#include <X11/keysym.h>
#include <X11/Xft/Xft.h>
#include <fontconfig/fontconfig.h>
+#include <wchar.h>
#include "arg.h"
#define ATTRCMP(a, b) ((a).mode != (b).mode || (a).fg != (b).fg || (a).bg != (b).bg)
#define IS_SET(flag) ((term.mode & (flag)) != 0)
#define TIMEDIFF(t1, t2) ((t1.tv_sec-t2.tv_sec)*1000 + (t1.tv_usec-t2.tv_usec)/1000)
+#define CEIL(x) (((x) != (int) (x)) ? (x) + 1 : (x))
+#define TRUECOLOR(r,g,b) (1 << 24 | (r) << 16 | (g) << 8 | (b))
+#define IS_TRUECOL(x) (1 << 24 & (x))
+#define TRUERED(x) (((x) & 0xff0000) >> 8)
+#define TRUEGREEN(x) (((x) & 0xff00))
+#define TRUEBLUE(x) (((x) & 0xff) << 8)
#define VT102ID "\033[?6c"
+ ATTR_WIDE = 128,
+ ATTR_WDUMMY = 256,
enum cursor_movement {
enum cursor_state {
enum term_mode {
- MODE_WRAP = 1,
+ MODE_WRAP = 1,
- MODE_CRLF = 16,
+ MODE_CRLF = 16,
- MODE_HIDE = 512,
- MODE_ECHO = 1024,
+ MODE_HIDE = 512,
+ MODE_ECHO = 1024,
- MODE_8BIT = 8192,
- MODE_BLINK = 16384,
- MODE_FBLINK = 32768,
- MODE_FOCUS = 65536,
- MODE_MOUSEX10 = 131072,
+ MODE_8BIT = 8192,
+ MODE_BLINK = 16384,
+ MODE_FBLINK = 32768,
+ MODE_FOCUS = 65536,
+ MODE_MOUSEX10 = 131072,
+enum charset {
+ CS_UK,
enum escape_state {
- ESC_CSI = 2,
- ESC_STR = 4, /* DSC, OSC, PM, APC */
+ ESC_CSI = 2,
+ ESC_STR = 4, /* DSC, OSC, PM, APC */
ESC_STR_END = 16, /* a final string was encountered */
ESC_TEST = 32, /* Enter in test mode */
-/* bit macro */
-#undef B0
-enum { B0=1, B1=2, B2=4, B3=8, B4=16, B5=32, B6=64, B7=128 };
typedef unsigned char uchar;
typedef unsigned int uint;
typedef unsigned long ulong;
typedef unsigned short ushort;
typedef struct {
- char c[UTF_SIZ]; /* character code */
- uchar mode; /* attribute flags */
- ushort fg; /* foreground */
- ushort bg; /* background */
+ char c[UTF_SIZ]; /* character code */
+ ushort mode; /* attribute flags */
+ ulong fg; /* foreground */
+ ulong bg; /* background */
} Glyph;
typedef Glyph *Line;
typedef struct {
- Glyph attr; /* current char attributes */
+ Glyph attr; /* current char attributes */
int x;
int y;
char state;
/* ESC '[' [[ [<priv>] <arg> [;]] <mode>] */
typedef struct {
char buf[ESC_BUF_SIZ]; /* raw string */
- int len; /* raw string length */
+ int len; /* raw string length */
char priv;
int arg[ESC_ARG_SIZ];
- int narg; /* nb of args */
+ int narg; /* nb of args */
char mode;
} CSIEscape;
/* STR Escape sequence structs */
/* ESC type [[ [<priv>] <arg> [;]] <mode>] ESC '\' */
typedef struct {
- char type; /* ESC type ... */
+ char type; /* ESC type ... */
char buf[STR_BUF_SIZ]; /* raw string */
- int len; /* raw string length */
+ int len; /* raw string length */
char *args[STR_ARG_SIZ];
- int narg; /* nb of args */
+ int narg; /* nb of args */
} STREscape;
/* Internal representation of the screen */
typedef struct {
- int row; /* nb row */
- int col; /* nb col */
- Line *line; /* screen */
- Line *alt; /* alternate screen */
- bool *dirty; /* dirtyness of lines */
- TCursor c; /* cursor */
- int top; /* top scroll limit */
- int bot; /* bottom scroll limit */
- int mode; /* terminal mode flags */
- int esc; /* escape state flags */
- bool numlock; /* lock numbers in keyboard */
+ int row; /* nb row */
+ int col; /* nb col */
+ Line *line; /* screen */
+ Line *alt; /* alternate screen */
+ bool *dirty; /* dirtyness of lines */
+ TCursor c; /* cursor */
+ int top; /* top scroll limit */
+ int bot; /* bottom scroll limit */
+ int mode; /* terminal mode flags */
+ int esc; /* escape state flags */
+ char trantbl[4]; /* charset table translation */
+ int charset; /* current charset */
+ int icharset; /* selected charset for sequence */
+ bool numlock; /* lock numbers in keyboard */
bool *tabs;
} Term;
typedef struct {
KeySym k;
uint mask;
- char s[ESC_BUF_SIZ];
+ char *s;
/* three valued logic variables: 0 indifferent, 1 on, -1 off */
- signed char appkey; /* application keypad */
- signed char appcursor; /* application cursor */
- signed char crlf; /* crlf mode */
+ signed char appkey; /* application keypad */
+ signed char appcursor; /* application cursor */
+ signed char crlf; /* crlf mode */
} Key;
typedef struct {
static void tsetmode(bool, bool, int *, int);
static void tfulldirt(void);
static void techo(char *, int);
+static long tdefcolor(int *, int *, int);
+static void tselcs(void);
+static void tdeftran(char);
static inline bool match(uint, uint);
static void ttynew(void);
static void ttyread(void);
static void ttyresize(void);
+static void ttysend(char *, size_t);
static void ttywrite(const char *, size_t);
static void xdraws(char *, Glyph, int, int, int, int);
static ssize_t xwrite(int, char *, size_t);
static void *xmalloc(size_t);
static void *xrealloc(void *, size_t);
-static void *xcalloc(size_t, size_t);
static void (*handler[LASTEvent])(XEvent *) = {
[KeyPress] = kpress,
typedef struct {
XftFont *font;
- long c;
int flags;
} Fontcache;
- * Fontcache is a ring buffer, with frccur as current position and frclen as
- * the current length of used elements.
