+ memmove(&term.line[term.c.y][dst], &term.line[term.c.y][src], size * sizeof(Glyph));
+ tclearregion(term.col-size, term.c.y, term.col-1, term.c.y);
+tinsertblank(int n) {
+ int src = term.c.x;
+ int dst = src + n;
+ int size = term.col - n - src;
+ if(dst >= term.col) {
+ tclearregion(term.c.x, term.c.y, term.col-1, term.c.y);
+ return;
+ }
+ memmove(&term.line[term.c.y][dst], &term.line[term.c.y][src], size * sizeof(Glyph));
+ tclearregion(src, term.c.y, dst, term.c.y);
+tsetlinestate(int n, int state) {
+ int i;
+ for(i = 0; i < term.col; i++)
+ term.line[n][i].state |= state;
+tinsertblankline (int n) {
+ int i;
+ Line blank;
+ int bot = term.bot;
+ if(term.c.y > term.bot)
+ bot = term.row - 1;
+ else if(term.c.y < term.top)
+ bot = term.top - 1;
+ if(term.c.y + n >= bot) {
+ tclearregion(0, term.c.y, term.col-1, bot);
+ return;
+ }
+ for(i = bot; i >= term.c.y+n; i--) {
+ /* swap deleted line <-> blanked line */
+ blank = term.line[i];
+ term.line[i] = term.line[i-n];
+ term.line[i-n] = blank;
+ /* blank it */
+ memset(blank, 0, term.col * sizeof(Glyph));
+ tsetlinestate(i, CRupdate);
+ tsetlinestate(i-n, CRupdate);
+ }
+tdeleteline(int n) {
+ int i;
+ Line blank;
+ int bot = term.bot;
+ if(term.c.y > term.bot)
+ bot = term.row - 1;
+ else if(term.c.y < term.top)
+ bot = term.top - 1;
+ if(term.c.y + n >= bot) {
+ tclearregion(0, term.c.y, term.col-1, bot);
+ return;
+ }
+ for(i = term.c.y; i <= bot-n; i++) {
+ /* swap deleted line <-> blanked line */
+ blank = term.line[i];
+ term.line[i] = term.line[i+n];
+ term.line[i+n] = blank;
+ /* blank it */
+ memset(blank, 0, term.col * sizeof(Glyph));
+ tsetlinestate(i, CRupdate);
+ tsetlinestate(i-n, CRupdate);
+ }
+tsetattr(int *attr, int l) {
+ int i;
+ for(i = 0; i < l; i++) {
+ switch(attr[i]) {
+ case 0:
+ memset(&term.c.attr, 0, sizeof(term.c.attr));
+ term.c.attr.fg = DefaultFG;
+ term.c.attr.bg = DefaultBG;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ term.c.attr.mode |= ATbold;
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ term.c.attr.mode |= ATunderline;
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ term.c.attr.mode |= ATreverse;
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ term.c.hidden = CShide;
+ break;
+ case 22:
+ term.c.attr.mode &= ~ATbold;
+ break;
+ case 24:
+ term.c.attr.mode &= ~ATunderline;
+ break;
+ case 27:
+ term.c.attr.mode &= ~ATreverse;
+ break;
+ case 39:
+ term.c.attr.fg = DefaultFG;
+ break;
+ case 49:
+ term.c.attr.fg = DefaultBG;
+ break;
+ default:
+ if(BETWEEN(attr[i], 30, 37))
+ term.c.attr.fg = attr[i] - 30;
+ else if(BETWEEN(attr[i], 40, 47))
+ term.c.attr.bg = attr[i] - 40;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+tsetscroll(int t, int b) {
+ int temp;
