typedef struct {
Display* dis;
Window win;
+ Pixmap buf;
int scr;
int w; /* window width */
int h; /* window height */
static void xclear(int, int, int, int);
static void xcursor(int);
static void xinit(void);
-static void xscroll(void);
static void expose(XEvent *);
static char* kmap(KeySym);
execsh(void) {
- char *args[3] = {SHELL, "-i", NULL};
+ char *args[3] = {getenv("SHELL"), "-i", NULL};
+ DEFAULT(args[0], "/bin/sh"); /* default shell if getenv() failed */
putenv("TERM=" TNAME);
- execvp(SHELL, args);
+ execvp(args[0], args);
xbell(void) { /* visual bell */
- XRectangle r = { 0, 0, xw.w, xw.h };
+ XRectangle r = { BORDER, BORDER, xw.w, xw.h };
XSetForeground(xw.dis, dc.gc, dc.col[BellCol]);
XFillRectangles(xw.dis, xw.win, dc.gc, &r, 1);
/* usleep(30000); */
tscroll(void) {
Line temp = term.line[term.top];
int i;
- /* No dirty flag to set because of xscroll */
- /* X stuff _before_ the line swapping (results in wrong line index) */
- xscroll();
for(i = term.top; i < term.bot; i++)
term.line[i] = term.line[i+1];
memset(temp, 0, sizeof(Glyph) * term.col);
int i;
Line temp;
- /* TODO: set dirty flag or scroll with some X func */
LIMIT(n, 0, term.bot-term.top+1);
for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
Line temp;
LIMIT(n, 0, term.bot-term.top+1);
- /* TODO: set dirty flag or scroll with some X func */
for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
memset(term.line[term.top+i], 0, term.col*sizeof(Glyph));
tsetchar(char c) {
term.line[term.c.y][term.c.x] = term.c.attr;
term.line[term.c.y][term.c.x].c = c;
- term.line[term.c.y][term.c.x].state |= GLYPH_SET | GLYPH_DIRTY;
+ term.line[term.c.y][term.c.x].state |= GLYPH_SET;
for(y = y1; y <= y2; y++)
memset(&term.line[y][x1], 0, sizeof(Glyph)*(x2-x1+1));
- xclear(x1, y1, x2, y2);
tclearregion(src, term.c.y, dst, term.c.y);
-tsetlinestate(int n, int state) {
- int i;
- for(i = 0; i < term.col; i++)
- term.line[n][i].state |= state;
tinsertblankline(int n) {
int i;
term.line[i-n] = blank;
/* blank it */
memset(blank, 0, term.col * sizeof(Glyph));
- tsetlinestate(i, GLYPH_DIRTY);
- tsetlinestate(i-n, GLYPH_DIRTY);
term.line[i+n] = blank;
/* blank it */
memset(blank, 0, term.col * sizeof(Glyph));
- tsetlinestate(i, GLYPH_DIRTY);
- tsetlinestate(i-n, GLYPH_DIRTY);
tputc(char c) {
- /* dump(c); */
if(term.esc & ESC_START) {
if(term.esc & ESC_CSI) {
escseq.buf[escseq.len++] = c;
xclear(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {
- XClearArea(xw.dis, xw.win,
- x1 * xw.cw, y1 * xw.ch,
- (x2-x1+1) * xw.cw, (y2-y1+1) * xw.ch,
- False);
-xscroll(void) {
- int srcy = (term.top+1) * xw.ch;
- int dsty = term.top * xw.ch;
- int height = (term.bot-term.top) * xw.ch;
- xcursor(CURSOR_HIDE);
- XCopyArea(xw.dis, xw.win, xw.win, dc.gc, 0, srcy, xw.w, height, 0, dsty);
- xclear(0, term.bot, term.col-1, term.bot);
+ XSetForeground(xw.dis, dc.gc, dc.col[DefaultBG]);
+ XFillRectangle(xw.dis, xw.buf, dc.gc,
+ x1 * xw.cw, y1 * xw.ch,
