-/* TODO: use X11 clipboard */
-static inline int selected(int x, int y) {
- if ((sel.ey==y && sel.by==y)) {
- int bx = MIN(sel.bx, sel.ex);
- int ex = MAX(sel.bx, sel.ex);
- return (x>=bx && x<=ex);
- }
- return (((y>sel.b[1] && y<sel.e[1]) || (y==sel.e[1] && x<=sel.e[0])) || \
- (y==sel.b[1] && x>=sel.b[0] && (x<=sel.e[0] || sel.b[1]!=sel.e[1])));
-static void getbuttoninfo(XEvent *e, int *b, int *x, int *y) {
- if(b) *b = e->xbutton.state,
- *b=*b==4096?5:*b==2048?4:*b==1024?3:*b==512?2:*b==256?1:-1;
- *x = e->xbutton.x/xw.cw;
- *y = e->xbutton.y/xw.ch;
- sel.b[0] = sel.by<sel.ey?sel.bx:sel.ex;
- sel.b[1] = MIN(sel.by, sel.ey);
- sel.e[0] = sel.by<sel.ey?sel.ex:sel.bx;
- sel.e[1] = MAX(sel.by, sel.ey);
-static void bpress(XEvent *e) {
- sel.mode = 1;
- sel.ex = sel.bx = e->xbutton.x/xw.cw;
- sel.ey = sel.by = e->xbutton.y/xw.ch;
-static char *getseltext() {
- char *str, *ptr;
- int ls, x, y, sz;
- if(sel.bx==-1)
- return NULL;
- sz = ((xw.w/xw.ch) * (sel.e[1]-sel.b[1]+2));
- ptr = str = malloc (sz);
- for(y = 0; y < term.row; y++) {
- for(x = 0; x < term.col; x++) {
- if(term.line[y][x].state & GLYPH_SET && (ls=selected(x, y))) {
- *ptr = term.line[y][x].c;
- ptr++;
+utf8encode(long *u, char *s) {
+ uchar *sp;
+ ulong uc;
+ int i, n;
+ sp = (uchar *)s;
+ uc = *u;
+ if(uc < 0x80) {
+ *sp = uc; /* 0xxxxxxx */
+ return 1;
+ } else if(*u < 0x800) {
+ *sp = (uc >> 6) | (B7|B6); /* 110xxxxx */
+ n = 1;
+ } else if(uc < 0x10000) {
+ *sp = (uc >> 12) | (B7|B6|B5); /* 1110xxxx */
+ n = 2;
+ } else if(uc <= 0x10FFFF) {
+ *sp = (uc >> 18) | (B7|B6|B5|B4); /* 11110xxx */
+ n = 3;
+ } else {
+ goto invalid;
+ }
+ for(i=n,++sp; i>0; --i,++sp)
+ *sp = ((uc >> 6*(i-1)) & (B5|B4|B3|B2|B1|B0)) | B7; /* 10xxxxxx */
+ return n+1;
+ /* U+FFFD */
+ *s++ = '\xEF';
+ *s++ = '\xBF';
+ *s = '\xBD';
+ return 3;
+/* use this if your buffer is less than UTF_SIZ, it returns 1 if you can decode
+ UTF-8 otherwise return 0 */
+isfullutf8(char *s, int b) {
+ uchar *c1, *c2, *c3;
+ c1 = (uchar *)s;
+ c2 = (uchar *)++s;
+ c3 = (uchar *)++s;
+ if(b < 1) {
+ return 0;
+ } else if((*c1&(B7|B6|B5)) == (B7|B6) && b == 1) {
+ return 0;
+ } else if((*c1&(B7|B6|B5|B4)) == (B7|B6|B5) &&
+ ((b == 1) ||
+ ((b == 2) && (*c2&(B7|B6)) == B7))) {
+ return 0;
+ } else if((*c1&(B7|B6|B5|B4|B3)) == (B7|B6|B5|B4) &&
+ ((b == 1) ||
+ ((b == 2) && (*c2&(B7|B6)) == B7) ||
+ ((b == 3) && (*c2&(B7|B6)) == B7 && (*c3&(B7|B6)) == B7))) {
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ return 1;
+ }
+utf8size(char *s) {
+ uchar c = *s;
+ if(~c&B7) {
+ return 1;
+ } else if((c&(B7|B6|B5)) == (B7|B6)) {
+ return 2;
+ } else if((c&(B7|B6|B5|B4)) == (B7|B6|B5)) {
+ return 3;
+ } else {
+ return 4;
+ }
+selinit(void) {
+ memset(&sel.tclick1, 0, sizeof(sel.tclick1));
+ memset(&sel.tclick2, 0, sizeof(sel.tclick2));
