Xinqi Bao's Git

Copy non set positions as spaces
[st.git] / TODO
2012-09-16 Christoph LohmannRemove some solved issues and add some new.
2012-09-16 Roberto E. Vargas... Remove timeout in the main loop
2012-09-05 Christoph LohmannAdding the removal of the timeouts to the TODO.
2012-09-05 Christoph LohmannImplement italic font support.
2012-09-04 Christoph LohmannAdd to TODO to make function keys work.
2012-09-04 Christoph LohmannDisable BCE again.
2012-09-04 Christoph LohmannRemoving the resize issue from the TODO file.
2012-09-04 Christoph LohmannAnother thing for TODO – resize.
2012-09-04 Christoph LohmannUpdating the TODO and enabling BCE.
2012-08-29 Christoph LohmannAdd OSC, DSC, PM, APC and settitle.
2012-02-27 Aurélien Aptelupdate TODO.
2012-02-15 Aurélien Aptelshow dark cursor when unfocused.
2011-09-16 Aurélien Aptelworking on old repo, merging recent changesets.
2011-09-16 Aurélien Aptelremove dup of default window size.
2011-04-21 Aurélien Aptelupdate TODO
2010-09-01 Aurélien Aptelupdated TODO.
2009-06-11 Aurélien Aptelupdated TODO.
2009-05-14 Aurélien Aptelupdated TODO.
2009-05-10 Anselm R Garbebackport of local changes
2008-07-10 Matthias-Christian Ottmerge with backout head
2008-07-09 Matthias-Christian Ottremove TODO
2008-06-09 Matthias-Christian Ottupdate TODO
2008-05-11 [email protected]... added new TODO