+ LIMIT(t, 0, term.row-1);
+ LIMIT(b, 0, term.row-1);
+ if(t > b) {
+ temp = t;
+ t = b;
+ b = temp;
+ }
+ term.top = t;
+ term.bot = b;
+eschandle(void) {
+ switch(escseq.pre) {
+ default:
+ goto unknown_seq;
+ case '[':
+ switch(escseq.mode) {
+ default:
+ unknown_seq:
+ fprintf(stderr, "erresc: unknown sequence\n");
+ escdump();
+ break;
+ case '@': /* Insert <n> blank char */
+ DEFAULT(escseq.arg[0], 1);
+ tinsertblank(escseq.arg[0]);
+ break;
+ case 'A': /* Cursor <n> Up */
+ case 'e':
+ DEFAULT(escseq.arg[0], 1);
+ tmoveto(term.c.x, term.c.y-escseq.arg[0]);
+ break;
+ case 'B': /* Cursor <n> Down */
+ DEFAULT(escseq.arg[0], 1);
+ tmoveto(term.c.x, term.c.y+escseq.arg[0]);
+ break;
+ case 'C': /* Cursor <n> Forward */
+ case 'a':
+ DEFAULT(escseq.arg[0], 1);
+ tmoveto(term.c.x+escseq.arg[0], term.c.y);
+ break;
+ case 'D': /* Cursor <n> Backward */
+ DEFAULT(escseq.arg[0], 1);
+ tmoveto(term.c.x-escseq.arg[0], term.c.y);
+ break;
+ case 'E': /* Cursor <n> Down and first col */
+ DEFAULT(escseq.arg[0], 1);
+ tmoveto(0, term.c.y+escseq.arg[0]);
+ break;
+ case 'F': /* Cursor <n> Up and first col */
+ DEFAULT(escseq.arg[0], 1);
+ tmoveto(0, term.c.y-escseq.arg[0]);
+ break;
+ case 'G': /* Move to <col> */
+ case '`':
+ DEFAULT(escseq.arg[0], 1);
+ tmoveto(escseq.arg[0]-1, term.c.y);
+ break;
+ case 'H': /* Move to <row> <col> */
+ case 'f':
+ DEFAULT(escseq.arg[0], 1);
+ DEFAULT(escseq.arg[1], 1);
+ tmoveto(escseq.arg[1]-1, escseq.arg[0]-1);
+ break;
+ case 'J': /* Clear screen */
+ switch(escseq.arg[0]) {
+ case 0: /* below */
+ tclearregion(term.c.x, term.c.y, term.col-1, term.row-1);
+ break;
+ case 1: /* above */
+ tclearregion(0, 0, term.c.x, term.c.y);
+ break;
+ case 2: /* all */
+ tclearregion(0, 0, term.col-1, term.row-1);
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'K': /* Clear line */
+ switch(escseq.arg[0]) {
+ case 0: /* right */
+ tclearregion(term.c.x, term.c.y, term.col-1, term.c.y);
+ break;
+ case 1: /* left */
+ tclearregion(0, term.c.y, term.c.x, term.c.y);
+ break;
+ case 2: /* all */
+ tclearregion(0, term.c.y, term.col-1, term.c.y);
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'L': /* Insert <n> blank lines */
+ DEFAULT(escseq.arg[0], 1);
+ tinsertblankline(escseq.arg[0]);
+ break;
+ case 'l':
+ if(escseq.priv && escseq.arg[0] == 25)
+ term.c.hidden = 1;
+ break;
+ case 'M': /* Delete <n> lines */
+ DEFAULT(escseq.arg[0], 1);
+ tdeleteline(escseq.arg[0]);
+ break;
+ case 'P': /* Delete <n> char */
+ DEFAULT(escseq.arg[0], 1);
+ tdeletechar(escseq.arg[0]);
+ break;
+ case 'd': /* Move to <row> */
+ DEFAULT(escseq.arg[0], 1);
+ tmoveto(term.c.x, escseq.arg[0]-1);
+ break;
+ case 'h': /* Set terminal mode */
+ if(escseq.priv && escseq.arg[0] == 25)
+ term.c.hidden = 0;