- */
-static Fontcache frc[1024];
-static int frccur = -1, frclen = 0;
+/* Fontcache is an array now. A new font will be appended to the array. */
+static Fontcache frc[16];
+static int frclen = 0;
xwrite(int fd, char *s, size_t len) {
return p;
-void *
-xcalloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size) {
- void *p = calloc(nmemb, size);
- if(!p)
- die("Out of memory\n");
- return p;
utf8decode(char *s, long *u) {
uchar c;
rtn = 1;
c = *s;
- if(~c & B7) { /* 0xxxxxxx */
+ if(~c & 0x80) { /* 0xxxxxxx */
*u = c;
return rtn;
- } else if((c & (B7|B6|B5)) == (B7|B6)) { /* 110xxxxx */
- *u = c&(B4|B3|B2|B1|B0);
+ } else if((c & 0xE0) == 0xC0) { /* 110xxxxx */
+ *u = c & 0x1F;
n = 1;
- } else if((c & (B7|B6|B5|B4)) == (B7|B6|B5)) { /* 1110xxxx */
- *u = c&(B3|B2|B1|B0);
+ } else if((c & 0xF0) == 0xE0) { /* 1110xxxx */
+ *u = c & 0x0F;
n = 2;
- } else if((c & (B7|B6|B5|B4|B3)) == (B7|B6|B5|B4)) { /* 11110xxx */
- *u = c & (B2|B1|B0);
+ } else if((c & 0xF8) == 0xF0) { /* 11110xxx */
+ *u = c & 0x07;
n = 3;
} else {
goto invalid;
for(i = n, ++s; i > 0; --i, ++rtn, ++s) {
c = *s;
- if((c & (B7|B6)) != B7) /* 10xxxxxx */
+ if((c & 0xC0) != 0x80) /* 10xxxxxx */
goto invalid;
*u <<= 6;
- *u |= c & (B5|B4|B3|B2|B1|B0);
+ *u |= c & 0x3F;
if((n == 1 && *u < 0x80) ||
*sp = uc; /* 0xxxxxxx */
return 1;
} else if(*u < 0x800) {
- *sp = (uc >> 6) | (B7|B6); /* 110xxxxx */
+ *sp = (uc >> 6) | 0xC0; /* 110xxxxx */
n = 1;
} else if(uc < 0x10000) {
- *sp = (uc >> 12) | (B7|B6|B5); /* 1110xxxx */
+ *sp = (uc >> 12) | 0xE0; /* 1110xxxx */
n = 2;
} else if(uc <= 0x10FFFF) {
- *sp = (uc >> 18) | (B7|B6|B5|B4); /* 11110xxx */
+ *sp = (uc >> 18) | 0xF0; /* 11110xxx */
n = 3;
} else {
goto invalid;
for(i=n,++sp; i>0; --i,++sp)
- *sp = ((uc >> 6*(i-1)) & (B5|B4|B3|B2|B1|B0)) | B7; /* 10xxxxxx */
+ *sp = ((uc >> 6*(i-1)) & 0x3F) | 0x80; /* 10xxxxxx */
return n+1;
c3 = (uchar *)++s;
if(b < 1) {
return 0;
- } else if((*c1&(B7|B6|B5)) == (B7|B6) && b == 1) {
+ } else if((*c1 & 0xE0) == 0xC0 && b == 1) {
return 0;
- } else if((*c1&(B7|B6|B5|B4)) == (B7|B6|B5) &&
+ } else if((*c1 & 0xF0) == 0xE0 &&
((b == 1) ||
- ((b == 2) && (*c2&(B7|B6)) == B7))) {
+ ((b == 2) && (*c2 & 0xC0) == 0x80))) {
return 0;
- } else if((*c1&(B7|B6|B5|B4|B3)) == (B7|B6|B5|B4) &&
+ } else if((*c1 & 0xF8) == 0xF0 &&
((b == 1) ||
- ((b == 2) && (*c2&(B7|B6)) == B7) ||
- ((b == 3) && (*c2&(B7|B6)) == B7 && (*c3&(B7|B6)) == B7))) {
+ ((b == 2) && (*c2 & 0xC0) == 0x80) ||
+ ((b == 3) && (*c2 & 0xC0) == 0x80 && (*c3 & 0xC0) == 0x80))) {
return 0;
} else {
return 1;
utf8size(char *s) {
uchar c = *s;
- if(~c&B7) {
+ if(~c & 0x80) {
return 1;
- } else if((c&(B7|B6|B5)) == (B7|B6)) {
+ } else if((c & 0xE0) == 0xC0) {
return 2;
- } else if((c&(B7|B6|B5|B4)) == (B7|B6|B5)) {
+ } else if((c & 0xF0) == 0xE0) {
return 3;
} else {
return 4;
+ if(term.line[*y][*x+direction].mode & ATTR_WDUMMY) {
+ *x += direction;
+ continue;
+ }
- term.line[*y][*x + direction].c[0])) {
+ term.line[*y][*x+direction].c[0])) {
button = oldbutton + 32;
ox = x;
oy = y;
- } else if(!IS_SET(MODE_MOUSESGR)
- && (e->xbutton.type == ButtonRelease
- || button == AnyButton)) {
- button = 3;
} else {
- button -= Button1;
- if(button >= 3)
- button += 64 - 3;
+ if(!IS_SET(MODE_MOUSESGR) && e->xbutton.type == ButtonRelease) {
+ button = 3;
+ } else {
+ button -= Button1;
+ if(button >= 3)
+ button += 64 - 3;
+ }
if(e->xbutton.type == ButtonPress) {
oldbutton = button;
ox = x;
oy = y;
+ } else if(e->xbutton.type == ButtonRelease) {
+ oldbutton = 3;
+ /* MODE_MOUSEX10: no button release reporting */
