#define REDRAW_TIMEOUT (80*1000) /* 80 ms */
/* macros */
-#define CLEANMASK(mask) (mask & (ShiftMask|ControlMask|Mod1Mask|Mod2Mask|Mod3Mask|Mod4Mask|Mod5Mask))
#define SERRNO strerror(errno)
#define MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define MAX(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (b) : (a))
#define BETWEEN(x, a, b) ((a) <= (x) && (x) <= (b))
#define LIMIT(x, a, b) (x) = (x) < (a) ? (a) : (x) > (b) ? (b) : (x)
#define ATTRCMP(a, b) ((a).mode != (b).mode || (a).fg != (b).fg || (a).bg != (b).bg)
-#define IS_SET(flag) (term.mode & (flag))
+#define IS_SET(flag) ((term.mode & (flag)) != 0)
#define TIMEDIFF(t1, t2) ((t1.tv_sec-t2.tv_sec)*1000 + (t1.tv_usec-t2.tv_usec)/1000)
#define VT102ID "\033[?6c"
enum cursor_movement {
int bot; /* bottom scroll limit */
int mode; /* terminal mode flags */
int esc; /* escape state flags */
+ bool numlock; /* lock numbers in keyboard */
bool *tabs;
} Term;
/* function definitions used in config.h */
static void xzoom(const Arg *);
static void selpaste(const Arg *);
+static void numlock(const Arg *);
/* Config.h for applying patches and the configuration. */
#include "config.h"
int descent;
short lbearing;
short rbearing;
- XftFont *set;
+ XftFont *match;
+ FcFontSet *set;
+ FcPattern *pattern;
} Font;
/* Drawing Context */
static void tfulldirt(void);
static void techo(char *, int);
+static inline bool match(uint, uint);
static void ttynew(void);
static void ttyread(void);
static void ttyresize(void);
static void xdrawcursor(void);
static void xinit(void);
static void xloadcols(void);
+static int xloadfont(Font *, FcPattern *);
+static void xloadfonts(char *, int);
static void xresettitle(void);
static void xseturgency(int);
static void xsetsel(char*);
static void xtermclear(int, int, int, int);
+static void xunloadfonts(void);
static void xresize(int, int);
static void expose(XEvent *);
static char *kmap(KeySym, uint);
static void kpress(XEvent *);
static void cmessage(XEvent *);
-static void cresize(int width, int height);
+static void cresize(int, int);
static void resize(XEvent *);
static void focus(XEvent *);
static void brelease(XEvent *);
static ssize_t xwrite(int, char *, size_t);
static void *xmalloc(size_t);
static void *xrealloc(void *, size_t);
-static void *xcalloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size);
+static void *xcalloc(size_t, size_t);
static void (*handler[LASTEvent])(XEvent *) = {
[KeyPress] = kpress,
static char *usedfont = NULL;
static int usedfontsize = 0;
+/* Font Ring Cache */
+enum {
+typedef struct {
+ XftFont *font;
+ long c;
+ int flags;
+} Fontcache;
+ * Fontcache is a ring buffer, with frccur as current position and frclen as
+ * the current length of used elements.