+ break;
+ case 'm': /* Terminal attribute (color) */
+ tsetattr(escseq.arg, escseq.narg);
+ break;
+ case 'r':
+ if(escseq.priv)
+ ;
+ else {
+ DEFAULT(escseq.arg[0], 1);
+ DEFAULT(escseq.arg[1], term.row);
+ tsetscroll(escseq.arg[0]-1, escseq.arg[1]-1);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 's': /* Save cursor position */
+ tcpos(CSsave);
+ break;
+ case 'u': /* Load cursor position */
+ tcpos(CSload);
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+escdump(void) {
+ int i;
+ printf("rawbuf : %s\n", escseq.buf);
+ printf("prechar : %c\n", escseq.pre);
+ printf("private : %c\n", escseq.priv ? '?' : ' ');
+ printf("narg : %d\n", escseq.narg);
+ if(escseq.narg)
+ for(i = 0; i < escseq.narg; i++)
+ printf("\targ %d = %d\n", i, escseq.arg[i]);
+ printf("mode : %c\n", escseq.mode);
+escreset(void) {
+ memset(&escseq, 0, sizeof(escseq));
+tputtab(void) {
+ int space = TAB - term.c.x % TAB;
+ if(term.c.x + space >= term.col)
+ space--;
+ for(; space > 0; space--)
+ tcursor(CSright);
+tputc(char c) {
+ static int inesc = 0;
+#if 0
+ dump(c);
+ /* start of escseq */
+ if(c == '\033')
+ escreset(), inesc = 1;
+ else if(inesc) {
+ inesc = escaddc(c);
+ } /* normal char */
+ else switch(c) {
+ default:
+ tsetchar(c);
+ tcursor(CSright);
+ break;
+ case '\t':
+ tputtab();
+ break;
+ case '\b':
+ tcursor(CSleft);
+ break;
+ case '\r':
+ tmoveto(0, term.c.y);
+ break;
+ case '\n':
+ tnewline();
+ break;
+ case '\a':
+ xbell();
+ break;
+ }
+tputs(char *s, int len) {
+ for(; len > 0; len--)
+ tputc(*s++);
+tresize(int col, int row) {
+ int i;
+ Line *line;
+ int minrow = MIN(row, term.row);
+ int mincol = MIN(col, term.col);
+ if(col < 1 || row < 1)
+ return;
+ /* alloc */
+ line = calloc(row, sizeof(Line));
+ for(i = 0 ; i < row; i++)
+ line[i] = calloc(col, sizeof(Glyph));
+ /* copy */
+ for(i = 0 ; i < minrow; i++)
+ memcpy(line[i], term.line[i], mincol * sizeof(Glyph));
+ /* free */
+ for(i = 0; i < term.row; i++)
+ free(term.line[i]);
+ free(term.line);
+ LIMIT(term.c.x, 0, col-1);
+ LIMIT(term.c.y, 0, row-1);
+ LIMIT(term.top, 0, row-1);
+ LIMIT(term.bot, 0, row-1);
+ term.bot = row-1;
+ term.line = line;
+ term.col = col, term.row = row;
+unsigned long
+xgetcol(const char *s) {
+ XColor color;
+ Colormap cmap = DefaultColormap(xw.dis, xw.scr);
+ if(!XAllocNamedColor(xw.dis, cmap, s, &color, &color)) {
+ color.pixel = WhitePixel(xw.dis, xw.scr);
+ fprintf(stderr, "Could not allocate color '%s'\n", s);
+ }
+ return color.pixel;
+xclear(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {
+ XClearArea(xw.dis, xw.win,
+ x1 * xw.cw, y1 * xw.ch,
+ (x2-x1+1) * xw.cw, (y2-y1+1) * xw.ch,
+ False);
+xscroll(void) {
+ int srcy = (term.top+1) * xw.ch;
+ int dsty = term.top * xw.ch;