+ return;
e->xbutton.type == ButtonRelease ? 'm' : 'M');
} else if(x < 223 && y < 223) {
len = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "\033[M%c%c%c",
- IS_SET(MODE_MOUSEX10)? button-1 : 32+button,
- 32+x+1, 32+y+1);
+ 32+button, 32+x+1, 32+y+1);
} else {
for(mk = mshortcuts; mk < mshortcuts + LEN(mshortcuts); mk++) {
if(e->xbutton.button == mk->b
&& match(mk->mask, e->xbutton.state)) {
- ttywrite(mk->s, strlen(mk->s));
- techo(mk->s, strlen(mk->s));
+ ttysend(mk->s, strlen(mk->s));
if(sel.snap != 0) {
tsetdirt(sel.nb.y, sel.ne.y);
- draw();
sel.tclick2 = sel.tclick1;
sel.tclick1 = now;
/* nothing */;
for(x = 0; gp <= last; x++, ++gp) {
- if(!selected(x, y))
+ if(!selected(x, y) || (gp->mode & ATTR_WDUMMY))
size = utf8size(gp->c);
* st.
* FIXME: Fix the computer world.
- if(y < sel.ne.y && !((gp-1)->mode & ATTR_WRAP))
+ if(y < sel.ne.y && x > 0 && !((gp-1)->mode & ATTR_WRAP))
*ptr++ = '\n';
*repl++ = '\r';
- ttywrite((const char *)data, nitems * format / 8);
+ ttywrite("\033[200~", 6);
+ ttysend((char *)data, nitems * format / 8);
+ ttywrite("\033[201~", 6);
/* number of 32-bit chunks returned */
ofs += nitems * format / 32;
int stat = 0;
if(waitpid(pid, &stat, 0) < 0)
- die("Waiting for pid %hd failed: %s\n", pid, SERRNO);
+ die("Waiting for pid %hd failed: %s\n", pid, SERRNO);
if(WIFEXITED(stat)) {
die("write error on tty: %s\n", SERRNO);
+ttysend(char *s, size_t n) {
+ ttywrite(s, n);
+ techo(s, n);
ttyresize(void) {
struct winsize w;
tcursor(int mode) {
- static TCursor c;
+ static TCursor c[2];
+ bool alt = IS_SET(MODE_ALTSCREEN);
if(mode == CURSOR_SAVE) {
- c = term.c;
+ c[alt] = term.c;
} else if(mode == CURSOR_LOAD) {
- term.c = c;
- tmoveto(c.x, c.y);
+ term.c = c[alt];
+ tmoveto(c[alt].x, c[alt].y);
term.top = 0;
term.bot = term.row - 1;
term.mode = MODE_WRAP;
+ memset(term.trantbl, sizeof(term.trantbl), CS_USA);
+ term.charset = 0;
tclearregion(0, 0, term.col-1, term.row-1);
tmoveto(0, 0);
tnew(int col, int row) {
- memset(&term, 0, sizeof(Term));
+ term = (Term){ .c = { .attr = { .fg = defaultfg, .bg = defaultbg } } };
tresize(col, row);
term.numlock = 1;
+ if(term.line[y][x].mode & ATTR_WIDE) {
+ if(x+1 < term.col) {
+ term.line[y][x+1].c[0] = ' ';
+ term.line[y][x+1].mode &= ~ATTR_WDUMMY;
+ }
+ } else if(term.line[y][x].mode & ATTR_WDUMMY) {
+ term.line[y][x-1].c[0] = ' ';
+ term.line[y][x-1].mode &= ~ATTR_WIDE;
+ }
term.dirty[y] = 1;
term.line[y][x] = *attr;
memcpy(term.line[y][x].c, c, UTF_SIZ);
tscrollup(term.c.y, n);
+tdefcolor(int *attr, int *npar, int l) {
+ long idx = -1;
+ uint r, g, b;
+ switch (attr[*npar + 1]) {
+ case 2: /* direct colour in RGB space */
+ if (*npar + 4 >= l) {
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "erresc(38): Incorrect number of parameters (%d)\n",
+ *npar);
+ break;
+ }
+ r = attr[*npar + 2];
+ g = attr[*npar + 3];
+ b = attr[*npar + 4];
+ *npar += 4;
+ if(!BETWEEN(r, 0, 255) || !BETWEEN(g, 0, 255) || !BETWEEN(b, 0, 255))
+ fprintf(stderr, "erresc: bad rgb color (%d,%d,%d)\n",
+ r, g, b);
+ else
+ idx = TRUECOLOR(r, g, b);
+ break;
+ case 5: /* indexed colour */
+ if (*npar + 2 >= l) {
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "erresc(38): Incorrect number of parameters (%d)\n",
+ *npar);
+ break;
+ }
+ *npar += 2;
+ if(!BETWEEN(attr[*npar], 0, 255))
+ fprintf(stderr, "erresc: bad fgcolor %d\n", attr[*npar]);
+ else
+ idx = attr[*npar];
+ break;
+ case 0: /* implemented defined (only foreground) */
+ case 1: /* transparent */
+ case 3: /* direct colour in CMY space */