+ sel.mode = 0;
+ sel.bx = -1;
+ sel.clip = NULL;
+ sel.xtarget = XInternAtom(xw.dpy, "UTF8_STRING", 0);
+ if(sel.xtarget == None)
+ sel.xtarget = XA_STRING;
+static int
+x2col(int x) {
+ x -= borderpx;
+ x /= xw.cw;
+ return LIMIT(x, 0, term.col-1);
+static int
+y2row(int y) {
+ y -= borderpx;
+ y /= xw.ch;
+ return LIMIT(y, 0, term.row-1);
+static inline bool
+selected(int x, int y) {
+ int bx, ex;
+ if(sel.ey == y && sel.by == y) {
+ bx = MIN(sel.bx, sel.ex);
+ ex = MAX(sel.bx, sel.ex);
+ return BETWEEN(x, bx, ex);
+ }
+ return ((sel.b.y < y && y < sel.e.y)
+ || (y == sel.e.y && x <= sel.e.x))
+ || (y == sel.b.y && x >= sel.b.x
+ && (x <= sel.e.x || sel.b.y != sel.e.y));
+getbuttoninfo(XEvent *e, int *b, int *x, int *y) {
+ if(b)
+ *b = e->xbutton.button;
+ *x = x2col(e->xbutton.x);
+ *y = y2row(e->xbutton.y);
+ sel.b.x = sel.by < sel.ey ? sel.bx : sel.ex;
+ sel.b.y = MIN(sel.by, sel.ey);
+ sel.e.x = sel.by < sel.ey ? sel.ex : sel.bx;
+ sel.e.y = MAX(sel.by, sel.ey);
+mousereport(XEvent *e) {
+ int x = x2col(e->xbutton.x);
+ int y = y2row(e->xbutton.y);
+ int button = e->xbutton.button;
+ int state = e->xbutton.state;
+ char buf[] = { '\033', '[', 'M', 0, 32+x+1, 32+y+1 };
+ static int ob, ox, oy;
+ /* from urxvt */
+ if(e->xbutton.type == MotionNotify) {
+ if(!IS_SET(MODE_MOUSEMOTION) || (x == ox && y == oy))
+ return;
+ button = ob + 32;
+ ox = x, oy = y;
+ } else if(e->xbutton.type == ButtonRelease || button == AnyButton) {
+ button = 3;
+ } else {
+ button -= Button1;
+ if(button >= 3)
+ button += 64 - 3;
+ if(e->xbutton.type == ButtonPress) {
+ ob = button;
+ ox = x, oy = y;
+ }
+ }
+ buf[3] = 32 + button + (state & ShiftMask ? 4 : 0)
+ + (state & Mod4Mask ? 8 : 0)
+ + (state & ControlMask ? 16 : 0);
+ ttywrite(buf, sizeof(buf));
+bpress(XEvent *e) {
+ mousereport(e);
+ } else if(e->xbutton.button == Button1) {
+ if(sel.bx != -1) {
+ sel.bx = -1;
+ tsetdirt(sel.b.y, sel.e.y);
+ draw();
+ }
+ sel.mode = 1;
+ sel.ex = sel.bx = x2col(e->xbutton.x);
+ sel.ey = sel.by = y2row(e->xbutton.y);
+ } else if(e->xbutton.button == Button4) {
+ ttywrite("\031", 1);
+ } else if(e->xbutton.button == Button5) {
+ ttywrite("\005", 1);
+ }
+selcopy(void) {
+ char *str, *ptr, *p;
+ int x, y, bufsize, is_selected = 0, size;
+ Glyph *gp, *last;
+ if(sel.bx == -1) {
+ str = NULL;
+ } else {
+ bufsize = (term.col+1) * (sel.e.y-sel.b.y+1) * UTF_SIZ;
+ ptr = str = xmalloc(bufsize);
+ /* append every set & selected glyph to the selection */
+ for(y = 0; y < term.row; y++) {
+ gp = &term.line[y][0];
+ last = gp + term.col;
+ while(--last >= gp && !(last->state & GLYPH_SET))
+ /* nothing */;
+ for(x = 0; gp <= last; x++, ++gp) {
+ if(!(is_selected = selected(x, y)))
+ continue;
+ p = (gp->state & GLYPH_SET) ? gp->c : " ";
+ size = utf8size(p);
+ memcpy(ptr, p, size);
+ ptr += size;