Xinqi Bao's Git

descriptionXinqi's st
ownerXinqi Bao <[email protected]>
last changeMon, 4 Apr 2022 17:44:41 +0000 (01:44 +0800)
2022-04-04 Xinqi Baoman page update master
2022-04-04 Xinqi Baopatch: scrollback
2022-04-04 Xinqi Baominor update for patch xresources
2022-04-04 Xinqi Baopatch: xresources
2022-03-13 Xinqi Baominor key update
2022-03-13 Xinqi Baopatch: anysize
2022-03-13 Xinqi Baopatch: alpha
2022-03-13 Xinqi Baominor key update
2022-03-13 Xinqi Baoadd .gitignore
2022-03-13 Zacchary Dempsey... make underlines and strikethroughs respect `chscale`
2022-02-18 Santtu LakkalaDelay redrawals on palette changes
2022-01-12 Hiltjo PosthumaX10/SGR mouse: use alt as meta key instead of super...
2022-01-10 Hiltjo PosthumaLICENSE: bump year
2022-01-10 robertFix mousereport
2022-01-07 Hiltjo Posthumabump version to 0.8.5
2022-01-02 Hiltjo PosthumaFAQ: fix a typo, patch -> path
2 years ago master