+ case 4: /* direct colour in CMYK space */
+ default:
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "erresc(38): gfx attr %d unknown\n", attr[*npar]);
+ }
+ return idx;
tsetattr(int *attr, int l) {
int i;
+ long idx;
for(i = 0; i < l; i++) {
switch(attr[i]) {
term.c.attr.mode &= ~ATTR_REVERSE;
case 38:
- if(i + 2 < l && attr[i + 1] == 5) {
- i += 2;
- if(BETWEEN(attr[i], 0, 255)) {
- term.c.attr.fg = attr[i];
- } else {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "erresc: bad fgcolor %d\n",
- attr[i]);
- }
- } else {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "erresc(38): gfx attr %d unknown\n",
- attr[i]);
- }
+ if ((idx = tdefcolor(attr, &i, l)) >= 0)
+ term.c.attr.fg = idx;
case 39:
term.c.attr.fg = defaultfg;
case 48:
- if(i + 2 < l && attr[i + 1] == 5) {
- i += 2;
- if(BETWEEN(attr[i], 0, 255)) {
- term.c.attr.bg = attr[i];
- } else {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "erresc: bad bgcolor %d\n",
- attr[i]);
- }
- } else {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "erresc(48): gfx attr %d unknown\n",
- attr[i]);
- }
+ if ((idx = tdefcolor(attr, &i, l)) >= 0)
+ term.c.attr.bg = idx;
case 49:
term.c.attr.bg = defaultbg;
case 1034:
MODBIT(term.mode, set, MODE_8BIT);
- case 1049: /* = 1047 and 1048 */
- case 47:
+ case 1049: /* swap screen & set/restore cursor as xterm */
+ tcursor((set) ? CURSOR_SAVE : CURSOR_LOAD);
+ case 47: /* swap screen */
case 1047:
if (!allowaltscreen)
if(alt) {
tclearregion(0, 0, term.col-1,
- if(set ^ alt) /* set is always 1 or 0 */
+ if(set ^ alt) /* set is always 1 or 0 */
if(*args != 1049)
case 1048:
tcursor((set) ? CURSOR_SAVE : CURSOR_LOAD);
+ case 2004: /* 2004: bracketed paste mode */
+ MODBIT(term.mode, set, MODE_BRCKTPASTE);
+ break;
/* Not implemented mouse modes. See comments there. */
case 1001: /* mouse highlight mode; can hang the
terminal by design when implemented. */
csihandle(void) {
+ char buf[40];
+ int len;
switch(csiescseq.mode) {
case 'm': /* SGR -- Terminal attribute (color) */
tsetattr(csiescseq.arg, csiescseq.narg);
+ case 'n': /* DSR – Device Status Report (cursor position) */
+ if (csiescseq.arg[0] == 6) {
+ len = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),"\033[%i;%iR",
+ term.c.y+1, term.c.x+1);
+ ttywrite(buf, len);
+ break;
+ }
case 'r': /* DECSTBM -- Set Scrolling Region */
if(csiescseq.priv) {
goto unknown;
for(; len > 0; buf++, len--) {
char c = *buf;
- if(c == '\033') { /* escape */
+ if(c == '\033') { /* escape */
tputc("^", 1);
tputc("[", 1);
- } else if(c < '\x20') { /* control code */
+ } else if(c < '\x20') { /* control code */
if(c != '\n' && c != '\r' && c != '\t') {
c |= '\x40';
tputc("^", 1);
tputc(buf, len);
+tdeftran(char ascii) {
+ char c, (*bp)[2];
+ static char tbl[][2] = {
+ {'0', CS_GRAPHIC0}, {'1', CS_GRAPHIC1}, {'A', CS_UK},
+ {'B', CS_USA}, {'<', CS_MULTI}, {'K', CS_GER},
+ {'5', CS_FIN}, {'C', CS_FIN},
+ {0, 0}
+ };
+ for (bp = &tbl[0]; (c = (*bp)[0]) && c != ascii; ++bp)
+ /* nothing */;
+ if (c == 0)
+ fprintf(stderr, "esc unhandled charset: ESC ( %c\n", ascii);
+ else
+ term.trantbl[term.icharset] = (*bp)[1];
+tselcs(void) {
+ if (term.trantbl[term.charset] == CS_GRAPHIC0)
+ term.c.attr.mode |= ATTR_GFX;
+ else
+ term.c.attr.mode &= ~ATTR_GFX;
tputc(char *c, int len) {
uchar ascii = *c;
bool control = ascii < '\x20' || ascii == 0177;
+ long u8char;
+ int width;
+ if(len == 1) {
+ width = 1;
+ } else {
+ utf8decode(c, &u8char);
+ width = wcwidth(u8char);
+ }
if(iofd != -1) {
if(xwrite(iofd, c, len) < 0) {
if(control) {
switch(ascii) {
- case '\t': /* HT */