+ */
+static Fontcache frc[2048];
+static int frccur = -1, frclen = 0;
xwrite(int fd, char *s, size_t len) {
size_t aux = len;
-getbuttoninfo(XEvent *e, int *b, int *x, int *y) {
- if(b)
- *b = e->xbutton.button;
+getbuttoninfo(XEvent *e) {
- *x = x2col(e->xbutton.x);
- *y = y2row(e->xbutton.y);
+ sel.ex = x2col(e->xbutton.x);
+ sel.ey = y2row(e->xbutton.y);
sel.b.x = sel.by < sel.ey ? sel.bx : sel.ex;
sel.b.y = MIN(sel.by, sel.ey);
*ptr = 0;
} else if(e->xbutton.button == Button1) {
sel.mode = 0;
- getbuttoninfo(e, NULL, &sel.ex, &sel.ey);
+ getbuttoninfo(e);
term.dirty[sel.ey] = 1;
if(sel.bx == sel.ex && sel.by == sel.ey) {
sel.bx = -1;
- if(sel.mode) {
- oldey = sel.ey;
- oldex = sel.ex;
- getbuttoninfo(e, NULL, &sel.ex, &sel.ey);
+ if(!sel.mode)
+ return;
+ oldey = sel.ey;
+ oldex = sel.ex;
+ getbuttoninfo(e);
- if(oldey != sel.ey || oldex != sel.ex) {
- starty = MIN(oldey, sel.ey);
- endy = MAX(oldey, sel.ey);
- tsetdirt(starty, endy);
- }
+ if(oldey != sel.ey || oldex != sel.ex) {
+ starty = MIN(oldey, sel.ey);
+ endy = MAX(oldey, sel.ey);
+ tsetdirt(starty, endy);
term.alt [row] = xmalloc(term.col * sizeof(Glyph));
term.dirty[row] = 0;
+ term.numlock = 1;
memset(term.tabs, 0, term.col * sizeof(*term.tabs));
/* setup screen */
case 1049: /* = 1047 and 1048 */
case 47:
case 1047: {
- alt = IS_SET(MODE_ALTSCREEN) != 0;
tclearregion(0, 0, term.col-1, term.row-1);
if(set ^ alt) /* set is always 1 or 0 */
- * All characters which forms part of a sequence are not
+ * All characters which form part of a sequence are not
* printed
xresize(int col, int row) {
- xw.tw = MAX(1, 2*borderpx + col * xw.cw);
- xw.th = MAX(1, 2*borderpx + row * xw.ch);
+ xw.tw = MAX(1, col * xw.cw);
+ xw.th = MAX(1, row * xw.ch);
XftDrawChange(xw.draw, xw.buf);
xclear(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {
- &dc.col[IS_SET(MODE_REVERSE) ? defaultfg : defaultbg],
+ &dc.col[IS_SET(MODE_REVERSE)? defaultfg : defaultbg],
x1, y1, x2-x1, y2-y1);
sizeh->width = xw.w;
sizeh->height_inc = xw.ch;
sizeh->width_inc = xw.cw;
- sizeh->base_height = 2*borderpx;
- sizeh->base_width = 2*borderpx;
+ sizeh->base_height = 2 * borderpx;
+ sizeh->base_width = 2 * borderpx;
} else {
sizeh->flags = PMaxSize | PMinSize;
sizeh->min_width = sizeh->max_width = xw.fw;
FcPattern *match;
FcResult result;
- match = XftFontMatch(xw.dpy, xw.scr, pattern, &result);
+ match = FcFontMatch(NULL, pattern, &result);
return 1;
- if(!(f->set = XftFontOpenPattern(xw.dpy, match))) {
+ if(!(f->set = FcFontSort(0, match, FcTrue, 0, &result))) {
+ FcPatternDestroy(match);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if(!(f->match = XftFontOpenPattern(xw.dpy, match))) {
return 1;
- f->ascent = f->set->ascent;
- f->descent = f->set->descent;
+ f->pattern = FcPatternDuplicate(pattern);
+ f->ascent = f->match->ascent;
+ f->descent = f->match->descent;
f->lbearing = 0;
- f->rbearing = f->set->max_advance_width;
+ f->rbearing = f->match->max_advance_width;
- f->height = f->set->height;
+ f->height = f->match->height;
f->width = f->lbearing + f->rbearing;
return 0;
+ FcConfigSubstitute(0, pattern, FcMatchPattern);
+ FcDefaultSubstitute(pattern);
if(xloadfont(&dc.font, pattern))
die("st: can't open font %s\n", fontstr);
+ int i, ip;
+ /*
+ * Free the loaded fonts in the font cache. This is done backwards
+ * from the frccur.