+ int height = (term.bot-term.top) * xw.ch;
+ xcursor(CShide);
+ XCopyArea(xw.dis, xw.win, xw.win, dc.gc, 0, srcy, xw.w, height, 0, dsty);
+ xclear(0, term.bot, term.col-1, term.bot);
+xinit(void) {
+ XGCValues values;
+ unsigned long valuemask;
+ XClassHint chint;
+ XWMHints wmhint;
+ XSizeHints shint;
+ char *args[] = {NULL};
+ int i;
+ xw.dis = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
+ xw.scr = XDefaultScreen(xw.dis);
+ if(!xw.dis)
+ die("Can't open display\n");
+ /* font */
+ if(!(dc.font = XLoadQueryFont(xw.dis, FONT)))
+ die("Can't load font %s\n", FONT);
+ xw.cw = dc.font->max_bounds.rbearing - dc.font->min_bounds.lbearing;
+ xw.ch = dc.font->ascent + dc.font->descent + LINESPACE;
+ /* colors */
+ for(i = 0; i < LEN(colorname); i++)
+ dc.col[i] = xgetcol(colorname[i]);
+ term.c.attr.fg = DefaultFG;
+ term.c.attr.bg = DefaultBG;
+ term.c.attr.mode = ATnone;
+ /* windows */
+ xw.h = term.row * xw.ch;
+ xw.w = term.col * xw.cw;
+ /* XXX: this BORDER is useless after the first resize, handle it in xdraws() */
+ xw.win = XCreateSimpleWindow(xw.dis, XRootWindow(xw.dis, xw.scr), 0, 0,
+ xw.w, xw.h, BORDER,
+ dc.col[DefaultBG],
+ dc.col[DefaultBG]);
+ /* gc */
+ values.foreground = XWhitePixel(xw.dis, xw.scr);
+ values.font = dc.font->fid;
+ valuemask = GCForeground | GCFont;
+ dc.gc = XCreateGC(xw.dis, xw.win, valuemask, &values);
+ XMapWindow(xw.dis, xw.win);
+ /* wm stuff */
+ chint.res_name = TNAME, chint.res_class = TNAME;
+ wmhint.input = 1, wmhint.flags = InputHint;
+ shint.height_inc = xw.ch, shint.width_inc = xw.cw;
+ shint.height = xw.h, shint.width = xw.w;
+ shint.flags = PSize | PResizeInc;
+ XSetWMProperties(xw.dis, xw.win, NULL, NULL, &args[0], 0, &shint, &wmhint, &chint);
+ XStoreName(xw.dis, xw.win, TNAME);
+ XSync(xw.dis, 0);
+xdrawc(int x, int y, Glyph g) {
+ XRectangle r = { x * xw.cw, y * xw.ch, xw.cw, xw.ch };
+ unsigned long xfg, xbg;
+ /* reverse video */
+ if(g.mode & ATreverse)
+ xfg = dc.col[g.bg], xbg = dc.col[g.fg];
+ else
+ xfg = dc.col[g.fg], xbg = dc.col[g.bg];
+ /* background */
+ XSetForeground(xw.dis, dc.gc, xbg);
+ XFillRectangles(xw.dis, xw.win, dc.gc, &r, 1);
+ /* string */
+ XSetForeground(xw.dis, dc.gc, xfg);
+ XDrawString(xw.dis, xw.win, dc.gc, r.x, r.y+dc.font->ascent, &(g.c), 1);
+ if(g.mode & ATbold) /* XXX: bold hack (draw again at x+1) */
+ XDrawString(xw.dis, xw.win, dc.gc, r.x+1, r.y+dc.font->ascent, &(g.c), 1);
+ /* underline */
+ if(g.mode & ATunderline) {
+ r.y += dc.font->ascent + 1;
+ XDrawLine(xw.dis, xw.win, dc.gc, r.x, r.y, r.x+r.width-1, r.y);
+ }
+xcursor(int mode) {
+ static int oldx = 0;
+ static int oldy = 0;
+ Glyph g = {' ', ATnone, DefaultBG, DefaultCS, 0};
+ LIMIT(oldx, 0, term.col-1);
+ LIMIT(oldy, 0, term.row-1);