+ case '\t': /* HT */
- case '\b': /* BS */
+ case '\b': /* BS */
tmoveto(term.c.x-1, term.c.y);
- case '\r': /* CR */
+ case '\r': /* CR */
tmoveto(0, term.c.y);
- case '\f': /* LF */
- case '\v': /* VT */
- case '\n': /* LF */
+ case '\f': /* LF */
+ case '\v': /* VT */
+ case '\n': /* LF */
/* go to first col if the mode is set */
- case '\a': /* BEL */
+ case '\a': /* BEL */
if(!(xw.state & WIN_FOCUSED))
+ if (bellvolume)
+ XBell(xw.dpy, bellvolume);
- case '\033': /* ESC */
+ case '\033': /* ESC */
term.esc = ESC_START;
- case '\016': /* SO */
- case '\017': /* SI */
- /*
- * Different charsets are hard to handle. Applications
- * should use the right alt charset escapes for the
- * only reason they still exist: line drawing. The
- * rest is incompatible history st should not support.
- */
+ case '\016': /* SO */
+ term.charset = 0;
+ tselcs();
+ return;
+ case '\017': /* SI */
+ term.charset = 1;
+ tselcs();
- case '\032': /* SUB */
- case '\030': /* CAN */
+ case '\032': /* SUB */
+ case '\030': /* CAN */
- case '\005': /* ENQ (IGNORED) */
- case '\000': /* NUL (IGNORED) */
- case '\021': /* XON (IGNORED) */
- case '\023': /* XOFF (IGNORED) */
- case 0177: /* DEL (IGNORED) */
+ case '\005': /* ENQ (IGNORED) */
+ case '\000': /* NUL (IGNORED) */
+ case '\021': /* XON (IGNORED) */
+ case '\023': /* XOFF (IGNORED) */
+ case 0177: /* DEL (IGNORED) */
} else if(term.esc & ESC_START) {
if(ascii == '\\')
} else if(term.esc & ESC_ALTCHARSET) {
- switch(ascii) {
- case '0': /* Line drawing set */
- term.c.attr.mode |= ATTR_GFX;
- break;
- case 'B': /* USASCII */
- term.c.attr.mode &= ~ATTR_GFX;
- break;
- case 'A': /* UK (IGNORED) */
- case '<': /* multinational charset (IGNORED) */
- case '5': /* Finnish (IGNORED) */
- case 'C': /* Finnish (IGNORED) */
- case 'K': /* German (IGNORED) */
- break;
- default:
- fprintf(stderr, "esc unhandled charset: ESC ( %c\n", ascii);
- }
+ tdeftran(ascii);
+ tselcs();
term.esc = 0;
} else if(term.esc & ESC_TEST) {
if(ascii == '8') { /* DEC screen alignment test. */
term.esc |= ESC_STR;
case '(': /* set primary charset G0 */
+ case ')': /* set secondary charset G1 */
+ case '*': /* set tertiary charset G2 */
+ case '+': /* set quaternary charset G3 */
+ term.icharset = ascii - '(';
term.esc |= ESC_ALTCHARSET;
- case ')': /* set secondary charset G1 (IGNORED) */
- case '*': /* set tertiary charset G2 (IGNORED) */
- case '+': /* set quaternary charset G3 (IGNORED) */
- term.esc = 0;
- break;
case 'D': /* IND -- Linefeed */
if(term.c.y == term.bot) {
tscrollup(term.top, 1);
term.esc = 0;
+ xloadcols();
case '=': /* DECPAM -- Application keypad */
term.mode |= MODE_APPKEYPAD;
(term.col - term.c.x - 1) * sizeof(Glyph));
+ if(term.c.x+width > term.col)
+ tnewline(1);
tsetchar(c, &term.c.attr, term.c.x, term.c.y);
- if(term.c.x+1 < term.col) {
- tmoveto(term.c.x+1, term.c.y);
+ if(width == 2) {
+ term.line[term.c.y][term.c.x].mode |= ATTR_WIDE;
+ if(term.c.x+1 < term.col) {
+ term.line[term.c.y][term.c.x+1].c[0] = '\0';
+ term.line[term.c.y][term.c.x+1].mode = ATTR_WDUMMY;
+ }
+ }
+ if(term.c.x+width < term.col) {
+ tmoveto(term.c.x+width, term.c.y);
} else {
term.c.state |= CURSOR_WRAPNEXT;
/* allocate any new rows */
for(/* i == minrow */; i < row; i++) {
term.dirty[i] = 1;
- term.line[i] = xcalloc(col, sizeof(Glyph));
- term.alt [i] = xcalloc(col, sizeof(Glyph));
+ term.line[i] = xmalloc(col * sizeof(Glyph));
+ term.alt[i] = xmalloc(col * sizeof(Glyph));
if(col > term.col) {
bp = term.tabs + term.col;
xloadcols(void) {
int i, r, g, b;