+ (x2-x1+1) * xw.cw, (y2-y1+1) * xw.ch);
/* XXX: Assuming same size for bold font */
xw.cw = dc.font->max_bounds.rbearing - dc.font->min_bounds.lbearing;
- xw.ch = dc.font->ascent + dc.font->descent + LINESPACE;
+ xw.ch = dc.font->ascent + dc.font->descent;
/* colors */
for(i = 0; i < LEN(colorname); i++)
/* windows */
xw.h = term.row * xw.ch;
xw.w = term.col * xw.cw;
- /* XXX: this BORDER is useless after the first resize, handle it in xdraws() */
xw.win = XCreateSimpleWindow(xw.dis, XRootWindow(xw.dis, xw.scr), 0, 0,
- xw.w, xw.h, BORDER,
+ xw.w + 2*BORDER, xw.h + 2*BORDER, 0,
+ xw.buf = XCreatePixmap(xw.dis, xw.win, xw.w, xw.h, XDefaultDepth(xw.dis, xw.scr));
/* gc */
dc.gc = XCreateGC(xw.dis, xw.win, 0, NULL);
XMapWindow(xw.dis, xw.win);
chint.res_name = TNAME, chint.res_class = TNAME;
wmhint.input = 1, wmhint.flags = InputHint;
shint.height_inc = xw.ch, shint.width_inc = xw.cw;
- shint.height = xw.h, shint.width = xw.w;
+ shint.height = xw.h + 2*BORDER, shint.width = xw.w + 2*BORDER;
shint.flags = PSize | PResizeInc;
XSetWMProperties(xw.dis, xw.win, NULL, NULL, &args[0], 0, &shint, &wmhint, &chint);
XStoreName(xw.dis, xw.win, TNAME);
+ XFillRectangle(xw.dis, xw.buf, dc.gc, 0, 0, xw.w, xw.h);
XSync(xw.dis, 0);
s[i] = gfx[s[i]];
XSetFont(xw.dis, dc.gc, base.mode & ATTR_BOLD ? dc.bfont->fid : dc.font->fid);
- XDrawImageString(xw.dis, xw.win, dc.gc, winx, winy, s, len);
+ XDrawImageString(xw.dis, xw.buf, dc.gc, winx, winy, s, len);
if(base.mode & ATTR_UNDERLINE)
- XDrawLine(xw.dis, xw.win, dc.gc, winx, winy+1, winx+width-1, winy+1);
+ XDrawLine(xw.dis, xw.buf, dc.gc, winx, winy+1, winx+width-1, winy+1);
XSetBackground(xw.dis, dc.gc, dc.col[g.bg]);
XSetForeground(xw.dis, dc.gc, dc.col[g.fg]);
XSetFont(xw.dis, dc.gc, g.mode & ATTR_BOLD ? dc.bfont->fid : dc.font->fid);
- XDrawImageString(xw.dis, xw.win, dc.gc, r.x, r.y+dc.font->ascent, &g.c, 1);
+ XDrawImageString(xw.dis, xw.buf, dc.gc, r.x, r.y+dc.font->ascent, &g.c, 1);
+ XCopyArea(xw.dis, xw.buf, xw.win, dc.gc, 0, 0, xw.w, xw.h, BORDER, BORDER);
+ XFlush(xw.dis);
Glyph base, new;
char buf[DRAW_BUF_SIZ];
- /* XXX: optimize with GLYPH_DIRTY hint */
for(y = 0; y < term.row; y++) {
base = term.line[y][0];
i = ox = 0;
xdraws(buf, base, ox, y, i);
xcursor(term.hidec ? CURSOR_HIDE : CURSOR_DRAW);
+ XCopyArea(xw.dis, xw.buf, xw.win, dc.gc, 0, 0, xw.w, xw.h, BORDER, BORDER);
+ XFlush(xw.dis);
ttyresize(col, row);
xw.w = e->xconfigure.width;
xw.h = e->xconfigure.height;
+ XFreePixmap(xw.dis, xw.buf);
+ xw.buf = XCreatePixmap(xw.dis, xw.win, xw.w, xw.h, XDefaultDepth(xw.dis, xw.scr));
running = 1;
XSelectInput(xw.dis, xw.win, ExposureMask | KeyPressMask | StructureNotifyMask);
- XResizeWindow(xw.dis, xw.win, xw.w , xw.h); /* fix resize bug in wmii (?) */
+ XResizeWindow(xw.dis, xw.win, xw.w+2*BORDER, xw.h+2*BORDER); /* fix resize bug in wmii (?) */
while(running) {
if(FD_ISSET(cmdfd, &rfd)) {
while(XPending(xw.dis)) {
XNextEvent(xw.dis, &ev);