set rd;
180 Window w;
181 XModifierKeymap *modmap;
182 XSetWindowAttributes wa;
184 if(argc == 2 && !strncmp("-v", argv[1], 3)) {
185 fputs("dwm-"VERSION", (C)opyright MMVI Anselm R. Garbe\n", stdout);
186 exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);
187 }
188 else if(argc != 1)
189 eprint("usage: dwm [-v]\n");
191 dpy = XOpenDisplay(0);
192 if(!dpy)
193 eprint("dwm: cannot open display\n");
195 xfd = ConnectionNumber(dpy);
196 screen = DefaultScreen(dpy);
197 root = RootWindow(dpy, screen);
199 otherwm = False;
200 XSetErrorHandler(xerrorstart);
201 /* this causes an error if some other window manager is running */
202 XSelectInput(dpy, root, SubstructureRedirectMask);
203 XSync(dpy, False);
205 if(otherwm)
206 eprint("dwm: another window manager is already running\n");
208 XSync(dpy, False);
209 XSetErrorHandler(NULL);
210 xerrorxlib = XSetErrorHandler(xerror);
211 XSync(dpy, False);
213 /* init atoms */
214 wmatom[WMProtocols] = XInternAtom(dpy, "WM_PROTOCOLS", False);
215 wmatom[WMDelete] = XInternAtom(dpy, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", False);
216 netatom[NetSupported] = XInternAtom(dpy, "_NET_SUPPORTED", False);
217 netatom[NetWMName] = XInternAtom(dpy, "_NET_WM_NAME", False);
218 XChangeProperty(dpy, root, netatom[NetSupported], XA_ATOM, 32,
219 PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *) netatom, NetLast);
221 /* init cursors */
222 cursor[CurNormal] = XCreateFontCursor(dpy, XC_left_ptr);
223 cursor[CurResize] = XCreateFontCursor(dpy, XC_sizing);
224 cursor[CurMove] = XCreateFontCursor(dpy, XC_fleur);
226 modmap = XGetModifierMapping(dpy);
227 for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
228 for (j = 0; j < modmap->max_keypermod; j++) {
229 if(modmap->modifiermap[i * modmap->max_keypermod + j] == XKeysymToKeycode(dpy, XK_Num_Lock))
230 numlockmask = (1 << i);
231 }
232 }
233 XFree(modmap);
235 wa.event_mask = SubstructureRedirectMask | SubstructureNotifyMask | EnterWindowMask | LeaveWindowMask;
236 wa.cursor = cursor[CurNormal];
237 XChangeWindowAttributes(dpy, root, CWEventMask | CWCursor, &wa);
239 grabkeys();
240 initrregs();
242 for(ntags = 0; tags[ntags]; ntags++);
243 seltag = emallocz(sizeof(Bool) * ntags);
244 seltag[DEFTAG] = True;
246 /* style */
247 = getcolor(BGCOLOR);
248 dc.fg = getcolor(FGCOLOR);
249 dc.border = getcolor(BORDERCOLOR);
250 setfont(FONT);
252 sx = sy = 0;
253 sw = DisplayWidth(dpy, screen);
254 sh = DisplayHeight(dpy, screen);
255 mw = (sw * MASTERW) / 100;
257 bx = by = 0;
258 bw = sw;
259 dc.h = bh = dc.font.height + 4;
260 wa.override_redirect = 1;
261 wa.background_pixmap = ParentRelative;
262 wa.event_mask = ButtonPressMask | ExposureMask;
263 barwin = XCreateWindow(dpy, root, bx, by, bw, bh, 0, DefaultDepth(dpy, screen),
264 CopyFromParent, DefaultVisual(dpy, screen),
265 CWOverrideRedirect | CWBackPixmap | CWEventMask, &wa);
266 XDefineCursor(dpy, barwin, cursor[CurNormal]);
267 XMapRaised(dpy, barwin);
269 dc.drawable = XCreatePixmap(dpy, root, sw, bh, DefaultDepth(dpy, screen));
270 dc.gc = XCreateGC(dpy, root, 0, 0);
272 strcpy(stext, "dwm-"VERSION);
273 drawstatus();
275 issel = XQueryPointer(dpy, root, &w, &w, &i, &i, &i, &i, &mask);
277 scan();
279 /* main event loop, also reads status text from stdin */
280 XSync(dpy, False);
281 procevent();
282 readin = True;
283 while(running) {
284 FD_ZERO(&rd);
285 if(readin)
287 FD_SET(xfd, &rd);
288 i = select(xfd + 1, &rd, NULL, NULL, NULL);
289 if(i == -1 && errno == EINTR)
290 continue;
291 if(i < 0)
292 eprint("select failed\n");
293 else if(i > 0) {
294 if(readin && FD_ISSET(STDIN_FILENO, &rd)) {
295 readin = NULL != fgets(stext, sizeof(stext), stdin);
296 if(readin)
297 stext[strlen(stext) - 1] = 0;
298 else
299 strcpy(stext, "broken pipe");
300 drawstatus();
301 }
302 }
303 procevent();
304 }
305 cleanup();
306 XCloseDisplay(dpy);
308 return 0;
309 }