XRenderColor color = { .alpha = 0xffff };
+ static bool loaded;
+ Colour *cp;
+ if(loaded) {
+ for (cp = dc.col; cp < dc.col + LEN(dc.col); ++cp)
+ XftColorFree(xw.dpy, xw.vis, xw.cmap, cp);
+ }
/* load colors [0-15] colors and [256-LEN(colorname)[ (config.h) */
for(i = 0; i < LEN(colorname); i++) {
die("Could not allocate color %d\n", i);
+ loaded = true;
die("st: can't open font %s\n", fontstr);
/* Setting character width and height. */
- xw.cw = dc.font.width;
- xw.ch = dc.font.height;
+ xw.cw = CEIL(dc.font.width * cwscale);
+ xw.ch = CEIL(dc.font.height * chscale);
FcPatternDel(pattern, FC_SLANT);
FcPatternAddInteger(pattern, FC_SLANT, FC_SLANT_ITALIC);
xunloadfonts(void) {
- int i, ip;
+ int i;
- /*
- * Free the loaded fonts in the font cache. This is done backwards
- * from the frccur.
- */
- for(i = 0, ip = frccur; i < frclen; i++, ip--) {
- if(ip < 0)
- ip = LEN(frc) - 1;
- XftFontClose(xw.dpy, frc[ip].font);
+ /* Free the loaded fonts in the font cache. */
+ for(i = 0; i < frclen; i++) {
+ XftFontClose(xw.dpy, frc[i].font);
- frccur = -1;
frclen = 0;
xdraws(char *s, Glyph base, int x, int y, int charlen, int bytelen) {
int winx = borderpx + x * xw.cw, winy = borderpx + y * xw.ch,
width = charlen * xw.cw, xp, i;
- int frp, frcflags;
+ int frcflags;
int u8fl, u8fblen, u8cblen, doesexist;
char *u8c, *u8fs;
long u8char;
FcPattern *fcpattern, *fontpattern;
FcFontSet *fcsets[] = { NULL };
FcCharSet *fccharset;
- Colour *fg, *bg, *temp, revfg, revbg;
+ Colour *fg, *bg, *temp, revfg, revbg, truefg, truebg;
XRenderColor colfg, colbg;
Rectangle r;
+ int oneatatime;
frcflags = FRC_NORMAL;
if(base.fg == defaultfg)
base.fg = defaultunderline;
- fg = &dc.col[base.fg];
- bg = &dc.col[base.bg];
+ if(IS_TRUECOL(base.fg)) {
+ colfg.red = TRUERED(base.fg);
+ colfg.green = TRUEGREEN(base.fg);
+ colfg.blue = TRUEBLUE(base.fg);
+ XftColorAllocValue(xw.dpy, xw.vis, xw.cmap, &colfg, &truefg);
+ fg = &truefg;
+ } else {
+ fg = &dc.col[base.fg];
+ }
+ if(IS_TRUECOL(base.bg)) {
+ colbg.green = TRUEGREEN(base.bg);
+ colbg.red = TRUERED(base.bg);
+ colbg.blue = TRUEBLUE(base.bg);
+ XftColorAllocValue(xw.dpy, xw.vis, xw.cmap, &colbg, &truebg);
+ bg = &truebg;
+ } else {
+ bg = &dc.col[base.bg];
+ }
if(base.mode & ATTR_BOLD) {
if(BETWEEN(base.fg, 0, 7)) {
* Those ranges will not be brightened:
- * 8 - 15 – bright system colors
- * 196 - 231 – highest 256 color cube
- * 252 - 255 – brightest colors in greyscale
+ * 8 - 15 – bright system colors
+ * 196 - 231 – highest 256 color cube
+ * 252 - 255 – brightest colors in greyscale
font = &dc.bfont;
frcflags = FRC_BOLD;
u8fs = s;
u8fblen = 0;
u8fl = 0;
+ oneatatime = font->width != xw.cw;
for(;;) {
u8c = s;
u8cblen = utf8decode(s, &u8char);
s += u8cblen;
bytelen -= u8cblen;
- doesexist = XftCharIndex(xw.dpy, font->match, u8char);
- if(!doesexist || bytelen <= 0) {
- if(bytelen <= 0) {
+ doesexist = XftCharExists(xw.dpy, font->match, u8char);
+ if(oneatatime || !doesexist || bytelen <= 0) {
+ if(oneatatime || bytelen <= 0) {
if(doesexist) {
u8fblen += u8cblen;
winy + font->ascent,
(FcChar8 *)u8fs,
- xp += font->width * u8fl;
+ xp += xw.cw * u8fl;
u8fblen += u8cblen;
- if(doesexist)
+ if(doesexist) {
+ if (oneatatime)
+ continue;
+ }
- frp = frccur;
/* Search the font cache. */
- for(i = 0; i < frclen; i++, frp--) {
- if(frp <= 0)
- frp = LEN(frc) - 1;
- if(frc[frp].c == u8char
- && frc[frp].flags == frcflags) {
+ for(i = 0; i < frclen; i++) {
+ if(XftCharExists(xw.dpy, frc[i].font, u8char)
+ && frc[i].flags == frcflags) {
* Overwrite or create the new cache entry.