+ */
+ for (i = 0, ip = frccur; i < frclen; i++, ip--) {
+ if (ip < 0)
+ ip = LEN(frc) - 1;
+ XftFontClose(xw.dpy, frc[ip].font);
+ }
+ frccur = -1;
+ frclen = 0;
+ XftFontClose(xw.dpy, dc.font.match);
+ FcPatternDestroy(dc.font.pattern);
+ FcFontSetDestroy(dc.font.set);
+ XftFontClose(xw.dpy, dc.bfont.match);
+ FcPatternDestroy(dc.bfont.pattern);
+ FcFontSetDestroy(dc.bfont.set);
+ XftFontClose(xw.dpy, dc.ifont.match);
+ FcPatternDestroy(dc.ifont.pattern);
+ FcFontSetDestroy(dc.ifont.set);
+ XftFontClose(xw.dpy, dc.ibfont.match);
+ FcPatternDestroy(dc.ibfont.pattern);
+ FcFontSetDestroy(dc.ibfont.set);
xzoom(const Arg *arg)
+ xunloadfonts();
xloadfonts(usedfont, usedfontsize + arg->i);
cresize(0, 0);
xw.vis = XDefaultVisual(xw.dpy, xw.scr);
/* font */
+ if (!FcInit())
+ die("Could not init fontconfig.\n");
usedfont = (opt_font == NULL)? font : opt_font;
xloadfonts(usedfont, 0);
xw.w = xw.fw;
} else {
/* window - default size */
- xw.h = 2*borderpx + term.row * xw.ch;
- xw.w = 2*borderpx + term.col * xw.cw;
+ xw.h = 2 * borderpx + term.row * xw.ch;
+ xw.w = 2 * borderpx + term.col * xw.cw;
xw.fx = 0;
xw.fy = 0;
xw.draw = XftDrawCreate(xw.dpy, xw.buf, xw.vis, xw.cmap);
/* input methods */
- xw.xim = XOpenIM(xw.dpy, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ if((xw.xim = XOpenIM(xw.dpy, NULL, NULL, NULL)) == NULL) {
+ XSetLocaleModifiers("@im=local");
+ if((xw.xim = XOpenIM(xw.dpy, NULL, NULL, NULL)) == NULL) {
+ XSetLocaleModifiers("@im=");
+ if((xw.xim = XOpenIM(xw.dpy,
+ die("XOpenIM failed. Could not open input"
+ " device.\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
xw.xic = XCreateIC(xw.xim, XNInputStyle, XIMPreeditNothing
| XIMStatusNothing, XNClientWindow, xw.win,
XNFocusWindow, xw.win, NULL);
+ if(xw.xic == NULL)
+ die("XCreateIC failed. Could not obtain input method.\n");
/* white cursor, black outline */
cursor = XCreateFontCursor(xw.dpy, XC_xterm);
xdraws(char *s, Glyph base, int x, int y, int charlen, int bytelen) {
int winx = borderpx + x * xw.cw, winy = borderpx + y * xw.ch,
- width = charlen * xw.cw;
+ width = charlen * xw.cw, xp, i;
+ int frp, frcflags;
+ int u8fl, u8fblen, u8cblen, doesexist;
+ char *u8c, *u8fs;
+ long u8char;
Font *font = &dc.font;
- XGlyphInfo extents;
+ FcResult fcres;
+ FcPattern *fcpattern, *fontpattern;
+ FcFontSet *fcsets[] = { NULL };
+ FcCharSet *fccharset;
Colour *fg = &dc.col[base.fg], *bg = &dc.col[base.bg],
*temp, revfg, revbg;
XRenderColor colfg, colbg;
+ frcflags = FRC_NORMAL;
if(base.mode & ATTR_BOLD) {
if(BETWEEN(base.fg, 0, 7)) {
/* basic system colors */
* 252 - 255 – brightest colors in greyscale
font = &dc.bfont;
+ frcflags = FRC_BOLD;
- if(base.mode & ATTR_ITALIC)
+ if(base.mode & ATTR_ITALIC) {
font = &dc.ifont;
- if((base.mode & ATTR_ITALIC) && (base.mode & ATTR_BOLD))
