-xdrawglyphfontspecs(const XftGlyphFontSpec *specs, Glyph base, int len, int x, int y)
- int charlen = len * ((base.mode & ATTR_WIDE) ? 2 : 1);
- int winx = borderpx + x * xw.cw, winy = borderpx + y * xw.ch,
- width = charlen * xw.cw;
- Color *fg, *bg, *temp, revfg, revbg, truefg, truebg;
- XRenderColor colfg, colbg;
- XRectangle r;
- /* Determine foreground and background colors based on mode. */
- if (base.fg == defaultfg) {
- if (base.mode & ATTR_ITALIC)
- base.fg = defaultitalic;
- else if ((base.mode & ATTR_ITALIC) && (base.mode & ATTR_BOLD))
- base.fg = defaultitalic;
- else if (base.mode & ATTR_UNDERLINE)
- base.fg = defaultunderline;
- }
- if (IS_TRUECOL(base.fg)) {
- colfg.alpha = 0xffff;
- colfg.red = TRUERED(base.fg);
- colfg.green = TRUEGREEN(base.fg);
- colfg.blue = TRUEBLUE(base.fg);
- XftColorAllocValue(xw.dpy, xw.vis, xw.cmap, &colfg, &truefg);
- fg = &truefg;
- } else {
- fg = &dc.col[base.fg];
- }
- if (IS_TRUECOL(base.bg)) {
- colbg.alpha = 0xffff;
- colbg.green = TRUEGREEN(base.bg);
- colbg.red = TRUERED(base.bg);
- colbg.blue = TRUEBLUE(base.bg);
- XftColorAllocValue(xw.dpy, xw.vis, xw.cmap, &colbg, &truebg);
- bg = &truebg;
- } else {
- bg = &dc.col[base.bg];
- }
- /* Change basic system colors [0-7] to bright system colors [8-15] */
- if ((base.mode & ATTR_BOLD_FAINT) == ATTR_BOLD && BETWEEN(base.fg, 0, 7))
- fg = &dc.col[base.fg + 8];
- if (fg == &dc.col[defaultfg]) {
- fg = &dc.col[defaultbg];
- } else {
- colfg.red = ~fg->color.red;
- colfg.green = ~fg->color.green;
- colfg.blue = ~fg->color.blue;
- colfg.alpha = fg->color.alpha;
- XftColorAllocValue(xw.dpy, xw.vis, xw.cmap, &colfg,
- &revfg);
- fg = &revfg;
- }
- if (bg == &dc.col[defaultbg]) {
- bg = &dc.col[defaultfg];
- } else {
- colbg.red = ~bg->color.red;
- colbg.green = ~bg->color.green;
- colbg.blue = ~bg->color.blue;
- colbg.alpha = bg->color.alpha;
- XftColorAllocValue(xw.dpy, xw.vis, xw.cmap, &colbg,
- &revbg);
- bg = &revbg;
- }
- }
- if (base.mode & ATTR_REVERSE) {
- temp = fg;
- fg = bg;
- bg = temp;
- }
- if ((base.mode & ATTR_BOLD_FAINT) == ATTR_FAINT) {
- colfg.red = fg->color.red / 2;
- colfg.green = fg->color.green / 2;
- colfg.blue = fg->color.blue / 2;
- XftColorAllocValue(xw.dpy, xw.vis, xw.cmap, &colfg, &revfg);
- fg = &revfg;
- }
- if (base.mode & ATTR_BLINK && term.mode & MODE_BLINK)
- fg = bg;
- if (base.mode & ATTR_INVISIBLE)
- fg = bg;
- /* Intelligent cleaning up of the borders. */
- if (x == 0) {
- xclear(0, (y == 0)? 0 : winy, borderpx,
- winy + xw.ch + ((y >= term.row-1)? xw.h : 0));
- }
- if (x + charlen >= term.col) {
- xclear(winx + width, (y == 0)? 0 : winy, xw.w,
- ((y >= term.row-1)? xw.h : (winy + xw.ch)));
- }
- if (y == 0)
- xclear(winx, 0, winx + width, borderpx);
- if (y == term.row-1)
- xclear(winx, winy + xw.ch, winx + width, xw.h);
- /* Clean up the region we want to draw to. */
- XftDrawRect(xw.draw, bg, winx, winy, width, xw.ch);
- /* Set the clip region because Xft is sometimes dirty. */
- r.x = 0;
- r.y = 0;
- r.height = xw.ch;
- r.width = width;
- XftDrawSetClipRectangles(xw.draw, winx, winy, &r, 1);
- /* Render the glyphs. */