- frccur++;
- frclen++;
- if(frccur >= LEN(frc))
- frccur = 0;
- if(frclen > LEN(frc)) {
- frclen = LEN(frc);
- XftFontClose(xw.dpy, frc[frccur].font);
+ if(frclen >= LEN(frc)) {
+ frclen = LEN(frc) - 1;
+ XftFontClose(xw.dpy, frc[frclen].font);
- frc[frccur].font = XftFontOpenPattern(xw.dpy,
+ frc[frclen].font = XftFontOpenPattern(xw.dpy,
- frc[frccur].c = u8char;
- frc[frccur].flags = frcflags;
+ frc[frclen].flags = frcflags;
+ i = frclen;
+ frclen++;
- frp = frccur;
- XftDrawStringUtf8(xw.draw, fg, frc[frp].font,
- xp, winy + frc[frp].font->ascent,
+ XftDrawStringUtf8(xw.draw, fg, frc[i].font,
+ xp, winy + frc[i].font->ascent,
(FcChar8 *)u8c, u8cblen);
- xp += font->width;
+ xp += xw.cw * wcwidth(u8char);
xdrawcursor(void) {
static int oldx = 0, oldy = 0;
- int sl;
+ int sl, width, curx;
Glyph g = {{' '}, ATTR_NULL, defaultbg, defaultcs};
LIMIT(oldx, 0, term.col-1);
LIMIT(oldy, 0, term.row-1);
+ curx = term.c.x;
+ /* adjust position if in dummy */
+ if(term.line[oldy][oldx].mode & ATTR_WDUMMY)
+ oldx--;
+ if(term.line[term.c.y][curx].mode & ATTR_WDUMMY)
+ curx--;
memcpy(g.c, term.line[term.c.y][term.c.x].c, UTF_SIZ);
/* remove the old cursor */
sl = utf8size(term.line[oldy][oldx].c);
+ width = (term.line[oldy][oldx].mode & ATTR_WIDE)? 2 : 1;
xdraws(term.line[oldy][oldx].c, term.line[oldy][oldx], oldx,
- oldy, 1, sl);
+ oldy, width, sl);
/* draw the new one */
if(!(IS_SET(MODE_HIDE))) {
sl = utf8size(g.c);
- xdraws(g.c, g, term.c.x, term.c.y, 1, sl);
+ width = (term.line[term.c.y][curx].mode & ATTR_WIDE)\
+ ? 2 : 1;
+ xdraws(g.c, g, term.c.x, term.c.y, width, sl);
} else {
XftDrawRect(xw.draw, &dc.col[defaultcs],
- borderpx + term.c.x * xw.cw,
+ borderpx + curx * xw.cw,
borderpx + term.c.y * xw.ch,
xw.cw - 1, 1);
XftDrawRect(xw.draw, &dc.col[defaultcs],
- borderpx + term.c.x * xw.cw,
+ borderpx + curx * xw.cw,
borderpx + term.c.y * xw.ch,
1, xw.ch - 1);
XftDrawRect(xw.draw, &dc.col[defaultcs],
- borderpx + (term.c.x + 1) * xw.cw - 1,
+ borderpx + (curx + 1) * xw.cw - 1,
borderpx + term.c.y * xw.ch,
1, xw.ch - 1);
XftDrawRect(xw.draw, &dc.col[defaultcs],
- borderpx + term.c.x * xw.cw,
+ borderpx + curx * xw.cw,
borderpx + (term.c.y + 1) * xw.ch - 1,
xw.cw, 1);
- oldx = term.c.x, oldy = term.c.y;
+ oldx = curx, oldy = term.c.y;
Xutf8TextListToTextProperty(xw.dpy, &p, 1, XUTF8StringStyle,
XSetWMName(xw.dpy, xw.win, &prop);
+ XFree(prop.value);
Glyph base, new;
char buf[DRAW_BUF_SIZ];
bool ena_sel = sel.ob.x != -1;
+ long u8char;
if(sel.alt ^ IS_SET(MODE_ALTSCREEN))
ena_sel = 0;
ic = ib = ox = 0;
for(x = x1; x < x2; x++) {
new = term.line[y][x];
+ if(new.mode == ATTR_WDUMMY)
+ continue;
if(ena_sel && selected(x, y))
new.mode ^= ATTR_REVERSE;
if(ib > 0 && (ATTRCMP(base, new)
base = new;
- sl = utf8size(new.c);
+ sl = utf8decode(new.c, &u8char);
memcpy(buf+ib, new.c, sl);
ib += sl;
- ++ic;
+ ic += (new.mode & ATTR_WIDE)? 2 : 1;
if(ib > 0)