+ frcflags = FRC_ITALIC;
+ }
+ if((base.mode & ATTR_ITALIC) && (base.mode & ATTR_BOLD)) {
font = &dc.ibfont;
+ frcflags = FRC_ITALICBOLD;
+ }
if(fg == &dc.col[defaultfg]) {
- if(base.mode & ATTR_REVERSE)
- temp = fg, fg = bg, bg = temp;
- XftTextExtentsUtf8(xw.dpy, font->set, (FcChar8 *)s, bytelen,
- &extents);
- width = extents.xOff;
+ if(base.mode & ATTR_REVERSE) {
+ temp = fg;
+ fg = bg;
+ bg = temp;
+ }
/* Intelligent cleaning up of the borders. */
if(x == 0) {
xclear(0, (y == 0)? 0 : winy, borderpx,
- winy + xw.ch + (y == term.row-1)? xw.h : 0);
+ winy + xw.ch + ((y >= term.row-1)? xw.h : 0));
- if(x + charlen >= term.col-1) {
+ if(x + charlen >= term.col) {
xclear(winx + width, (y == 0)? 0 : winy, xw.w,
- (y == term.row-1)? xw.h : (winy + xw.ch));
+ ((y >= term.row-1)? xw.h : (winy + xw.ch)));
if(y == 0)
xclear(winx, 0, winx + width, borderpx);
if(y == term.row-1)
xclear(winx, winy + xw.ch, winx + width, xw.h);
+ /* Clean up the region we want to draw to. */
XftDrawRect(xw.draw, bg, winx, winy, width, xw.ch);
+ fcsets[0] = font->set;
+ for (xp = winx; bytelen > 0;) {
+ /*
+ * Search for the range in the to be printed string of glyphs
+ * that are in the main font. Then print that range. If
+ * some glyph is found that is not in the font, do the
+ * fallback dance.
+ */
+ u8fs = s;
+ u8fblen = 0;
+ u8fl = 0;
+ for (;;) {
+ u8c = s;
+ u8cblen = utf8decode(s, &u8char);
+ s += u8cblen;
+ bytelen -= u8cblen;
+ doesexist = XftCharIndex(xw.dpy, font->match, u8char);
+ if (!doesexist || bytelen <= 0) {
+ if (bytelen <= 0) {
+ if (doesexist) {
+ u8fl++;
+ u8fblen += u8cblen;
+ }
+ }
+ if (u8fl > 0) {
+ XftDrawStringUtf8(xw.draw, fg,
+ font->match, xp,
+ winy + font->ascent,
+ (FcChar8 *)u8fs,
+ u8fblen);
+ xp += font->width * u8fl;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ u8fl++;
+ u8fblen += u8cblen;
+ }
+ if (doesexist)
+ break;
+ frp = frccur;
+ /* Search the font cache. */
+ for (i = 0; i < frclen; i++, frp--) {
+ if (frp <= 0)
+ frp = LEN(frc) - 1;
+ if (frc[frp].c == u8char
+ && frc[frp].flags == frcflags) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Nothing was found. */
+ if (i >= frclen) {
+ /*
+ * Nothing was found in the cache. Now use
+ * some dozen of Fontconfig calls to get the
+ * font for one single character.
+ */
+ fcpattern = FcPatternDuplicate(font->pattern);
+ fccharset = FcCharSetCreate();
+ FcCharSetAddChar(fccharset, u8char);
+ FcPatternAddCharSet(fcpattern, FC_CHARSET,
+ fccharset);
+ FcPatternAddBool(fcpattern, FC_SCALABLE,
+ FcTrue);
+ FcConfigSubstitute(0, fcpattern,
+ FcMatchPattern);
+ FcDefaultSubstitute(fcpattern);
+ fontpattern = FcFontSetMatch(0, fcsets,
+ FcTrue, fcpattern, &fcres);
+ /*
+ * Overwrite or create the new cache entry
+ * entry.