- XftDrawGlyphFontSpec(xw.draw, fg, specs, len);
- /* Render underline and strikethrough. */
- if (base.mode & ATTR_UNDERLINE) {
- XftDrawRect(xw.draw, fg, winx, winy + dc.font.ascent + 1,
- width, 1);
- }
- if (base.mode & ATTR_STRUCK) {
- XftDrawRect(xw.draw, fg, winx, winy + 2 * dc.font.ascent / 3,
- width, 1);
- }
- /* Reset clip to none. */
- XftDrawSetClip(xw.draw, 0);
-xdrawglyph(Glyph g, int x, int y)
- int numspecs;
- XftGlyphFontSpec spec;
- numspecs = xmakeglyphfontspecs(&spec, &g, 1, x, y);
- xdrawglyphfontspecs(&spec, g, numspecs, x, y);
- static int oldx = 0, oldy = 0;
- int curx;
- Glyph g = {' ', ATTR_NULL, defaultbg, defaultcs}, og;
- int ena_sel = sel.ob.x != -1 && sel.alt == IS_SET(MODE_ALTSCREEN);
- Color drawcol;
- LIMIT(oldx, 0, term.col-1);
- LIMIT(oldy, 0, term.row-1);
- curx = term.c.x;
- /* adjust position if in dummy */
- if (term.line[oldy][oldx].mode & ATTR_WDUMMY)
- oldx--;
- if (term.line[term.c.y][curx].mode & ATTR_WDUMMY)
- curx--;
- /* remove the old cursor */
- og = term.line[oldy][oldx];
- if (ena_sel && selected(oldx, oldy))
- og.mode ^= ATTR_REVERSE;
- xdrawglyph(og, oldx, oldy);
- g.u = term.line[term.c.y][term.c.x].u;
- /*
- * Select the right color for the right mode.
- */
- g.mode |= ATTR_REVERSE;
- g.bg = defaultfg;
- if (ena_sel && selected(term.c.x, term.c.y)) {
- drawcol = dc.col[defaultcs];
- g.fg = defaultrcs;
- } else {
- drawcol = dc.col[defaultrcs];
- g.fg = defaultcs;
- }
- } else {
- if (ena_sel && selected(term.c.x, term.c.y)) {
- drawcol = dc.col[defaultrcs];
- g.fg = defaultfg;
- g.bg = defaultrcs;
- } else {
- drawcol = dc.col[defaultcs];
- }
- }
- return;
- /* draw the new one */
- if (xw.state & WIN_FOCUSED) {
- switch (xw.cursor) {
- case 7: /* st extension: snowman */
- utf8decode("☃", &g.u, UTF_SIZ);
- case 0: /* Blinking Block */
- case 1: /* Blinking Block (Default) */
- case 2: /* Steady Block */
- g.mode |= term.line[term.c.y][curx].mode & ATTR_WIDE;
- xdrawglyph(g, term.c.x, term.c.y);
- break;
- case 3: /* Blinking Underline */
- case 4: /* Steady Underline */
- XftDrawRect(xw.draw, &drawcol,
- borderpx + curx * xw.cw,
- borderpx + (term.c.y + 1) * xw.ch - \
- cursorthickness,
- xw.cw, cursorthickness);
- break;
- case 5: /* Blinking bar */
- case 6: /* Steady bar */
- XftDrawRect(xw.draw, &drawcol,
- borderpx + curx * xw.cw,
- borderpx + term.c.y * xw.ch,
- cursorthickness, xw.ch);
- break;
- }
- } else {
- XftDrawRect(xw.draw, &drawcol,
- borderpx + curx * xw.cw,
- borderpx + term.c.y * xw.ch,
- xw.cw - 1, 1);
- XftDrawRect(xw.draw, &drawcol,
- borderpx + curx * xw.cw,
- borderpx + term.c.y * xw.ch,
- 1, xw.ch - 1);
- XftDrawRect(xw.draw, &drawcol,
- borderpx + (curx + 1) * xw.cw - 1,
- borderpx + term.c.y * xw.ch,
- 1, xw.ch - 1);
- XftDrawRect(xw.draw, &drawcol,
- borderpx + curx * xw.cw,
- borderpx + (term.c.y + 1) * xw.ch - 1,
- xw.cw, 1);
- }
- oldx = curx, oldy = term.c.y;
-xsettitle(char *p)
- XTextProperty prop;
- Xutf8TextListToTextProperty(xw.dpy, &p, 1, XUTF8StringStyle,
- &prop);
- XSetWMName(xw.dpy, xw.win, &prop);
- XSetTextProperty(xw.dpy, xw.win, &prop, xw.netwmname);
- XFree(prop.value);