Xinqi Bao's Git

make it easier for the user, if Xinerama support is given, always use the screen...
[dwm.git] / tile.c
1 /* See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. */
2 int bx, by, bw, bh, blw, mx, my, mw, mh, tx, ty, tw, th, wx, wy, ww, wh;
4 void setmfact(const char *arg);
5 void tile(void);
6 void tileresize(Client *c, int x, int y, int w, int h);
7 void updatetilegeom(void);
9 void
10 setmfact(const char *arg) {
11 double d;
13 if(!arg || lt->arrange != tile)
14 return;
15 else {
16 d = strtod(arg, NULL);
17 if(arg[0] == '-' || arg[0] == '+')
18 d += mfact;
19 if(d < 0.1 || d > 0.9)
20 return;
21 mfact = d;
22 }
23 updatetilegeom();
24 arrange();
25 }
27 void
28 tile(void) {
29 int x, y, h, w;
30 unsigned int i, n;
31 Client *c;
33 for(n = 0, c = nextunfloating(clients); c; c = nextunfloating(c->next), n++);
34 if(n == 0)
35 return;
37 /* master */
38 c = nextunfloating(clients);
40 if(n == 1)
41 tileresize(c, wx, wy, ww - 2 * c->bw, wh - 2 * c->bw);
42 else
43 tileresize(c, mx, my, mw - 2 * c->bw, mh - 2 * c->bw);
45 if(--n == 0)
46 return;
48 /* tile stack */
49 x = (tx > c->x + c->w) ? c->x + c->w + 2 * c->bw : tw;
50 y = ty;
51 w = (tx > c->x + c->w) ? wx + ww - x : tw;
52 h = th / n;
53 if(h < bh)
54 h = th;
56 for(i = 0, c = nextunfloating(c->next); c; c = nextunfloating(c->next), i++) {
57 if(i + 1 == n) /* remainder */
58 tileresize(c, x, y, w - 2 * c->bw, (ty + th) - y - 2 * c->bw);
59 else
60 tileresize(c, x, y, w - 2 * c->bw, h - 2 * c->bw);
61 if(h != th)
62 y = c->y + c->h + 2 * c->bw;
63 }
64 }
66 void
67 tileresize(Client *c, int x, int y, int w, int h) {
68 resize(c, x, y, w, h, resizehints);
69 if(resizehints && ((c->h < bh) || (c->h > h) || (c->w < bh) || (c->w > w)))
70 /* client doesn't accept size constraints */
71 resize(c, x, y, w, h, False);
72 }
74 void
75 zoom(const char *arg) {
76 Client *c = sel;
78 if(c == nextunfloating(clients))
79 if(!c || !(c = nextunfloating(c->next)))
80 return;
81 if(lt->arrange == tile && !sel->isfloating) {
82 detach(c);
83 attach(c);
84 focus(c);
85 }
86 arrange();
87 }
89 void
90 updatetilegeom(void) {
91 /* master area geometry */
92 mx = wx;
93 my = wy;
94 mw = mfact * ww;
95 mh = wh;
97 /* tile area geometry */
98 tx = mx + mw;
99 ty = wy;
100 tw = ww - mw;
101 th = wh;
102 }