+ */
+ frccur++;
+ frclen++;
+ if (frccur >= LEN(frc))
+ frccur = 0;
+ if (frclen > LEN(frc)) {
+ frclen = LEN(frc);
+ XftFontClose(xw.dpy, frc[frccur].font);
+ }
+ frc[frccur].font = XftFontOpenPattern(xw.dpy,
+ fontpattern);
+ frc[frccur].c = u8char;
+ frc[frccur].flags = frcflags;
+ FcPatternDestroy(fcpattern);
+ FcCharSetDestroy(fccharset);
+ frp = frccur;
+ }
+ XftDrawStringUtf8(xw.draw, fg, frc[frp].font,
+ xp, winy + frc[frp].font->ascent,
+ (FcChar8 *)u8c, u8cblen);
+ xp += font->width;
+ }
+ /*
XftDrawStringUtf8(xw.draw, fg, font->set, winx,
winy + font->ascent, (FcChar8 *)s, bytelen);
+ */
if(base.mode & ATTR_UNDERLINE) {
XftDrawRect(xw.draw, fg, winx, winy + font->ascent + 1,
int ic, ib, x, y, ox, sl;
Glyph base, new;
char buf[DRAW_BUF_SIZ];
- bool ena_sel = sel.bx != -1, alt = IS_SET(MODE_ALTSCREEN) != 0;
+ bool ena_sel = sel.bx != -1;
- if((sel.alt != 0) ^ alt)
+ if(sel.alt ^ IS_SET(MODE_ALTSCREEN))
ena_sel = 0;
if(!(xw.state & WIN_VISIBLE))
+inline bool
+match(uint mask, uint state) {
+ if(mask == XK_NO_MOD && state)
+ return false;
+ if(mask != XK_ANY_MOD && mask != XK_NO_MOD && !state)
+ return false;
+ if((state & mask) != state)
+ return false;
+ return true;
+numlock(const Arg *dummy) {
+ term.numlock ^= 1;
kmap(KeySym k, uint state) {
uint mask;
Key *kp;
+ int i;
+ /* Check for mapped keys out of X11 function keys. */
+ for(i = 0; i < LEN(mappedkeys); i++) {
+ if(mappedkeys[i] == k)
+ break;
+ }
+ if(i == LEN(mappedkeys)) {
+ if((k & 0xFFFF) < 0xFD00)
+ return NULL;
+ }
- state &= ~Mod2Mask;
for(kp = key; kp < key + LEN(key); kp++) {
mask = kp->mask;
if(kp->k != k)
- if(mask == XK_NO_MOD && state)
- continue;
- if(mask != XK_ANY_MOD && mask != XK_NO_MOD && !state)
- continue;
- if((state & mask) != state)
+ if(!match(mask, state))
- if((kp->appkey < 0 && IS_SET(MODE_APPKEYPAD)) ||
- (kp->appkey > 0 && !IS_SET(MODE_APPKEYPAD))) {
+ if(kp->appkey > 0) {
+ continue;
+ if(term.numlock && kp->appkey == 2)
+ continue;
+ } else if(kp->appkey < 0 && IS_SET(MODE_APPKEYPAD)) {
if((kp->appcursor < 0 && IS_SET(MODE_APPCURSOR)) ||
- (kp->appcursor > 0 && !IS_SET(MODE_APPCURSOR))) {
+ (kp->appcursor > 0
XKeyEvent *e = &ev->xkey;
KeySym ksym;
char xstr[31], buf[32], *customkey, *cp = buf;
- int len, i;
+ int len;
Status status;
+ Shortcut *bp;
len = XmbLookupString(xw.xic, e, xstr, sizeof(xstr), &ksym, &status);
+ e->state &= ~Mod2Mask;
/* 1. shortcuts */
- for(i = 0; i < LEN(shortcuts); i++) {
- if((ksym == shortcuts[i].keysym)
- && (CLEANMASK(shortcuts[i].mod) == \
- CLEANMASK(e->state))
- && shortcuts[i].func) {
- shortcuts[i].func(&(shortcuts[i].arg));
+ for(bp = shortcuts; bp < shortcuts + LEN(shortcuts); bp++) {
+ if(ksym == bp->keysym && match(bp->mod, e->state)) {
+ bp->func(&(bp->arg));
+ return;
if(height != 0)
xw.h = height;
- col = (xw.w - 2*borderpx) / xw.cw;
- row = (xw.h - 2*borderpx) / xw.ch;
+ col = (xw.w - 2 * borderpx) / xw.cw;
+ row = (xw.h - 2 * borderpx) / xw.ch;
tresize(col, row);
xresize(col, row);