+ if(term.line[term.c.y][term.c.x].state & CRset)
+ g.c = term.line[term.c.y][term.c.x].c;
+ /* remove the old cursor */
+ if(term.line[oldy][oldx].state & CRset)
+ xdrawc(oldx, oldy, term.line[oldy][oldx]);
+ else
+ xclear(oldx, oldy, oldx, oldy);
+ /* draw the new one */
+ if(mode == CSdraw) {
+ xdrawc(term.c.x, term.c.y, g);
+ oldx = term.c.x, oldy = term.c.y;
+ }
+draw(int redraw_all) {
+ int x, y;
+ int changed, set;
+ if(redraw_all)
+ XClearWindow(xw.dis, xw.win);
+ /* XXX: drawing could be optimised */
+ for(y = 0; y < term.row; y++) {
+ for(x = 0; x < term.col; x++) {
+ changed = term.line[y][x].state & CRupdate;
+ set = term.line[y][x].state & CRset;
+ if(redraw_all || changed) {
+ term.line[y][x].state &= ~CRupdate;
+ if(set)
+ xdrawc(x, y, term.line[y][x]);
+ else
+ xclear(x, y, x, y);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ xcursor(CSdraw);
+expose(XEvent *ev) {
+ draw(SCredraw);
+kpress(XEvent *ev) {
+ XKeyEvent *e = &ev->xkey;
+ KeySym ksym;
+ char buf[32];
+ int len;
+ int meta;
+ int shift;
+ meta = e->state & Mod1Mask;
+ shift = e->state & ShiftMask;
+ len = XLookupString(e, buf, sizeof(buf), &ksym, NULL);
+ if(key[ksym])
+ ttywrite(key[ksym], strlen(key[ksym]));
+ else if(len > 0) {
+ buf[sizeof(buf)-1] = '\0';
+ if(meta && len == 1)
+ ttywrite("\033", 1);
+ ttywrite(buf, len);
+ } else
+ switch(ksym) {
+ case XK_Insert:
+ if(shift)
+ /* XXX: paste X clipboard */;
+ break;
+ default:
+ fprintf(stderr, "errkey: %d\n", (int)ksym);
+ break;
+ }
+resize(XEvent *e) {
+ int col, row;
+ col = e->xconfigure.width / xw.cw;
+ row = e->xconfigure.height / xw.ch;
+ if(term.col != col || term.row != row) {
+ tresize(col, row);
+ ttyresize(col, row);
+ xw.w = e->xconfigure.width;
+ xw.h = e->xconfigure.height;
+ draw(SCredraw);
+ }
+run(void) {
+ XEvent ev;
+ fd_set rfd;
+ int xfd = XConnectionNumber(xw.dis);
+ running = 1;
+ XSelectInput(xw.dis, xw.win, ExposureMask | KeyPressMask | StructureNotifyMask);
+ XResizeWindow(xw.dis, xw.win, xw.w , xw.h); /* fix resize bug in wmii (?) */
+ while(running) {
+ FD_ZERO(&rfd);
+ FD_SET(cmdfd, &rfd);
+ FD_SET(xfd, &rfd);
+ if(select(MAX(xfd, cmdfd)+1, &rfd, NULL, NULL, NULL) == -1) {
+ if(errno == EINTR)
+ continue;
+ die("select failed: %s\n", SERRNO);
+ }
+ if(FD_ISSET(cmdfd, &rfd)) {
+ ttyread();
+ draw(SCupdate);
+ }
+ while(XPending(xw.dis)) {
+ XNextEvent(xw.dis, &ev);
+ if(handler[ev.type])
+ (handler[ev.type])(&ev);
+ }
+ }
+main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+ if(argc == 2 && !strncmp("-v", argv[1], 3))
+ die("st-" VERSION ", © 2009 st engineers\n");
+ else if(argc != 1)
+ die("usage: st [-v]\n");
+ setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "");
+ tnew(80, 24);
+ ttynew();
+ xinit();
+ run();