xdraws(buf, base, ox, y, ic, ib);
-inline bool
+static inline bool
match(uint mask, uint state) {
- state &= ~(ignoremod);
+ state &= ~ignoremod;
if(mask == XK_NO_MOD && state)
return false;
if(mask != XK_ANY_MOD && mask != XK_NO_MOD && !state)
return false;
- if((state & mask) != state)
- return false;
- return true;
+ if(mask == XK_ANY_MOD)
+ return true;
+ return state == mask;
kmap(KeySym k, uint state) {
- uint mask;
Key *kp;
int i;
for(kp = key; kp < key + LEN(key); kp++) {
- mask = kp->mask;
if(kp->k != k)
- if(!match(mask, state))
+ if(!match(kp->mask, state))
if(kp->appkey > 0) {
kpress(XEvent *ev) {
XKeyEvent *e = &ev->xkey;
KeySym ksym;
- char xstr[31], buf[32], *customkey, *cp = buf;
- int len, ret;
+ char buf[32], *customkey;
+ int len;
long c;
Status status;
Shortcut *bp;
- len = XmbLookupString(xw.xic, e, xstr, sizeof(xstr), &ksym, &status);
+ len = XmbLookupString(xw.xic, e, buf, sizeof buf, &ksym, &status);
e->state &= ~Mod2Mask;
/* 1. shortcuts */
for(bp = shortcuts; bp < shortcuts + LEN(shortcuts); bp++) {
/* 2. custom keys from config.h */
if((customkey = kmap(ksym, e->state))) {
- len = strlen(customkey);
- memcpy(buf, customkey, len);
- /* 3. hardcoded (overrides X lookup) */
- } else {
- if(len == 0)
- return;
+ ttysend(customkey, strlen(customkey));
+ return;
+ }
- if(len == 1 && e->state & Mod1Mask) {
- if(IS_SET(MODE_8BIT)) {
- if(*xstr < 0177) {
- c = *xstr | B7;
- ret = utf8encode(&c, cp);
- cp += ret;
- len = 0;
- }
- } else {
- *cp++ = '\033';
+ /* 3. composed string from input method */
+ if(len == 0)
+ return;
+ if(len == 1 && e->state & Mod1Mask) {
+ if(IS_SET(MODE_8BIT)) {
+ if(*buf < 0177) {
+ c = *buf | 0x80;
+ len = utf8encode(&c, buf);
+ } else {
+ buf[1] = buf[0];
+ buf[0] = '\033';
+ len = 2;
- memcpy(cp, xstr, len);
- len = cp - buf + len;
- ttywrite(buf, len);
- techo(buf, len);
+ ttysend(buf, len);
run(void) {
XEvent ev;
+ int w = xw.w, h = xw.h;
fd_set rfd;
int xfd = XConnectionNumber(xw.dpy), xev, blinkset = 0, dodraw = 0;
struct timeval drawtimeout, *tv = NULL, now, last, lastblink;
+ /* Waiting for window mapping */
+ while(1) {
+ XNextEvent(xw.dpy, &ev);
+ if(ev.type == ConfigureNotify) {
+ w = ev.xconfigure.width;
+ h = ev.xconfigure.height;
+ } else if(ev.type == MapNotify) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!xw.isfixed)
+ cresize(w, h);
+ else
+ cresize(xw.fw, xw.fh);
+ ttynew();
gettimeofday(&lastblink, NULL);
gettimeofday(&last, NULL);
if(blinktimeout) {
blinkset = tattrset(ATTR_BLINK);
- if(!blinkset && term.mode & ATTR_BLINK)
- term.mode &= ~(MODE_BLINK);
+ if(!blinkset)
+ MODBIT(term.mode, 0, MODE_BLINK);
xw.fh = (int)hr;
if(bitm & XNegative && xw.fx == 0)
xw.fx = -1;
- if(bitm & XNegative && xw.fy == 0)
+ if(bitm & YNegative && xw.fy == 0)
xw.fy = -1;
if(xw.fh != 0 && xw.fw != 0)
tnew(80, 24);
- ttynew();
- if(xw.isfixed)
- cresize(xw.h, xw.w);
return 0;